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A Little Bit of Everything...

A Little Bit of Everything...

It's been a while since we posted a news update so we felt it is nice to post a small summary of what is going on at Enkord right now.

The last few months since Alpha 2 launched I was investing heavilty into boring tech stuff which eventually allow us to start the total game interface overhaul. I do remember it was #1 complain since Alpha 1 launch and it still was the case for Alpha 2 - all those huge chat and progress boxes that can't be closed or minimized which take away your screen real estate and so on. Trust us, we hear you, it's not just simple to fix, hence the need for a serious tweaking inside the game.

Good news is if we will be able to pull this internal tech overhaul, we will be able to creat ant tweak game interface way faster, reacting promptly on your feedback. Unfortunately this postpones Alpha 3 launch a little bit, but hey, on Alpha 3 we plan to invite more testers than on alpha 1 and 2 combined, so it will be worth the wait!

Meanwhile our artists have been working on Classical Age art. For example on this picture you can see the Wonder you can start building in Classical Age to achieve Wealth Victory (one of the 6 possible victory types). It will have a whopping 100 upgrade levels and will require zillions of resources to build - you will need to be a very wealthy one, hence the victory name.

The testing was also too successful - our resless army of testers provided us a ton of found bugs, I am kinda scared to think how are we going to find the time to fix them all. Keep up the great work! :)

Finally - a small survey on what would you like to see in the Alpha 3 in the first place:

  1. Classical Age ready (tech, buildings, units, etc.)
  2. New quest locations (Karfaree, Keepers' Village, Ruins of New Kyiv)
  3. More random content (things like fishing, random chests and items that pop up from time to time in towns, animals, maybe even small random quest locations).
  4. More bugs fixed and overall game tweaking (better interface, fixing existing reported bugs, batter game balance, and so on).

I can't promise results of this survey will make us focus on what the majority will chose as we already have internal schedule, but it will do us a reality check and make us do some adjustments in the future. Please vote for one of those options.

11 years ago

1 2 3


Reply to

I go with new quest locations

Yes after thinking all day I believe classical age would  be better choice.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

tulip has a very good point. but,,, i would like to see classical age also

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I seem to be different than most - I am looking forward to Classical Age

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote


In same order.

1. New Age at first because new units, new buildings, new ressource, shipping and some other new stuff could bring new bugs. Also you need to balance this new things so its better to try them as soon as possible so you will see the effects earlier.

2. New quest. Most of the suff will be words, spell-check is much easier to do comparing balance-issues or programming bugs.

3. Random stuff. Is funny but not that important at moment. Maybe random locations with some more pve-fights for testing and balancing.

4. You will do this from time to time. Maybe you fix a bug now but you will change the handling later again so it was wasted time. Balance is very very important but a long process. And as long as we don't have the whole content, it makes no sense to spend your primary time for.

Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Oh boy Bers that is a tough one...I guess I have to go with Classical age...something that takes longer to complete.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Classical age

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

omg...quests please. as someone not interested in warfare or alliances i need something to do!

then classical age.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

im really into the tech advancements in these games so gotta be 1. for me

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I will also have to go with #1, as there will be much more to do.

As an alternate #3 with it's animals, items, chests and random quest locations would be interesting too.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
I also will have to go with #1.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

What would I like? I'd actually just like to play the game!

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to

What would I like? I'd actually just like to play the game!

Then why do you not? Just grab it at

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

A question for you Berserker - it's great you plan to invite more testers in Alpha 3 than totalled previously, super benefit for everyone not yet playing of course, but will you also increase the size of the alpha map to accomodate, or will the sea-faring feature of upcoming classical age make up the difference? We all by now (I think) know that the constraints of being, for instance, randomly placed with sea on two sides and neighbours close-up on the other sides limits your possibility to expand. 

We know that in the final game release the map will be huge and also that your neighbors won't be active players all the time and have their heroes removed from time to time, freeing up space. All fine and dandy. 

However, for right now, in the test stages, I would say the absolute majority if not all are hugely active players - we are alpha testers and will be active. There is also, as of yet, not much else to do but expand by culture. I can't as of yet diminish my neighbors culture by going for a war-type victory, I simply cannot do that much damage even if I was actively trying. Steal some resources, demolish a tower, kill their hero; but not destroy culture-affecting buildings. I can't "steal" their towns. The effect is that for right now, with active players all around and not being able to expand via sea-faring (I assume that will be a possibility in classical age) I am, however active I choose to be and regardless of aggressiveness/culture-expanding "bonanza building", limited in my ways of expanding my empire. There is only so far I can go. With even more testers (of which I generally welcome!) this "alpha problem" will only increase on a small, tight map. 

As I said - I realise this is the alpha and if your response is to the lines of "tough luck - that's what testers are for, wait for the final release" I am perfectly fine with that. Really, I fully understand the constraints of alpha testing and am just really glad to be an "early adopter". I love the game so far. Just wanted to pick your brain on these thoughts.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

The problem will not be worse talking about density of the map. The density like it is now is pretty much maximum density and while being crowded could be considered a problem, it also has its upsides. For example no matter how many testers there will be, it will be much less people than actual players in the open game, and being crowded forces testers to be involved in bigger number of interactions with each other, thus providing us more test situations to analyze.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Thanks berserker, that's all the reply I needed, fully get the point of forcing us to test the close-up interactions. 

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I am just curious if you have any idea when the next stage will start? Trying to decide if I need more blueprints or if I should just be patient :)

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I think at least a month (probably more). 3rd stage taking longer than expected because I am all the time busy on the in-depth interface system changes and had no time to work on the content. The rest of the team is still on schedule, but still there is still a lot of stuff to do.

Good news - we have finished the art of all 100 upgrade levels on the Wonder of the World building depicted above, so it will be available in alpha 3 so we might try and test Wealth Victory.

Edited 7 minutes later by .
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see that building in my own town :)

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Oh, wait a minute! Did I get that right, that you really managed to let EACH of the 100 (!!) levels of the wonder look differently ??? WOW !!!! If that's the case, I REALLY can't wait for Alpha 3 anymore !!! the quests don't lok that attractive anymore. I NEED those new buildings !!! ;))
Edited 3 minutes later by .
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Yes, each will look diffferently, but unlike other buildings where you upgrade already finished building, here there will be 100 stages of unfinished levels, you will be building it step by step, floor by floor with only 100th level looking like on the picture above.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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