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Monetization Q: Most microtransactions-based games put players into a vice-grip to squeeze money out of them. Is this going to be the case with Totem Tribe II: Jotun ? (delete space)
We do not like such games ourselves. The main idea is Totem Tirbe (spelling – Tribe) 2 will be good to play for free, but great when you spend some cash on it. You will not be able to buy victory in our game, only time. If you can spend enough time on the game, you will be able to match paying players.
Q: But what if someone has both time and money? Will he or she be much stronger than me?
That really does not matter that much. The multiplayer nature of the game means that anyone can confront anyone else. Even if someone is very strong, it (delete ‘it’ use ‘they’) still cannot oppose crowds of players united against him.
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Technical Q: Do I need to download anything?
You will have to download the game client in order to play and then download updates once we will (delete ‘will’) make them live.
Q: Will the game run on Mac ? (delete space)
Q: Will the game run on mobile devices, tablets, etc. ? (delete space)
Q: Will I be able to play full screen? How big does my screen resolution need to be?
The game will support a full spectrum... Q: If I don't play the game for a long time, and don't post anything in the forums, will my account be suspended?
The nature of the game is that you need to pay attention to your country from time to time. If you don't then you (spelling - your) army...
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Round 2 :) Ok, I will be implementing new fixes a bit later.
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Technical Q: Do I need to download anything?
You will have to download the game client in order to play and then download updates once we will (delete ‘will’) make them live.
Q: Will the game run on Mac ? (delete space)
Q: Will the game run on mobile devices, tablets, etc. ? (delete space)
Q: Will I be able to play full screen? How big does my screen resolution need to be?
The game will support a full spectrum... Q: If I don't play the game for a long time, and don't post anything in the forums, will my account be suspended?
The nature of the game is that you need to pay attention to your country from time to time. If you don't then you (spelling - your) army...
Hey there i would like to improve the sentence, the last one - If I don't play the game for a long time, and don't post anything in the forums, will my account be suspended? The nature of the game is that you need to pay attention to your country from time to time. If you don't, ( put comma) your army......
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Implemented new pack of fixes. Hopefully the site is worth showing to unaware people now :)
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sorry to be nit picky but I only have a little time now and then to proofread. Q: What is the difference between the original Totem Tribe (TT1) / Totem Tribe Gold (TTG) and Totem Tribe II: Jotun (TT2) ? another extra space after (TT2) ? Spell check also complains after every etc because it should have a period after it since it's an abreviation even when it isn't at the end of a sentence. This is a matter of preference to me but I leave it to you to decide. Q: What will be under my control?
You will be able to control your country which consists of one or more towns, also you will be able to control research, army, and the highly customizable unique hero that you create. Since this word is before a list shouldn't the comma be a semi colon? towns; Q: Does the world map include different types of locations, like icy tundras or summery deserts? this doesn't need to be plural. tundra or summery desert? Q: How will the game protect me from players who started earlier than me and thus have bigger advantage?
The game will place new players evenly, therefore all your neighbors will start the game at roughly the same time and will have roughly the same army and resources , thus starting conditions will be fair. This should be resources and thus Q: An area inside? What will it look like.should be a question mark after like? Q: What kind of trades are there?
There are land trade, naval trade, and aerial trade. Land trade is the most widely used type of trade available to everyone right from the start. Naval trade allows to push huge amounts of resources but only among players who have a port town in their country. Aerial trade available to technologically advanced countries who have access to sky-faring. It allows a very fast trade of resources. "who have access to sky faring" should be "that have access" enough for now.
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Now well berserker the website's almost ready, the BIG question is still there..... WHEN WILL THE GAME LAUNCH?!
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Q: What is the best way to interact with neighbors and not waste time on annoying people like beggars? Finally alliances will have a separate chat, so if you take only nice people in it, it will be a nice place to talk. In the last sentance the comma should be a semicolon "nice people in it;" Q: Can I build walls? Do I have demolish them when I build a new building and want to have it inside my walls? have to demolish Q: Can't I just build a whole load of barracks at once?
Normally you won't be able to build several barracks, in order to build the second one, you will have to acquire some unique resource on the world map. another semicolon "one;" Q: Are units individually upgraded - or do you get to upgrade all your units at once?
Upgrades are not some global change to all units, you build an upgrade and then apply it to an unit individually, thus you might end up with several units of the same type, but with different upgrades. although this is before a vowel it is the one vowel where "a" is appropriate Q: What is a unique resource?
A unique resource (also known as strategic resource) is a resource that does not have quantity, it is a spot on the world map that provides unique advantage to your country if obtained semicolon "quantity;" Q: Can I trade unique resources?
Yes and no. Since it's a spot on the map, it cannot be transferred, however you can rent it to other players. semicolon transfered; Q: What kind of trades are there?
There are land trade, naval trade, and aerial trade. Land trade is the most widely used type of trade available to everyone right from the start. Naval trade allows to push huge amounts of resources but only among players who have a port town in their country. Aerial trade available to technologically advanced countries that have access to sky-faring. It allows a very fast trade of resources. should be "pushing" Q: How long will the story take to complete?
The story is planned to have: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 , Epilogue"and Epilogue" Q: What are interactive conversations?
In the original Totem Tribe there wasn't much talking going on, therefore it was unclear what kind of personality main heroes had. This time we decided that characters should express themselves better. Since the player now will be represented by his or her custom created character, we thought it would be cool if a player can play out their character in conversations too! When some character speaks, you can ask questions, respond to their words, even take some action throughout the conversation.
"and even" Q: Will these conversations influence the game?
Yes. You can choose different questions to ask, which will lead you to different quests. They may also influence your overall gameplay by effecting which victory you are working towards affecting Berserker thanks for fixing these things. This gets me totally thru the first half of the FAQ's
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effect - outcome or affect - involve Also, be careful about the use of 'and'. While we tend to use it a lot in daily speech, it's often not necessary as a comma and the word 'and' do similar things... create a break in the sentence and join words together. Sometimes it's necessarily however, you also need to look at sentence structure and what point is trying to be made. I'm by no means an English teacher or lecturer... sorry if this causes confusion.
Edited 6 minutes later by SunInOz.
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Q: What is the best way to interact with neighbors and not waste time on annoying people like beggars?
Finally alliances will have a separate chat, so if you take only nice people in it, it will be a nice place to talk.
In the last sentence the comma should be a semicolon "nice people in it;"
Disagree with semi-colon here... 'it will be a nice place' is a continuation of the previous part of the sentence. Q: What kind of trades are there?
There are land trade, naval trade, and aerial trade. Land trade is the most widely used type of trade available to everyone right from the start. Naval trade allows to push huge amounts of resources but only among players who have a port town in their country. Aerial trade available to technologically advanced countries that have access to sky-faring. It allows a very fast trade of resources.
should be "pushing"
Disagree with 'pushing' as it will leave a gap in the sentence... EITHER 'allows pushing of' OR 'allows to push'.
Edited 47 seconds later by SunInOz.
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Look forward to the other half brendatimj :) It's great to see a second opinion and your input is valuable.
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SunInOz,I appreciate your point of view. I only mention the semicolon as I thought it was used when one sentence can be two sentences with it's use. Definitly not an english major just using spell and grammer check and by no means do I think it is always right... Thanks for your help with this site also.
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Implemented few more fixes. Since we have this grammar kind of discussions here, this is a sign to me that FAQ is already looking pretty good, because this is not literature site and my mistakes are obvious. Thanks to everyone who helped, and next major step will be to proofread the text in the game itself :) But it will be a whole different story.
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Well it looks like the last half of the FAQ's only have a few places where in my opinion there should be an and instead of a comma. I'm going to let it go. Lots of good questions and answers!!! I just want to play the game, waiting, waiting and waiting!!
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I was looking over the GAME tab. Did you mean for there to be an extra space here. What is Totem Tribe II: Jotun ? Strong Multiplayer and PVP
If you like to play hardcore - there will be rich multiplayer and PvP options at your disposal. You can start with confronting weaker neighbours in order to put a levy on them and end up in the big Alliance fighting for territory, or even a Coalition of Alliances that strives for world domination. Defensive Alliances are also possible, where players could join together and coordinate defenses to make their questing easier.
neighbors Elaborated World Map and Topography
Topography is very important in Totem Tribe II - there are rivers and hills, seas and mountains, forests and lakes, and they are not just for scenery - all of them play an important role in the overall strategy. Building the town by the water will allow you to build boats and ships to access naval trade, transportation, and warfare. Different places on the map have different resources, towns near the mountains produce more stone while towns near the forest produce more lumber and so on. There are dozens of unique resources like silk, horses, or aluminium that are nice to have in your country. Finally - when you start the game you choose in what climate zone would you like to begin - ranging from arctic tundra to equatorial desert. The world map is covered with fog initially and needs to be explored first.
aluminum MMO Strategy with a Story ? space? The game is still in development, but we are approaching alpha-test phase. If you like the concept, please consider supporting the game. We are a small indie game developer and need all the support we can get. Read more here about how can you help. Supporters will be the first ones who receive access to the closed alpha version. how you can help
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on the donate tab
Can You Deliver? "
We have been successfuly developing games for 8 years now, with 12 downloadable ones (including original Totem Tribe), couple dozens of Flash games, and one turn-based tactical MMO. Also we have been self-funding development of Totem Tribe II: Jotun for over 2 years now, so yes, we surely can deliver. The problem is, we don't want to just deliver the game, we want to make it absolutely amazing!!! And this is where your support will be invaluable.
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Implemented few more fixes. Since we have this grammar kind of discussions here, this is a sign to me that FAQ is already looking pretty good, because this is not literature site and my mistakes are obvious. Thanks to everyone who helped, and next major step will be to proofread the text in the game itself :) But it will be a whole different story.
That's what we've been telling you Berserker... brilliant job! :D Now... who's in charge of getting that game sorted? Do they frequent here and how can we help? Just joking. I know you guys have been working very hard on the game, especially knowing we're all so anxious to see it.... and play... :)
Edited 2 minutes later by SunInOz.
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I agree great job!!! Also although I see some things on the News tab, I don't want to lose the stuff that makes me feel like you are really talking to us!! So I am very hesitant to suggest any changes to the things you are telling us or it will feel like some machine wrote it. I love the site so far and as everyone has said bring on the game!