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Resources, Trade, Economy Q: Does this mean we have to worry about feeding our troops or doing other tedious things?
No, we will make it as simple and accessible as possible. Resources are more like you have (possible rewording here... MAYBE Resources refer more to you needing to accumulate xx wood...?) to accumulate XX wood in order to build a house. With resources you will have to choose which building to build which ones will help you better at the moment, and which ones are less necessary and can be built later if at all. Q: What is unique resource?
(Either What is a unique resource OR What are unique resources)
Unique resources is (delete 'is' use 'are') a resource that does not have quantity, it is a spot on the world map that provides unique advantage to your country if obtained. Q: Can I trade basic resources?
Yes, you can trade them via the market. Q: Can I trade unique resourceS? Q: What kind of trades are there?
There are land trade, naval trade, and aerial trade. Land trade is a the most widely used kind (delete 'kind' use 'type') of trade available to everyone right from the start. Naval trade allows a player to push huge amounts of resources but only among players who have a port town in their country. Aerial trade is available to technologicaly (spelling - technologically) advanced countries who has (delete 'has' use 'have') access to skyfaring, (New sentence.) It allows you to trade resources very fast. (OR It allows a very fast trade of resources.) Q: If we run out of food will our villagers die or go on strike?
The workers will survive, but your army will going to (delete 'going to') starve and die, so make sure you have enough food to feed your army. Q: Do I have to trade with other people in order to complete the game?
You don't have to trade with others, but it could be profitable. For example if you have an excessive amount of one resource ...
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Story, Quests, Puzzles Q: Is the storyline different to the original games?
The story is new, but it will be related to the original game in some way that's for sure. (Don't think you need 'that's for sure') And (delete 'and') There will be references to Aruku too. In the begining (spelling - beginning) of the game it might be not (swap words - 'it might not be') obvious but later you will see the whole thing from a different perspective and the two games will be tied together. Howvever (spelling - However) if you haven't played the original games you wont (spelling - won't OR will not) be loosing too much. You might miss out (delete 'out') some references, but not something critical - you will be able to enjoy the story still. (Move the word 'still'. You will still be able to enjoy the game.) Q: What is the story about?
The story this time will feature strong serious themes such as faith, freedom, treachery and hope. The idea about (delete 'about' use 'with') this game is to make it light and easy at first glance, but showing more and more depth the longer you dig into it. We don't want to overwhelm players right from the start. Q: How long will the story take to complete?
The story of the game (delete 'of the game') is planned to have: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Epilogue. One of the four chapters is (delete 'is') planned is to be roughly the size of the original Totem Tribe so you can imagine how big the game will be. We plan to release the closed alpha with the Prologue only. The Prologue is basically an extensive tutorial that teaches you all the new stuff while you are being introduced to this world and the story behind it. This includes one building location and a couple of small quest locations. Q: How will the progression of the story will (delete 'will') be presented in the game?
Q: What are interactive conversations?
In the original Totem Tribe there wasn't much talking going on, thefore (spelling - therefore) it was unclear what kind of personality main heroes had. This time in sequel (delete 'in sequel') we decided that characters should express themselves better. And (Delete 'And') Since the player now (delete 'now') will be represented by his or her custom created character, we thought it would be cool if player can ... Q: Will these conversations affect (Check grammer - effect?[outcome] or affect [involve]) the game?
Yes. You can choose different questions to ask, which will lead you to different quests. They may also affect (delete 'effect' use 'influence') your overall gameplay by affecting (effecting) which victory you are working towards. Q: What kind of influence will those conversations will (delete 'will') bring into (change 'into' use 'to') the game?
There will be local influence and global influece (spelling - influence). The former is when you can solve quests differently through conversation. Example: guard does not want to let you in and you have to find another way around, but you can just talk out (delete 'out' use 'with') him to accept a bribe with proper choices in conversation. The later (spelling - latter) is when your answers in conversation does (change 'does' to 'do') not change anything right away, however they are recorded to determine your personality in the game - you can be egoistic (spelling - egotistic), wanting rewards for everything you do, or althruistic (spelling - altruistic), helping people in need, not expecting a reward, etc. That behaviour (spelling here is British English. I think you want behavior?) will be measured and might be taken into account later in the game. Not necessary (use 'necessarily') to determine which ending, but maybe you will miss some quest or find another one. Q: I don't like lengthy texts. Will we be able to skip these conversations?
You won't be able to skip them since they are an integral part of the game, but don't worry about lengthy text. We are definitely not going to provide "War and Peace" scale of writing. After all we are game developers, not writers, that's why we will be more focused on the gaming side of the (delete 'the') conversations, not the literature side. We are talking about interactivity here. The conversations will be focused on choices, not literatural (literary) content. Q: All these new things... what will happen to the gems/puzzles? I don't like warfare and I'm not really a fan of simulation games.
There will be plenty of puzzling/item hunting, no worries. (Even though 'no worries' is a term I use a lot, it's possibly better to maybe use 'don't worry' instead. [No worries - no problem. Don't worry - do not stress]) In fact we plan to make the game so players will choose their own play style ...
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Hi Berserker, The only problem I have with suggesting all these changes is I've become quite fond of the quirky way you use words. I'll be sad to see them go... though I do understand your need to have everything 'up to scratch' for an international community. I've possibly repeated some changes others have suggested. Sorry if I've created more work. What I've done, and everyone before me, should keep you busy for a bit! :) I'll check in again tomorrow night and see how things are progressing. Keep up the amazing work. You're doing a brilliant job! :)
Edited 4 minutes later by SunInOz.
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Yes i'm with you sunlnoz :) you guys are just awesome !!
Edited 1 minute later by fireball.
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Thanks, you are doing an awesome job, I will implement those fixes as I will have a proper moment.
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Missed one... Story, Quests, Puzzles
Q: Is the storyline different to the original games?
... Howvever (spelling - However) if you haven't played the original games you wont (spelling - won't OR will not) be loosing (spelling - losing) too much.
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The only problem I have with suggesting all these changes is I've become quite fond of the quirky way you use words.
LOL. What a compliment to call lack of English skills quirky way to use words :)
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Neighbours - british (aussie) etc... Neighbors - American. :)
It looks like the word neighbors is mispelled in many places and I don't want to qoute every location. It was in there both ways. Never the same
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LOL. What a compliment to call lack of English skills quirky way to use words :)
I'm glad you took it as a compliment, cause that's how I meant it. :)
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Science, Technology, Ages Q: What are Ages?
When you research, you can advance your country into different Ages of civilization. You start our (spelling - out) in the Dark Age where primitive people just tamed fire and progress to Stone Age, Antiquity, Medieval Age, Rennaissance (spelling - Renaissance) and so on. Q: Does it mean that I can research Gunpowder and replay the American (Names, or nouns generally have a capital letter at the start.) history in the game? Q: How are technologies are organized in the game?
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Goals and Achievements Q: What is Culture Victory?
... Once you will (delete 'will') have the whole pantheon, you win! Q: What is Wealth Victory?
Wealth Victory needs you to accumulate huge amounts of resources and spend them building a Wonder of the World to show the whole world the wealth and glory of your country. Q: When I finish playing the game, and restart to play again, will I keep past achievements? What things do I keep and what things do I lose? If I buy an in-game item, will I be able to use it for future play-throughs?
Obtained achievements will stay forever. As for the items - you will be able to keep a limited number of items... Q: How many endings are there?
Since there will be 6 different types of victory, there will be at least 6 different endings. But (delete 'But') In fact there might be several endings provided by a single type of victory, thus increasing the number of potential outcomes. It is too early to talk about endings though.
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Hero and Leveling Q: In previous TT games, the main character was predefined. We had that girl named Aruku. What about Totem Tribe II: Jotun?
Instead of Aruku we will add the ability to create your own hero (or heroine). The hero will be not just a helpless doll, it will be able to travel, fight, lead an army, interact with objects and so on. The hero will be an integral element of the game and will be very personal to each player - you will be able to design the facial features, costume, etc. Q: The main character was also previously not something I could control. Will I be able to do anything with my avatar? (Careful about using the word 'avatar' here. Maybe have the word 'hero' in brackets afterward? This is the first time in FAQ 'avatar' has been used... is it worth mentioning it earlier? Possibly earlier.. something about creating your hero (avatar)?)
Yes. This time around the only unit you can control directly is your hero. You can also issue a "Call to Arms" command when (delete 'when' use 'where') all your army starts following your hero. Q: Will my hero be able to join the fights in Totem Tribe II: Jotun?
Yes. It's up to you how you will build up your hero - you can make him a lonely Champion that takes down foes alone (delete 'alone') by his sheer strength, or you can make a General that it not very strong alone, but boosts stats of his army. You can also make him a Mayor kind of hero where he stays in town and boosts production. Q: How can I build up my hero?
When your hero does something useful (solves quests, fights enemies) he receives experience. When he gains enough experience he reaches higher levelS, earning stat points and perk points. Those points can be spent to empower your hero and add unique abilities to him (delete 'to him'). Q: Will my avatar/character stay the same over time - as in, can I change it at will, or am I stuck with it, or can I only change it when I restart the game?
There will be options to visually customize him (delete 'him' use 'character'... I really like the word character when referring to avatar...) at any time. Also items you find in the game can be equipped and will visually differentiate your hero. Q: What kind of items can I find for my hero?
There will be a comprehensive wardrobe found in typical RPG games. That wardrobe will not only different by power... Q: Are items predefined (predefined - already decided) or randomly generated?
Both. Some items will have a pre-defined (pre-defined - to come before. I'm pretty sure you need predefined here in both places.) ... Q: Are items predefined or randomly generated?
... reward you would like to keep for your next playthrough. (Previously 'play-through' was used, which I think is correct...)
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i found something odd here- Q Can I block another player
because they keep attacking my village or can I only block someone because they
are being abusive? you
should change this line - Can I block OTHER PLAYERS because they keep attacking my village or can I only
block THEM because they are being
abusive? ---- it is in FAQ.
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sorry it's written in a odd manner :P
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Playing Solo Q: I don't like playing AGAINST other players, is there any way for me to stay safe and not being attacked all the time?
There will be Beginners Protection, also there will be a special polity (spelling - policy) for casual players that will significantly improve your defenses. Add some other stationary defences (spelling - defenses) which you can build and your attackers might need 10x or 20x more troops than you which is quite unreasonable - they might find easier targets instead. Finally, if you are really, (comma here) really against it, there will be Protection Items. Q: What is Casual Polity (spelling - Policy)?
When you start the game you will be able to pick the social system of your kingdom. The social system is basically a set of bonuses and drawbacks. One of those systems will increase the defences (spelling - defenses [am pretty sure 'defences' is British English...]) of your villages ... Q: What is Beginners Protection?
When you start the game, there will be one week of protection, when noone (no-one?) can attack you ... Q: What is (delete 'is' use 'are') Protection Items?
There are items that can cast a "truce" on your towns, preventing others from attacking you and you from attacking them, but those items have a limited effect time (suggest rewording - ...those items have an effect for a limited time). Those items will grant your country total immunity against all attacks. Such itemS will last 12 hours, allowing you to sleep safely at night, but will take another 12 hours to activate (or recharge?), so you will have to use it wisely. Q: But I still can (swap words - I can still) be attacked, right?
...also help with resources or send troops to your friend in need. Q: I don't like playing WITH other players. Will I be forced to interact with otherS to progress further into the game?
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Playing versus Other Players Q: Can I see someone's "power" (number of troops, kind of troops etc.) before I attack him?
You can send spies into ANother player's (query "player's". Further down FAQ they are referred to as players. Use the same in all places.) town in order to get the necessary information, however other playerS might also have spies in his (delete 'his' use 'their') town to prevent your espionage attempts. Q: What kind of damage can I do to ANother player? Q: How hard is it to damage others?
Killing enemy troops or plundering resources might be not (swap words - might not be) too hard, but destroying buildings is quite hard and requires special siege and destroyer type of (delete 'of') units. Capturing an enemy town is even more hard (change 'more hard' to 'harder'), however it's not impossible if you really want to do that. Q: Can I constantly plunder other players for resources?
Yes, although we have a better solution to constantly generate income from weaker players. We will have a special type of relationship called "Protectorate". You can take weaker playerS under your protection for the (delete 'the' use 'a') percentage split of (delete 'of' use 'from') his resource income. IT will be more lucrative... Q: What about clans and relations between clans?
There will be Alliances (our version of clans) and diplomacy between them. An alliance... Q: What roles can I play in the alliance?
Aside from being Leader or a Regular Member, you can also be an Accountant, Recruiter, General, or a Diplomat. Q: Who is the Accountant in the alliance?
Accountant is a person that (delete 'that' use 'who') can see the resources of other alliance members and manage resources of the whole alliance more easily. The Accountant is also can (reword - The Accountant can also) set the tax and see it rendered by members. Q: Who is the recruiter in the alliance?
Recruiter can join or kick other members from the alliance. Q: Who is the general in the alliance?
The General can... Q: Who is the diplomat in the alliance?
Diplomat can... Q: What is vassalage?
Vassalage is the relationship between two alliances where one becomes a complete subordinate of another. The Vassal Alliance receives the name of the senior alliance as its first name, keeping its real name second. This allows the opportunity to create a (delete 'a') huge alliance conglomerates with one primary alliance and the rest acting as braches (do you mean 'branches' here?) or academies. Q: How big the battleground in this game could be?
(Reword - How big can the battleground be in this game?)
As big as you want. There are many ways to structurize (use 'structure') relationships among various players to form a huge web of subordination. With Protectorate, weaker players can be ordered under the stronger one. Stronger players form an alliance. Alliance itself could be a vassal of some other stronger alliance. The stronger alliance may form a coalition by uniting with other stronger alliances and wage war against a rival coalition. In such a sitation (spelling - situation) the whole world could be involved in a huge planet-wide confrontation!
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Monetization Q: How much will this game would (delete 'would') cost? Is (delete 'is' use 'are') there any subscriptions or monthly / yearly membrship (spelling - membership) feeS? Q: So how are you going to make money from the game this time? There should (delete 'should' use 'must') be something I should (delete 'should' use the words 'have to') pay for? Q: Will we be forced to see advertising everywhere if we don't buy things? Sent spammy emails?
No. Free to play monetization model allows us to be profitable without all those nasty things. Q: Will there be in-game currency? How it will (swap words - 'will it') be obtained? ...Other than that there will be resources that (delete 'that' use 'which') can be used to trade with other players. Q: Most microtransactions-based games put players into a vice-grip to squeeze money out of them. Is this gonna ( :D so tempted to leave this here... better use the words 'going to') be the case with Totem Tribe II: Jotun ? Q: But what if someone has both time and money? Will he or she be much stronger than me?
That is (delete 'is') really does not matter that much. The multiplayer... Q: What items can I buy? How does it affect my gameplay?
It all depends on how you play - how much time you spend, how competitive do you feel yourself (delete 'do you feel yourself' use 'you are'), how much do (delete 'do') you want to be involved in interaction with other players, etc. There will be a Cash Shop which will sell helpful consumable items that (delete 'that' use 'which') will simplify things a bit - like temporary (temporarily) increasing your income, speeding up construction, etc. All those items from the Cash Shop can... Q: Are there unique features planned exclusively for paid players?
Gameplay wise - the vast majority (if not all) features... Q: Can I sell the weapons/armors (armor)/items I find for Enkord Cash?
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Technical Q: What computer software/hardware do you need to play Totem Tribe II: Jotun?
The game will be running (delete 'running' use 'run') on any decent PC or laptop running Windows. Nothis (spelling - Nothing) special required - just have your drivers up to date. Q: Do I need to download anything?
You will have to download the game client in order to play and then download updates once we will put (delete 'will put' use 'make') them live. Q: I am not sold on the online part. I want to play the game alone and offline!
... more accustomed to downloadable games. But (delete 'But') Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to help you get comfortable with the idea of playing Totem Tribe 2 online (it doesn't mean you have to play with other players) and what (delete 'what') all that is involved (OR 'all that it entails'). We think that, in the end, you'll have a wonderful experience. Q: I am on a limited internet connection (Dial-Up, Mobile, Satellite), will I be able to enjoy the game?
We designed the game so it will consume only a small portion of your internet bandwidth and beside (delete 'beside' use 'aside from the') initial download which might take some time, you will be playing just fine on any type of connection, even on (delete 'on') a bad one. Q: But (Delete 'but') I also can't afford to be online for the whole day, how can I enjoy it then?
... enter the game several times throughout the day for a (delete 'a') short 5 minute sessions and it will be sufficient to run your country. Q: What happens when there are bug fixes, will I have to re-download anything or update anything on my computer?
Totem Tribe II: Jotun will have an automated updater which will allow you to update... Q: Will the game run on mobile devices, tablets, etc. ?
Other platforms and operation systems are under consideration and will be supported if the game would be (delete 'would be' use 'is') successful enough on Windows. Q: Will I be able to download the game or access it from other websites, like Big Fish Games or Steam, or somewhere else?
Unlikely. The game requires special infrastructure and will probably will (delete 'will' use 'only') be available exclusively through our site. Q: Will I be able to play full screen? How big does my screen resolution need to be?
The game will support a full spectre (spectrum) of various resolutions. You will be able to play either full screen or windowed. Q: If I don't play the game for a long time, and don't post anything in the forums, will my account be suspended?
The nature of the game is that you need to pay attention to your country from time to time. If you don't, then you army might die and your towns will be plundered by others. If you don't visit the game for a few weeks, your country will be removed to provide space to (delete 'to' use 'for') other active players. However your account will stay and you can create a new country and play from the start. Your account will be removed after a much longer inactive period like maybe 6 to 12 months. However if you deposited money at least once, your account will never be deleted.
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Hey berserker, I'm having some doubt that sunlnOZ is a member of the enkord team cause he never stops searching for mistakes the whole thread is filled by him.
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fireball, That is great when players love the game so much that they can spend some of their precious time to help us. Look at the faq thread, major part of it was made by nana. She is a part of the developers too? :)