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i give up - dragon puzzle!!!

i have done everything a hundred times over and pushed buttons till i'm blue in the face!! can someone PLEASE just give the answer - which buttons to push when/how many times? just an idea for the next game - you may want to give a "skip" option on the mini-puzzles (like most games do).
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
I'm not sure if this will help or not, but this is what it should look like. The middle piece is added once all of the other pieces are in place. I can't remember the exact sequence of button pushing, though, sorry.
[Dragon Puzzle.jpg] (99.67K)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
I found I didn't need to click the "buttons". I treated it like the old square puzzles where you slide each square to get all the numbers in order (I know, I'm showing my age). So, just click on each piece and it will move to the empty space next to it. Hope this helps.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Yes, this is exactly "The 15 puzzle", except this one is more simple as it has only 8, not 15 elements.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Hello, I complety agree with debizehere. I have tried and tried (I've even let my mother try) but I cannot get the bloody puzzle complete. Please, please help! Is there not a trick or shortcut to get the gem without pulling all my hair out? Please....
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Unfurtunately there's no trick or short cut that I know of. What I did was place the tiles in reverse sequence. I explain. I knew it was the ears and part of tail on top row,so I placed those 3 tiles in reverse sequence so when I placed them they were in the corect order. Look at the pic posted 3 comments up (i think) I believe that wil help you. Don't give up! Good luck;)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Don't know if this will help because the puzzle has to be exactly as it was when you found it, so unless you're willing to restart this island, this won't be any help. However, there is a very simple way to do this: (highlight - spolier) Move the bottom middle to the center, then move each square clockwise one at a time 2 times (it might have been 3 - you can see it come together), then move the center one up to the middle top.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Okay, I am very new at this :o. I am missing two things. 1. How do I restart an island? 2. What is the simple way to do it? You mention hightlight spoiler. What do you mean or where do I find it?
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Exit the island, then click play. You will be asked if you want to continue on that island - click no. Then you can choose the island again when the play button becomes available. Right after the poster says "highlight for spoiler", click your cursor at that point and drag. The hidden text will become visible.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
I'm dyslexic and this helped after I stared at it for a while 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MT A B C D E F G H It's a spacial thing, after hours of frustration I tried the above and solved it yesterday in 15 mins I also looked at the completed pix and saw which tile was missing I had the top 3 in place and kept them there The finished puzzle looks like this A B C D MT E F G H After you solve it the game inserts the last middle piece
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
Go to the walkthrough using link below. Find the island detail, and look for completed picture of the puzzle when it is done. I started working the puzzle from the bottom up and far right side. The empty space will end up in the center when all the pieces are in the right place, and it will fill in the space and open the chest. Hope that helps.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote
use the PM or create the spoiler where you need to drag the cursor. NOT FAIR to everyone else that is reading the info for other reasons.
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

i have done everything a hundred times over and pushed buttons till i'm blue in the face!! can someone PLEASE just give the answer - which buttons to push when/how many times? just an idea for the next game - you may want to give a "skip" option on the mini-puzzles (like most games do).

Hi there, This puzzle takes about 3 minutes to solve. Just move them all clockwise - get yourself a picture of what the final puzzle looks like. It's under - once you have that, you can see how easy it will be. pop one into the center, move them all to the right and then pop the middle one up to the top in the middle. Honestly, once you get the hang of it then it will take you about 3 minutes. HAVE FUN!!!!:D
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote

Hi there, This puzzle takes about 3 minutes to solve. Just move them all clockwise - get yourself a picture of what the final puzzle looks like. It's under - once you have that, you can see how easy it will be. pop one into the center, move them all to the right and then pop the middle one up to the top in the middle. Honestly, once you get the hang of it then it will take you about 3 minutes. HAVE FUN!!!!:D

This is exactly how to do it. Just rotate it 180 degrees.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
The buttons are all in order, with the exception of the button in the middle of the right-hand side (which has teeth). Move it to the center, and then start moving the remaining buttons clockwise. When the head is in place (nose/eyes/feather), push the button in the center to the middle of the left- hand side, and the puzzle should be done. At least that's the set-up I've seen everytime I've played, so I don't think that it changes from game to game. Hope this helps!
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote