Made in Ukraine

Defending against attacks

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I don't know how it workss but maybe you n eed better research for better units to demolish something.

Maybe such units like cannon or catapult. At moment there is just a ram but this unit just destroy palisade and watch tower. If you attck without ram you destroy nothing. So maybe thats the reason why you can't destroy something else than towers or palisade.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I'M DYING TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!!! HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

MooMoo, if you sent rams in "slaughter" mode and they did nothing, then other town probably has neither palisade nor towers.

To destroy other buildings we need catapults which will be available in Classical Age.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
I have to say that I do read too much about destroying and slaughter in this thread at the moment. I'm a player who's really fed up with those games where you get destroyed by bullying players/alliances every 2 hours or so. Now I really hope that berserkers' promise stands and that we're really left alone by those players. Otherwise this game won't be the one I searched for...
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

War and destruction is only a part of the game and not for everyone, but it should be designed well just like anything else. Bullying up others is no good, but without war and conflicts the game will be another boring farm game from facebook. That's why we made this Communality policy with defensive bonuses to prevent bullying. But it is also should not grant invincibility - even defensive players must invest into their defense.

This game is definitely not war game as well as this is not building game. It is also not adventure game - just like TT1 it's all of different stuff combined together and each part must be good.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

If your attacked as I was over 25 times in the space of a few hours no amount of defense can protect you, even if you have collectivism as your politics you don't stand a chance against massive alliances constant attacks over a short period of time, when your being attacked by hundreds of catapults your town is doomed and there is nothing you can do about it, with no time to recover between attacks its game over this part of the game need sorting out fast as more players will leave and only the bully alliances will be left.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to

If your attacked as I was over 25 times in the space of a few hours no amount of defense can protect you, even if you have collectivism as your politics you don't stand a chance against massive alliances constant attacks over a short period of time, when your being attacked by hundreds of catapults your town is doomed and there is nothing you can do about it, with no time to recover between attacks its game over this part of the game need sorting out fast as more players will leave and only the bully alliances will be left.

It's quite possible to defend on your own & without the help of an alliance, but you'd need to change your gameplay accordingly. Collect does not mean save per se, the new Republic politics however seems to bump the safety factor by quite a bit. Even then you'd still need the defensive tools, towers, wall, army... but once you do, things might get more outchy for your attackers? :-)

Edited 52 seconds later by . Reason: spelling.
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

No its not possible when you are subjected to constant attacks from large alliances, whatever politics you chose, or however good your defenses. You can defend against regular attacks no problem, but large alliances with many attacks over a short period of time and its game over, you don't stand a chance, if you are a lone player you are an easy target.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Also, having a good defense is not rewarded well enough. Players can get Stripes by attacking, but there is nothing to reward defense. Perhaps a Voodoo Doll item which converts all damage done to attacking army into damage on random structures in the town the attack was sent from? Or loot items which reward a successful defense in which the attacking army is completely destroyed. Creating some feedback loops which more clearly incentivize defense may encourage and guide newer players.

Just some ideas.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Also, having a good defense is not rewarded well enough. Players can get Stripes by attacking, but there is nothing to reward defense. Perhaps a Voodoo Doll item which converts all damage done to attacking army into damage on random structures in the town the attack was sent from? Or loot items which reward a successful defense in which the attacking army is completely destroyed. Creating some feedback loops which more clearly incentivize defense may encourage and guide newer players.

Just some ideas.

1. A good defense is already well rewarded in 2 ways: attacking armies partially or completelly destroyed and your towns still standing after numerous attacks.

2. Stripes are obtained in very specific situations and they are not providing any advantage to the attackers.

3.I dont know for the voodoo doll, but you can strike back and damage attackers's countries by making joint attacks with your alliance ( or alone , it depends tho of the size of the attackers and your way to play this game : collectivism type or despot type player) 

4.When you are attacked, your hero is rewarded, not by getting loot, but by getting experience. It will help you to rise up your hero's level ( by meditating in altar/church) and obtain better stats and perks to improve your country's defense.

5. As for the guide for the new players, tutorial is now clear and quite complete. Following advisors's quests will allow you to rise correct defences until you're able to join an alliance. Each finished quest reward you as well ( experience and useful items)

6 .Joining an alliance as soon as they study the required technology is the best advice I can give to new players. The larger is the alliance, the bigger is the benefit they will have ( being reinforced by the other members, help with ressources and also learning from veterans players how to enjoy the game) 

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Destroying the attacking army is not a reward, because there is no personal gain, only a detriment for enemies. For example, if I have $100 in the bank, and the enemy has $200, the enemy losing $50 has no bearing on my bank balance. I can still afford only $100 of goods and services.

In terms of your town still standing, you are correct, and I agree that it is a relative reward when considering the opposite (which your town is destroyed). The problem is, players are not deriving any additional pleasure over their town still standing, as all they are doing is continuing to play the game as normal. At least give them a speaker horn, or some token prize (does not have to be worth anything) to create a positive feedback loop. This makes players want to continue playing/spending.

Also, the tutorial should more strongly get new players to defend. New players have no experience of being attacked, this situation could be created for them in the tutorial. For example, make Bulat assemble a 'rag-tag' group of enemies (eg. 10 braves, 10 archers, 5 primitive rams) to 'attack' the new player's Dwelling to demonstrate the power of defense. They shouldn't give any exp though.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Destroying the attacking army is not a reward, because there is no personal gain, only a detriment for enemies. 

You obviously never destroyed an attacking army, because there is no better feeling than that and I have experienced both sides! you should try it!! :)

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

I think he's making a very valid point.

When you attack other player you can get experience, resources, trophies and Stripes in some cases. When you are defending and you beat your attacker you only get experience, and let's be honest, there's a moment in this game when what you need is figurines no more experience. I think it would be positive if the defender could earn some reward (resources, equipment,...) when he does significant damage on the attacker. I don't think that reward should be taken from the attacker, but generated by the game, if the attackers could lose resources when they attack, their gameplay will be way worse than now, and at the end we will be encouraging the attacks to weaker players.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Anonymous is forgetting something.  Stripes etc are given on the path to winning the WAR VICTORY.  There is no victory that is winnable for just defending, per se.  Defensive players can win other victories such as wealth, science, expansion, adventure and culture.  Attackers who are in pursuit of the War Victory have to attack and obtain stripes to build a trophy hall so they can collect trophies in the numbers required to win that victory. 

Rewards, as you call them, to attackers are not just random items that are not of any use.  They are an integral part of achieving the War Victory as it has been implemented to date.  So, attackers are not getting anything special just by attacking.  They are working hard to gain a game victory.  There is no need for rewards to defensive players as they have other rewards obtainable in achieving the other victories. 

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I think he's making a very valid point.

When you attack other player you can get experience, resources, trophies and Stripes in some cases. When you are defending and you beat your attacker you only get experience, and let's be honest, there's a moment in this game when what you need is figurines no more experience. I think it would be positive if the defender could earn some reward (resources, equipment,...) when he does significant damage on the attacker. I don't think that reward should be taken from the attacker, but generated by the game, if the attackers could lose resources when they attack, their gameplay will be way worse than now, and at the end we will be encouraging the attacks to weaker players.

Obviously you have no idea how many ressources are used to train an army in higher era... attackers are loosing a lot of ressources when the player under attack has a good defense.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

****Do you think peoples under attack will keep playing / spending money if they receive 1 speaker horn or another useless stuff? You have to play few more months this game in order to have a global vision about players 's motivations which are very various and numerous.... ****

*********The other players are here to teach you defense...TT Jotun is a multiplayer game, you're not playing alone against the computer like in the original TT and TT Gold.. You have to take in account human nature not a simulation program. Like I said previously , those advisor's quests are here to give you basics informations until you join an alliance.

 This is not a game for lonely players, once all the new players will understand this, it will be more easier for them to advance in the game and to understand it. Maybe this multiplayer aspect must be explained more in tutorial . Bulat is for the army, Zwinstein for science and economy, a third advisor is necessary imo to explain to new players that , sooner or later, they will be in contact with other players on the map, and sometimes in the worse way... 

Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: ..
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

If you want players to spend more money, just make pay to win items. For example, an item which reverses all damage done in the last 48 hours for defenders. Or, an item which instantly destroys 5-10 random enemy structures for attackers.

As for lone players, I believe they have a place in this game, which is why Republic politics was introduced. 400% defense + decent structures/units is basically impossible to get past. Also, with basically no attack ability, Republic players have much less player interaction than, say, a Monarchy player. Alienating specific demographics of players this early on in development is detrimental for the game in the long run.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

If you want players to spend more money, just make pay to win items. For example, an item which reverses all damage done in the last 48 hours for defenders. Or, an item which instantly destroys 5-10 random enemy structures for attackers.

As for lone players, I believe they have a place in this game, which is why Republic politics was introduced. 400% defense + decent structures/units is basically impossible to get past. Also, with basically no attack ability, Republic players have much less player interaction than, say, a Monarchy player. Alienating specific demographics of players this early on in development is detrimental for the game in the long run.

This kind of item will destroy the PvP aspect of the game lol! Someone full of money will destroy a country attacker in less than an hour! And game offer now quasi instant recovering after destruction, I suppose that nobody attacked you until now and you didnt experiment this part of the game...

Republic is quite impossible to get past because we are playing since only 2 months lol! When 5 players with industrial armies will attack, nothing will rest from a republic country :D Because dont forget that republic type dwellings can be completely wipe out, they dont have the same protection as collectivism type dwellings....

Pacifist players will have a lot of interactions with others players if they are in an alliance. Reinforcing is offering as much interactions as for attacking... A player will enjoy better this game in an alliance, l can understand that some will want to play alone tho...Maybe an option in tutorial, to teach lonely players how to ask protection of another player and play safelly? Asssuming that the player offering protection is respected by the community of course, and no one will dare attack the player under protectorat.... 

Edited 2 minutes later by . Reason: add content.
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

For example, make Bulat assemble a 'rag-tag' group of enemies (eg. 10 braves, 10 archers, 5 primitive rams) to 'attack' the new player's Dwelling to demonstrate the power of defense. They shouldn't give any exp though.

That's a good idea - making pre-defined early attack on your town would make players consider their defenses more seriously and build more towers. Not sure how to implement it though.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
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For example, make Bulat assemble a 'rag-tag' group of enemies (eg. 10 braves, 10 archers, 5 primitive rams) to 'attack' the new player's Dwelling to demonstrate the power of defense. They shouldn't give any exp though.

That's a good idea - making pre-defined early attack on your town would make players consider their defenses more seriously and build more towers. Not sure how to implement it though.

Maybe just spawn in the beggining 1 or 2 strong animals ( elephants, bears, rhinoceros _ according to the continent climat ) able to make some small damages either to towers or to pacifist buildings : 1 animal = 1 level off from  1 tower and 1 pacifist building by attack.  If player fail to kill them ( and he will fail lol)  Bulat will pop up saying that defense of the country is low level and must be improved asap ( with explanation about the other players who will be interested by his/her beautiful country ) .  An incentive reward must be promised if the destructive monsters are defeated. And that must continue until Bulat consider that the player learn the lesson. 

Plus, I think this will bring us back to the original TT spirit, with dragons destroying our defenses and armies :))

Edited 9 minutes later by . Reason: add content.
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
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