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Things I would like to see implemented

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15. Exp gained past the level 50 cap: Have it either convert towards research, or every 250k (or some other random figure) it gives you a Fig of Enlightenment, so that you can actually get the hero level to match the exp level.

Implemented in latest update.

Much appreciated :)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

18. Would like to see the end of the Fast Forward pop up window, telling me I can increase the time if I spend Enkord Cash to raise my VIP level.
Although I understand this isn't likely to happen, you've got to push people to buy stuff somewhere I guess!

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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So if my hero has meditated to level 50, will she continue to get figs of enlightenment even though there are no more levels to gain?  Or will the additional figs depend on whether you have actually attained level 50 and not just the points that are necessary to achieve it?

Once she is actually level 50 figs of teaching or blueprints might be pretty helpful if given with the same formula.  :-))

I like your thinking!

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Once she is actually level 50 figs of teaching or blueprints might be pretty helpful if given with the same formula.  :-))

Maybe I will add an NPC who can trade figs to blueprints 2 to 1

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Once she is actually level 50 figs of teaching or blueprints might be pretty helpful if given with the same formula.  :-))

Maybe I will add an NPC who can trade figs to blueprints 2 to 1

Perhaps make the certain traders in Karfaree exchangeable more than once? I believe there's a couple of guys in a corner who do dodgy deals for exotic items...
This would make the repeat players have to go through at least PART of K to access the content.

Edited 1 minute later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Thank you Bers!  That will be very helpful!

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

I would like the number of houses available to build to be cut in half but have their effectiveness doubled so we don't lose the benefit while gaining more space for buildings (I like to be a neat city planner and so far that's proving difficult lol) and spending less time upgrading 10 additional houses per level.  All other stats for housing can be adjusted to reflect the reduction in numbers, so instead of one additional person per era there can be two and instead of 2% per level reduction in build time it would be 4% per level; and the culture would be 2 per era rather than one.  

Thanks!  :-)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Rivers above counts as 19 I guess, so
20. Separate 'chat' windows for town building info and, well, chat. If I downgrade an obsolete building that takes up 18 lines, or having multiple buildings and units complete, so unless I'm running the chat at max I have to scroll back up to see anything.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

I didn't know we were numbering!  Okay here goes. . . 

21.  I would like a sentence telling us how many keys are needed or locks there are on doors that are partially blocked from view by an obstruction such as a wall.  The sentence could be added to the bubble that appears when we click on the door itself.  As it stands now, you have to keep trying any keys you find until you have obtained the correct number.   

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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I didn't know we were numbering!  Okay here goes. . . 

21.  I would like a sentence telling us how many keys are needed or locks there are on doors that are partially blocked from view by an obstruction such as a wall.  The sentence could be added to the bubble that appears when we click on the door itself.  As it stands now, you have to keep trying any keys you find until you have obtained the correct number.   

From my experience: No locks are hidden behind obstructions. Only the amount of locks you can see, is what you need.
However, simply adding a tooltip wouldn't hurt :)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

I have had this more than once.  I had a door blocked by a wall.  I could see no locks at all but it turns out I needed two or three keys.  I didn't know that so had to try a couple of times when I found each key.  That case was relatively simple and short but I've had them blocked so that I can see 2 out of 6 locks for instance and have had to try for every key I found which is just distracting and interruptive of the flow.  

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

22. I would like for messages in CC to STAY when switching heroes.
Eg I currently get a message saying that Construction Stocks are built in X city of an alternate hero. I change heroes, all the messages disappear. Only things that have said by Speaker Horn remain.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Once she is actually level 50 figs of teaching or blueprints might be pretty helpful if given with the same formula.  :-))

Maybe I will add an NPC who can trade figs to blueprints 2 to 1

Can we please also have an NPC that would give gunpowder to units just like the horse guy gives horses?

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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22. I would like for messages in CC to STAY when switching heroes.
Eg I currently get a message saying that Construction Stocks are built in X city of an alternate hero. I change heroes, all the messages disappear. Only things that have said by Speaker Horn remain.

There have been many great suggestions in this thread but I'm going to have to vote against this one! I really like that all the junk disappears from CC when you change heroes and you can just see the conversation again :)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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22. I would like for messages in CC to STAY when switching heroes.
Eg I currently get a message saying that Construction Stocks are built in X city of an alternate hero. I change heroes, all the messages disappear. Only things that have said by Speaker Horn remain.

There have been many great suggestions in this thread but I'm going to have to vote against this one! I really like that all the junk disappears from CC when you change heroes and you can just see the conversation again :)

Perhaps 22 combined with number 20 would be better for you? That way chat window is separate from production queue completion window etc? I get messages staying while transitioning, you get to keep seeing a clean main chat window.

Edited 1 minute later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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There have been many great suggestions in this thread but I'm going to have to vote against this one! I really like that all the junk disappears from CC when you change heroes and you can just see the conversation again :)

Perhaps 22 combined with number 20 would be better for you? That way chat window is separate from production queue completion window etc? I get messages staying while transitioning, you get to keep seeing a clean main chat window.

In regards to this one, perhaps a column of little buttons down the left side of the chat window, for separate permanent pages? Eg a CC window button, a production queue window button, a current AC window button, and whatever else could potentially be separated? The chat window has a minimum size requirement when visible, should be able to fit 3 buttons or maybe 4 down the side without much impact.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote


I would like to see the green clovers changed to bright yellow with a flashing red edging please.  (Come on, there must be a clover somewhere in the world that that is bright yellow???)   Been looking for one for days now :((

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

23. A little human figure that shows % armour wear, particularly once it gets below 25%. Or even just an icon for each particular piece, that only shows up once it gets to 25%

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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I would like to see the green clovers changed to bright yellow with a flashing red edging please.  (Come on, there must be a clover somewhere in the world that that is bright yellow???)   Been looking for one for days now :((

Hi Paula,
I'm pretty sure Bers has implemented a nice little piece of code, that says 'If a person cannot find the last of an item, and they complain about it, it will magically appear.'This exact thing has happened to me quite a few times.
Good luck with your clover!

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

24. Ties in with the same problem as 16. When sending traders back and forth once you have unlocked water and/or flight traders. It defaults to the fastest option.
Eg. If I select vehicles to trade with, and then select a second town to send resources from, it will default back to the fastest option (In my current case, flight). I want to send a lot of resources, so having to manually select land traders every town is irritating. If I select it for one town, it should STAY on that selection for the next town!
Also, If I have multiple trader options for a town, can it be possible to send resources from ALL different trader types at the same time, rather than only being able to select one type per trade?
Eg. I want to send a LOT of res from one town to another, don't have enough capacity in land vehicles, and would like to send some via flight as well. At the moment I have to send the land, then create another trade to send the fliers.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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