Made in Ukraine
Global Resource Lending

Global Resource Lending

This update introduces Resource Lending to the game. From now on, players will be able to lend resources on the world map within their domain to their neighbors. This should allow new ways for players to interact, as well as additional diplomacy around those resources.

What exactly is resource lending?

If you have a global resource within your domain on the world map, you will now be able to lend it to any of your neighbors. A neighbor is any player whose domain shares a border to yours. There should be no space or other players between the two of you.

Once you lend the recource to someone, it will act as if the cell with the resource is provided to that other player, and that player can do with it as if it were his or her own resource (i.e. build a structure on it and supply to their towns). Lending is instantaneous, although building the structure on it is not, just as if it were a normally owned resource.

You can also reclaim any lended resource instantly, although if the other player has supplied it to any of their towns, it will take 24 hours for the supplying structure to be deconstructed. It will be exactly as if you captured the cell with the resource from someone.

It is up to the players how to use this lending mechanics. You can provide them in one direction to your friend or ally. You can exchange them with some other resource with your neighbor by lending each other either 1 for 1, 1 for 2 or any other combination. If you are strong, you can now demand global resources from your neighbors as a tribute. It is up to you how you going to use it - we only provide the mechanics.

It will be interesting if this will make an impact on diplomacy.

P. S. Some overhaul is in the process of Alpha 4 preparations, i.e. stone age tech prices increased 1.5 times while classical age tech prices decreased by 2 times.

P. P. S. Let us know in the comments if you plan to use resource lending and how.

10 years ago

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Berserker invite me to the game why i cant play lol

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Hello *-*

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I understand I will have to remove the pasture in order to lend my horses, but it says unable to  raze pasture because it is being utilized by the Nomad yard.  I don't quite understand this.  Am I expected to destroy my Nomad yard too?

Edited 41 minutes later by . Reason: correct it.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

deleting post

Edited 8 minutes later by . Reason: trying to delete post.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I searched but found nothing on this. Lent resources that fall out of a neighboring domain border starts the auto destruction timer. But when the resources comes back into the domain the timer is still counting down. Curious if this is a bug or if it is meant to do this?

When own resource falls out of my borders i can stop the timer by moving my hero and raising the culture.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

I lent Pearls to my neighbour. my hero left the town closest to it and the countdown started.

the pearl is back in my domain and the countdown continues. shouldn't it be reset?

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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