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Culture and expanding

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Five posts with numbers in discussions and suggestions thread.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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Five posts with numbers in discussions and suggestions thread.

And many many other postings from different player who try to teach you the game mechanics and the difference of some maximum numbers to yours.


I currently have 184 culture and 33 domain (it says I should have 37).

If you have 184 culture in just 1 town without influence of other towns near you for sure your kingdom is 37 cells.
- If you have 184 culture because of the sum of 2 towns its a different case because every town counts for hisself and the influence of every town overlap with your existing towns so you also don't have the sum of cells based on the culture for every town.
- If you have 184 in just 1 town and a neighbour close to you, so it seems he block 4 cells of you because he is closer to this cells or his culture is bigger than yours.

More culture data: 195 culture does NOT raise the domain to 45. I'm at 195 culture and my domain is still 33. The numbers above say it should have been 37 from the time my culture was at 162.

You must bigger than 195. (I don't know if 196, 197,198 or 199 is enough because i had 195 and upgrade a building with 1-4 culture and grow. I can't remember. 

Alright, I just hit 199 culture and my domain went up to 38.

See, you grow because you reached next border as we describe. Problably because of the blocking neighbour you grow just 5 cells instead of 8.

I am completely unblocked on 2 sides. If these numbers are accurate for you, then maybe there is a glitch in the way they are being applied, because they are completely wrong for me. Now I am at 261 culture and my domain is 41. According to the above,  >250 = 57. Clearly, I am nowhere near that number and I'm getting close to the next "milestone" culture number.

See my pic below. My Maintown with culture more than 215 would give me 49 cells but because Balor i have less than this. Knuthood had a culture of more than 90 and enough influence for 21 cells. But my additional number is far away from 70 cells. Also my additional culture would be more than 305 but this sum is unimportant too.

Lets take a look at Balore too. He had between 108 and 125 culture and normally he would have 21 cells but in 9 cells i had more influence because if my bigger culture and near distance.

As you see this picture a guidline based on this positions of towns would be useless for some other players and your numbers based on you positions of your towns.

Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

This was well written and right to the point. You certainly said some things I needed to hear. Thank you.

Edited 5 hours, 22 minutes later by . Reason: overquoting removed.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I find the anger from some players is an issue.  We are here to learn the game while giving feedback on bugs, issues, questions etc.  What ever happened to enjoying yourself while playing?  If the game continues to make you so angry, don't play anymore.  The game will not be changed just to please one player.  From the beginning it was set out and defined as a multi-player game this time.  I am one who likes the single player, but I am enjoying the difference here, playing quests, and not really trying any of the military issues - i.e. I rarely attack other than to try out some of the items.  I am not competitive and play to have fun, rather than to win.  Every player has different goals.  Enkord and the developers are building a whole new way of playing Totem Tribe.  Please, keep the nasty, angry comments out of this and give good honest feedback without being mean and ugly.  The developers have it hard enough.  They deserve our thanks for working so hard and asking for the feedback to develop a great game.

I still have one question unanswered though - what is an easy way to count up culture?  I currently go to each building, etc. and count.  Can we have a stat for this somewhere, or did I miss something already in the game.

Thanks everyone - I feel like playing Mom and protecting the process.  

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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I still have one question unanswered though - what is an easy way to count up culture?  I currently go to each building, etc. and count.  Can we have a stat for this somewhere, or did I miss something already in the game.

If you are on worldmap just a single click on your town and you will see some important infos. There is a big "Enter" button and over there is an icon with the sum of your population and a purple note with sum of your culture. Hope this is what you looking for.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
I'm with Puzzling on this.  We are all adults, this is a game and if we have a problem with it we should direct those questions / frustrations at the developers and not each other.  I'm sure we all have enought hassles in our lives without adding to them by arguing over a game!
As Fr Dougals placard stated "Careful Now" while Fr Teds read "Down with this sort of thing" !!!
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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I'm with Puzzling on this.  We are all adults, this is a game and if we have a problem with it we should direct those questions / frustrations at the developers and not each other.  I'm sure we all have enought hassles in our lives without adding to them by arguing over a game!
As Fr Dougals placard stated "Careful Now" while Fr Teds read "Down with this sort of thing" !!!

P.S  I still don't understand the whole culture thing!!!  And em I am actually intelligent but stupid when it comes to anything mathematical !!!! and also computers cause I've no kids to keep updated on how all things technological work - lol.

PPS - I also don't know why the top part of this post is in a quote box!!!!
PPPS  - I also don't know why this post was duplicated :(

Edited 4 minutes later by .
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Thanks so much for your response on how to find the culture.  I have to admit that the print on it is very small and without reading glasses, I have difficulty reading it.  And I have a big screen display!!

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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Thanks so much for your response on how to find the culture.  I have to admit that the print on it is very small and without reading glasses, I have difficulty reading it.  And I have a big screen display!!

If you know where you must looking it is readable for me.

Im not sure how big your screendisplay is, but the size of letters is based in pixel. This means as bigger as your resolution is, the smaller the letters will be. But you are right it could be a bit bigger, or the icon of town could be a bit smaller. because both overlap sometimes.

Edited 1 minute later by *DELETED*.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Update of the Culture and expanding

Requirement for additional towns
1.Town is for free
2.Town need 1 settler and 40 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
3.Town need 1 settler and 92 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
4.Town need 1 settler and 150 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Update of the Culture and expanding

Requirement for additional towns
1.Town is for free
2.Town need 1 settler and 40 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
3.Town need 1 settler and 92 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
4.Town need 1 settler and 150 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)

I really like the reference you posted that summarizes all the culture issues. I refer back to it a lot. I am wondering if you can add one more reference - a list that tells us max level possible for each building type? I just upgraded my wood storage to lvl 10 and it says I can upgrade to lvl 11, but I thought lvl 10 was the maximum. Now I am wondering, "How high does this go?"

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Hard to tell, some buildings will go to level 5 (for example huts, towers)

Most buildings had level 10 (chieftrainhut, shrine of knowlege, altar).

And some could reach level 20 (sheds, observation post)

But i don't know the influence of upcomming research. For example at moment we just can built gardens of level 10 but with next age it can be upgrade till 20. Maybe huts too and so on.

Edited 22 minutes later by *DELETED*.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
What about camps in Heralds' home and Opposition hideout ? Do they add up to the culture in our country, if we upgrade them ? I noticed that there's also a number for culture mentioned with them. I think it's 1 point per upgrade.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

What about camps in Heralds' home and Opposition hideout ? Do they add up to the culture in our country, if we upgrade them ? I noticed that there's also a number for culture mentioned with them. I think it's 1 point per upgrade.

I don't believe, because culture is based on your towns and not the whole country. And all the special places don't count to a single town.


Requirement for additional towns
1.Town is for free
2.Town need 1 settler and 40 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
3.Town need 1 settler and 92 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
4.Town need 1 settler and 150 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)
5.Town need 1 settler and 220 cells (-3 cells per additional settler)

update 2

A town of 360 culture grow again 1 cell in 4 directions (thx to brenda)

Edited 7 minutes later by *DELETED*.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I will remove culture from camp so it won't confuse anyone.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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I am going to post this screenshot as I think it is a very good one of how one town can affect the size of another. It shows that although I have enough culture to be bigger. I am giving up 8 squares to my neighbor.

I agree, I have 190something, and my town is a lot smaller than my neighbor that had 159,  Also Im crushed in by three neighbors, on both sides and on the bottom, so all my neighbors lands grow out and Im stuck between them and my land is a lot smaller even thogh I have more culture than any of the three of them, Please check it out, cause I think something is wrong there

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

I agree with the others: there's something wrong. According to this thread a player needs 40 cells to start the second town. My hero's, DarinaS, dwelling has 195 culture but 34 cells only while it has to be 45 cells. Moreover,  it keeps demanding 6 more cells or 2 additional settlers to start the second town. Why??

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

I tried to explain the influence of neighbours here:

or there with other words:

If you post a screenshot i will explain it in your special case.

I also post numbers of my last culture before i grow, for example i had 195 culture and upgraded a building and grow again. I can't rember was it a building with 1 culture, 2 culture or maybe 3 culture. with other words you need 196 or 197 or 198 culture to grow. And thats why i post you need >195 which means you need MORE THAN 195 and not you need exact 195 so i would say >= 195.

I need more informations and help of some other players who find out the exact number and so i will post them. But as long as nobody share them with us this guide is as close as possible to the real setting.

Edited 11 minutes later by *DELETED*.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Yes Knut I always try to explain that this is an estimate :) It is hard to judge the actual number since for me I am popping in and out and don't always catch when I grow. I use this as a guidline to know that I will grow sometime after I reach these numbers :) I keep a printout of your list to refer to all of the time :) 

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote

Here is mine domain 208 culture = 39 cells.

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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