Made in Ukraine

constant attacks

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Or how about they just want to be left alone and not enter useless discussions with players who like to harass others ?

Or this.  :-)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Now that I was once again attacked and every tower and the palisade has been destroyed, I get it:

I will not build a palisade and towers anymore, nor will I create any troop as nothing else can be destroyed - I don't care for resources, as I'm not playing that regularly. When I need resources they'll be refilled, when I'm back in the game. If that was the intention of the game be it.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

You forgot about catapults:D

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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You forgot about catapults:D

If they get used, I've got no way to defend myself anyway, so then this game will finally see me leave. So do as you want...

Edited 12 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

There have been many 'complaints' as developers put it, but we are supposed to be providing feedback.  It is unfair to always label the peace loving players as complainers.  This is not a 'war' game.  War is a part of it, but based on the description at the beginning before the game rolled out, it has 6 different ways to win the game.  War is one of the six.

Those who prefer the more peaceful aspects are not having much fun, and like me, are no longer playing regularly.  I find it is ridiculous to keep telling us to build more defenses since multiple attacks daily and weekly make that nearly impossible to do.  

Those reaching out for some kind of solution are basically just being ignored at this point.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

War victory is one out of six, but war victory requires you to do the agression. Defensive battles are still required in some sort for other victories too. The game was never been advertised as playable without warfare at all. Neither TT1 was a completely peaceful game.

Also complainers are not the ones who provide their feedback about "war". Complainers are the ones who repeat about that over and over without adding anything despite the fact that it is clear that we are aware of the position towards "war" of such players.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

And what exactly should we, in your opinion, add besides our complaints ? A solution to the situation ? I'm sorry, but YOU are the developing team. The only thing we can add is our feedback, which we do, and our money, which we do as well.

Edited 31 seconds later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Well I started this thread and Berserker told me to build up my towers if I started over. So that is exactly what I did. I have 2 towers at level 5 and 2 towers at level 2 right now. I also concentrate on my houses to get them maxed up so does not take as long to rebuild. PLUS build up the hunter's hovel to level 10 and get 10 archers those guys ROCK IT!!! I have been attacked 4 times today. The attacks are not real successful for the person attacking me. The last one I lost a couple of fighters but the attacking army was wiped out!!!!! Watched the whole thing in my town was really cool. So take the PRO"S advise (That is the famous Berserker) and build your towers to level 5. Then once you get enough research upgrade them to the Archery towers. They look really awesome. 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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And what exactly should we, in your opinion, add besides our complaints ? A solution to the situation ? I'm sorry, but YOU are the developing team. The only thing we can add is our feedback, which we do, and our money, which we do as well.

If you expressed your opinion on war aspect and have nothing to add - no need to post anything else at all. Your opinion is expressed and acknowledged, further flood won't add anything.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Well, I had 8 towers up to lvl 5, 6 archers, 5 hunters, 11 braves, 11 nomads, 10 witch doctors and some other stone age troops, but when you get attacked by between 20 and 50 items of classical age troops each that leads to total destruction of your troops and hero, at least in my case.

Edited 17 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Not a surprise. You have been playing for 3 months already and only have 1 town. No wonder you cant stand alone against other more active players. Communality bonus allow you to be 3 times less active than others, but in your case you are probably over 10 times less active. Even in your single town you don't have an army, only couple of units for defense.

In your case you can only solve your problem in a diplomatic manner - negotiate with your attacker a bribe or negotiate for protection with someone else who can protect you. In the later versions of the game we plan to make this tribute/protectorate thing more official and integrated into the game, but for now it can only be arranged by in-game communications.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Well I started this thread and Berserker told me to build up my towers if I started over. So that is exactly what I did. I have 2 towers at level 5 and 2 towers at level 2 right now. I also concentrate on my houses to get them maxed up so does not take as long to rebuild. PLUS build up the hunter's hovel to level 10 and get 10 archers those guys ROCK IT!!! I have been attacked 4 times today. The attacks are not real successful for the person attacking me. The last one I lost a couple of fighters but the attacking army was wiped out!!!!! Watched the whole thing in my town was really cool. So take the PRO"S advise (That is the famous Berserker) and build your towers to level 5. Then once you get enough research upgrade them to the Archery towers. They look really awesome. 

Sandy it was actually me who told you to get those towers built and you still don't have enough (by the way you really shouldn't post on here how weak your defence is). Rather than getting as many towns as possible built you should concentrate on building and maxing out your defence (send resources from one of your smaller towns to max out wall and towers in one town before starting another).  You should also train as many ballistas as you can asap.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Communality bonus allow you to be 3 times less active 

I'm not going to complain about war, and i also don't need another post about this, but i hope you yourself realised that it's not true. i don't want to open another discursion, but, as i have said a lot of times, communality is not a magical thing that makes you attackproof, plus it also has made the game so i suppose you know you cant be 3 times less active, let's be honest, in the time you build 1 thing they build 3, thus, neglecting your bonus. even with that said i have to agree with the devs, beeing inactive or playing little makes you a target of attacks, and it's logical. thats the reason that i say this can be too absorbing, but thats not a problem of the devs, thats a problem of the person that plays

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

How this is not true? In communality your units are 3 times stronger that attacker's. thus you need 3 times less troops to fight the same army, thuse you can be 3 times less active than the attacker.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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How this is not true? In communality your units are 3 times stronger that attacker's. thus you need 3 times less troops to fight the same army, thuse you can be 3 times less active than the attacker.

also the buildings are destroyed 3 times slower (which I hate)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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How this is not true? In communality your units are 3 times stronger that attacker's. thus you need 3 times less troops to fight the same army, thuse you can be 3 times less active than the attacker.

yes, troops are 3 times stronger, but a person that is active can make more towns, wich augments science troops culture... beeing 3 times less active means, of course, that you loose 2/3 of that, thus making you much weaker in ,example,late classical age

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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How this is not true? In communality your units are 3 times stronger that attacker's. thus you need 3 times less troops to fight the same army, thuse you can be 3 times less active than the attacker.

yes, troops are 3 times stronger, but a person that is active can make more towns, wich augments science troops culture... beeing 3 times less active means, of course, that you loose 2/3 of that, thus making you much weaker in ,example,late classical age

this is first time I see someone willing to be king of the hill without spending time into the game.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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yes, troops are 3 times stronger, but a person that is active can make more towns, wich augments science troops culture... beeing 3 times less active means, of course, that you loose 2/3 of that, thus making you much weaker in ,example,late classical age

this is first time I see someone willing to be king of the hill without spending time into the game.

it seems that you are not reading my comments, because if you were you would notice that i dont want inactive people to be "the king of the hill" plus i spend a lot of time, it's neither my situation. i only say that you can't just arge with someone saying "it's 3 times better" without giving facts, because, in this time, i think it's not true. things can be good or bad, it doesn't matter to me, but they should always be true

Edited 3 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

3 times is pretty straigtforward assumption based on communality bonus, I don't know what other arguments you need here. Sure you can argue that having 3 times more towns will also allow to learn tech faster, but you have to take into account all arguments, like spending resources on your army earlier which will also slow down development because of the lower culture, etc. and in the end it is not clear whether it would be better than 3 times or worse.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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3 times is pretty straigtforward assumption based on communality bonus, I don't know what other arguments you need here. Sure you can argue that having 3 times more towns will also allow to learn tech faster, but you have to take into account all arguments, like spending resources on your army earlier which will also slow down development because of the lower culture, etc. and in the end it is not clear whether it would be better than 3 times or worse.

so we have a conclusion, don't be inactive or we will have to start thinking about that :D, nah seriously, i understand what you say, no more discurssion by this side

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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