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At times you can use the shapes the flower rows have made in the past to tell you where flowers are: 
Here I recognized the pattern the 9 flower row was going to make. I had already opened the road to the side of the 3 flower row as well as straight up from the 9 flower row before realizing this would make a good tip. Just imagine I hadn't weeded those yet. lol 
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Thank you so much for the work you put into this. I think many people are visual learners, and it's much easier to understand the rules this way.
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I dont understand when you say that no two groups can touch each other. By group you mean one sqare only? regardless of whether it has 1, 2 or 3 flowers? Because looking through the images, there are groups that are touching each other, diagonally and beside each other. I am finding this puzzle to be very confusing.
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If a square contains three flowers, the "group" will encompass three flower squares. If a square contains six flowers, the "group" will contain six flower squares. The "group" can touch other groups at corners but will not be adjacent. All groups will be separated by stone walkway. I hope this helps
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Thank you so much for that clarification. I appreciate it.
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Thank you! Now I actually can play this puzzle.
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Thank you. Combining a poor knowledge of English and your screenshots helped to grow roses. :)