Made in Ukraine

Final Score

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PrntScrn, then run Paint or anything, and Ctrl-V to paste it. There is no such special feature in game, sorry.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I don't have all my stats, but managed game rank of 105%. After Guardian Moon, I went back to all the islands and built one of each kind of building. I built towers and upgraded so there was one of each kind of tower. "dark they were and goldened eyed"
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I'm not sure why you would be lower ranked than my game. I was wondering myself about the amount of quests. I missed one somewhere.. twitter
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I know that these stats look a little weird, but I did NOT use cheats--I'm too computer illiterate. Is it possible that the game compensates for the black areas that you can't reach and eliminates them from the stats? I thoroughly cleared what I could reach (and even built a couple of towers to get rid of some black spots on Gazing Canyon. Worked the idol at the oasis pretty hard too! Why do I have 227 quests fulfilled? Could exploring and population play into the quests score? Perhaps the developers could answer that question. My time is a little long--I lost an hour looking for the last shark's tooth (I had forgotten that I hadn't gone back to Shark's Archipelago....uh, duh!), and I suddenly realized late in the game that I didn't need all those shaman tents to increase my population since I had already won the battles, but could use workers' huts (another "uh, duh" moment and lots of time lost!) And why didn't it occur to me that a Russian game might create a "workers' paradise" (that's supposed to be a joke--I had to think about something while building all those huts!) Total population: 6664 Buildings: 1360 World Explored: 100 percent (really, I did NOT use cheats) Gems Collection: 1001/1001 Quest: 227/227 Time: 25 H 02 min Game Rank: 91 percent I would post the screen save of these stats, but for some reason the software can't locate the file (which is on my computer because I just opened it). And just for the record, I'm not a guy: to me, figuring out how to raise your percentage is just part of figuring out how the game works. And this game is fabulous! Lucy1997
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
I just realized that I was posting this information in the Totem Tribe forum, when I should have been posting it in the Totem Tribe Gold forum. My apologies! Lucy1997
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
I didn't write down all my stats but my final percentage rating was 88%. I was bummed about this until I came here and realized that it wasn't all that bad after all. I don't ever want to cheat to get a better score (what's the point) but next time - and there will definitely be a next time! - I'll go back and do more updating before entering the comet. This was my first time playing and I really enjoyed it. Got a better rating than my hubby too, which rocks. ;) I didn't realize that if I went back to the other islands before going into the comet that I could update buildings to upgrade my score. And this forum really helped. Great info here, especially as it was my first time through the game. Wheeeeeee!
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote

and why did I get only tell me. I can't seem to find what the this stat is based on.

Can anyone determine what the final game rank is based on?

here are my stats:

Total Population: 2426

Buildings constructed: 756

World Explored: 100%

Gems Collected: 1001/1001

Quests Completed: 227/227

Time Spent: 27H 13M

     Game Rank: 78%


6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

and why did I get only tell me. I can't seem to find what the this stat is based on.

Can anyone determine what the final game rank is based on?

here are my stats:

Total Population: 2426

Buildings constructed: 756

World Explored: 100%

Gems Collected: 1001/1001

Quests Completed: 227/227

Time Spent: 27H 13M

     Game Rank: 78%


6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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