Made in Ukraine

desert Island will not open

The desert island will not activate. I have the scarbs but nothing happens to open the island. Did anyone else have this problem if so how did you fix it? Thanks for your help
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
I obviously did something wrong, because I did not insert my scarabs (8) into the oblisks correctly. They are divided 3 and 5 instead of 4 and 4. But the oblisks won't give them back, and they are locked in. Also I cannot get into the pyramid (at all) or the gazing canyon. Oh yes, and I have no 3rd sage on firefly island, but one and two already have the headress and shark's tooth necklace. Plus I have no oils or rosary and do not have a clue how to get them. I have not finished Mist Island. Can't clear the fog to find the 4th (whatever it is called, left by the lightening bolts) or the last 2 little clams to trade in for the big one. Too much fog. Been working on this for days and days. The only way I have gotten this far, is due to the kindness of strangers. Thank you to all who are taking the time to help me (and those of us who are stuck at every turn). I do not have a game brain, but this game is well worth the money, the time and the effort to keep on trying. The Comet keeps beckoning me to come in, however. And since that is at least one place I can go, I am considering it. We all know what happens if I do that!! BUT If I have to start all over I will cry.......again. Telling myself over and over 'it's just a game, it's just a game'. ;) But it's such a smart game. Congratulations to those of you who have already finished, you are brilliant beyond brilliant. And congratulations also to those who will finish. I hope I can become one of you. To my friends, the developers in the Ukraine, I hope you win the Game of the Year for 2010. However since my brain fog will not lift, I worry I will never finish, and I am concerned my psyche will be damaged by the humiliation of it all!!!!!! :eek: OK, I just needed to let off steam and whine a bit; now I feel better. Oh did I mention, I love this game, in spite of my stupidity? :)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
oh my goodness, the power of posting!! I found the 4th thunderbolt on mist island, sorry for all the whining above. :o Now I think I can get another chest, if I can find the right islands. ALSO when I went back in to the desert, I played around with the scarabs and they started moving again, and they were 4 and 4, the way they were supposed to be. I swear it corrected itself, or :confused: Got them in the right order and it opened up the pyramid in the great desert. Ahhh, life is good once again, and my motto is stronger than before. Never EVER ever give up!!!!!!!!
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
I am doing this game for the 3rd time, or is it the 4th? Anyway, somehow I can't get the Great Desert to open this time. What have I missed out? Got the feathers, the shark teeth necklace and all that, but no Great Desert.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Please, I cannot remember how I got to the Great Desert last time!! And I am stuck. I love this game but it can be so frustrating!
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
The first desert location - The Great Desert appears after you find at least one Scarab. If you're absolutely sure that you already have it, yet the desert is still locked, try this
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
YAYYYY!!! It worked! Thank you Gleb! I had the scouts swimming everywhere, checking every island for the least thing. And it never was what I had missed. I have 5 scarabs, so it wasn't that. Thank you. :o)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

Really happy with t a patch posted for windows, but what can I do on MAC?

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote