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[SPOILER] Survey for those who beat Preddo Mountain

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Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general?
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you?
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit?
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were?
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after?
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general?
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location?
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants?
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally?
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most?
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test?
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters?
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little?
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding?
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain?
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain?
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions?
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it.
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough?
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above.
  21. What do you think about this storyline?

     We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

5 years ago Quote
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Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general? at least 24 hr, still waiting for the end of meditation to finish the quest!
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? certainly going around in circles was frustrating. Loved the little quests. Graphics were stunning especially once you reach the cliffs.
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? discovered extinguishing lanterns then relighting right one, lessened backtracking. Also, made notes on roadstones and followed grateful animals.
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? mayor, trapped boy, yetis, snowman, wolf
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? No, I missed a lot on lower levels until I figured out a plan of attack. Yes, I have returned to some areas to explore those I missed.
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? I enjoyed the challenge, frustrating but achievable.
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? Graphics beautiful. Lots to do.
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? Enjoyed all but the excessive meditation.
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? This is a game, isn't it? Don't think my personal philosophies entered into my thinking while playing.
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? Shorten meditation time, still waiting to complete oak test.
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? took some thought, and lots of coins.
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? enjoyed immensely. Won't answer fully due to spoiler alert.
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? No, not yet
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? chests, gems, manuals, carpets.
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? Only 1
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? No
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? Mini quests in maze were funny and inventive. Yetis and snowmen were cute. Roadstones were over the top philosophically, but heck I felt I was climbing to a monastery, so they were tolerable.
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. The best by far. Think it will have great replayability, with much new to find each time. 
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? Just right. If I can solve the 24 hr meditation problem, it will be perfect.
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. Think I said everything above.
  21. What do you think about this storyline? Anxiously awaiting the end of chapter 1 and the Secret Library. Well done!

     We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general?  Most of a day, a few visits, still 4 hours to go, for my oak tree.
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? The fog coming back, really slows things down.  I never liked it in mazes.  Meeting new characters and finding new things to solve.  The animals were a great touch, plus I picked up several beachnuts, which are very rare, in my towns.  (Some text colour options, for forum, please?)
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit?  No idea, by the time I realised I'd done it, I'd forgotten.  I did try the friendly animals/characters a couple of times, but not sure if it helped.
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were?  Monk vs 2 root hands, monk vs chasm, Boar, wolf, ghost.
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after?  I would be happy to explore again, but I can only redo the snow zone, the 2 early zones are now closed?  Unless I need to do the other 2 exits, from start. I know I missed some, from Sykotik spreedsheet.
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general?  I was making myself a guide, but too much content, so I just 'winged' most of it.  Then I discovered the torch thing.
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location?  Apart from the fog, lots of interesting new things to find and solve.
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants?  The farmer and the shepherd had some decent dialogue, but I would love to learn more about the Preddo Monks way of life and philosophy, the white togas are a bit dull, how about white priest style outfits, maybe in Orange or yellow.
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally?   When you grew up watching "Kung Fu", you kind of need to hear the word "grasshopper" at least every 3rd sentence.  This is the "gold standard" for monkish wisdom.  Or Yoda, from Star Wars.  I think it needs less words, to give his dialogue, more punch? Beside which, I have the attention span of a geriatric goldfish, shorter, please.
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? Why am I here, let me thin....oh, right, the survey.  Imma need to take another hero through, before I can remember all that stuff.  Do you really need to wipe out convo, before convo is complete? Maybe it could go in CC, so you can reread it, afterwards.  Which lines you chose, can be hard to remember.  (like picking up roots or rock-a-holes, but words).
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test?  After speaking to the other monks, it became more obvious, but I admit, I threw in 2 gold badges and a few other things, before I noticed, that the quest had updated.
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters?  I died, went and talked it over with a character, was still befuddled, but a buddy put me straight.
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little?  No, dammit.  Was I supposed to do something before or is it definately after the timer starts?  Does it have to burst like a firework, at 24 hours or would a seedling, sapling progress thing be possible?
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding?  Crystals, ores and manuals.  Beechnuts, I forget.
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain?  None, probably.  
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain?  Not possible, if I can't revisit lower levels?
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions?  The helpees could use a little more plot/story. "i was just one my way to visit brother Jimmy 2 wolves, when these hideous monsters leapt out at me, I dropped the eggs I was taking him, screamed like a movie goddess.He was going to make chocolate cake........." . Has a wolf ever licked your face in gratitude, can I expect a litter of boar piglets.......
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition. Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it.  Each location has it's own character and charm, each a little older and wiser, than the one before.  However, Thornsville had the best story type feel to it, for me.
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough?  About right, so far.
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above.  The animals are a lot nicer, than Gypsy Tabor.  Room for Lester and Elvira to have a bit more plot added?  Should there be some gypsy pressence, further messages from Gromus and Mr thorn?  I will be going bact to talk to them, when the 24 hour time out finishes.
  21. What do you think about this storyline?  Not decided, still thinking it over.

     We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general? - About 2 days
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? -Frustrating: That you can end up in the very same location after trying to leave. It really feels like you're going in circles. Fun: Doing those tiny quests to help people and animals in the maze
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? - Extinguishing the lanterns and the people/animals you've helped also guide you. Plus I made myself a spreadsheet with all the quotes from the rocks to know where I am.
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? - I met 7, I think. Some monks, the person at the graveyard, a wolf frozen in ice, some yetis, a snowman without a nose...
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? - No, I think I haven't seen some places, so I will definitely go back. Also to tame some more animals
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? - It was more frustrating than anything to get to the top and there were a lot of coffee breaks in between for me
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? - It is absolutely stunning. Especially the view from the cliff. Well done, guys!
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? - They have a lot to say, so click on them multiple times so their stories will make sense
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? - He was quite interesting, but I haven't really thought further about what he said.
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? - I actually liked all of them. They're not to hard, but sometimes you just don't think about obvious solutions :D
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? - Not really
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? -This took me a bit to figure out, but after talking to one of the monks with his meditation camp, I slept over it and found a solution the next day.
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? - Yes, I reduced the time from a day to 6 hours
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? - Different kinds of consumables
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? - None so far
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? - No
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? - I really liked talking to the inhabitants and they can be really helpful once you listen to them.
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. - I liked the fact that Preddo Mountain is connected to one of the former location for one of the quest. Won't say which for spoiler reasons though.
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? - Good enough for me
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above.- Can't think of anything now
  21. What do you think about this storyline? - I really liked it and can't wait to see what happens next

     We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

1. it took me 2 days to explore all of sectors and reaching the top,the only thing left is beating monsters in the cave dk if there is other missions in this location

2.the most frustrating one was the second sector was too hard to get away from it then going to the snow sector,the most funny one was the snow sector 

3.i just when i i enter any passage i turn off the latern to know that i have already tried this one and not to try it again or following the animals or people i help on my way to the top

4.i think they were the deer,the wraith and the monk that i built bridge for him that makes it 3 helped me to reach the top i couldnot explore all before i entered the monastery and y i already explored all the sectors completely after i finished all what i need inthe monastery was really hard specially the second sector but at the same time it was fun specially the view from the mountain :)

7.i was so excited and it was very good :)

8.they all were nice

9.he is very intresting and mystrious person, idk

10.i didnot really like throwing my items but for the cave monsters its very challenging i liked it fact i solved it by luck so not sure of that lol

12.when the dendrogs appeared i ran away i didnot want to die lol but i will come back when i be stronger 

13. idk what is that !

14.its hard to remember i found many goodies

15. 4

16. nope not yet

17. i think they r good enough wasnot so bad and nope i didnot notice any certain conditions 

18. i think its normal like any location guess its more similar to thornville cuz of the maze start but the location that i truly love is kafree tho 

19. good enough

20. i loved how mediating with that monk and the way the other 2 monks speaking in mystries thats good to experience our iq +iam really intresting on how we reach that brown chest in the air lol

21. i think its very nice i hope u keep on making new locations right that i always love storyline and very curious about will happen next :D thx again for making this locations its great

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general? 4 days, partly due to RL concerns, partly due to not knowing all the shortcuts.
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? Frustrating: The fog reappearing every time you change zones. Fun:Working out what your devious minds cooked up to confuse us.
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? Made myself a spreadsheet, and realising that the people/animals you save/help stand in front of the exits that give you the shortest path from zone entrance to exit.
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? 
    I found 8:
    Helped a person in need
    Trapped idiot behind a chasm, built a bridge for him to get over it
    Monk attacked by living hands
    Undertaker lost his bones (One was VERY hard to find)
    Tamed a boar and it got jiggy with another and ran away
    Ghost in the chest
    Frozen wolf (Have not fully helped, don't have enough meat)
    Yeti traders Inc.
       Missing one somewhere , I think there's meant to be 9, as 3 on each tier lead you in the most direct route to the next tier.
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? No, didn't get it all on the way up. Have fully completed the mid and top tiers, will get back to the base soon.
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? Once I started a spreadsheet, not so bad. Jagged the base tier before the mid tier frustrated me enough to do so.
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? Loved the scenery, and the fact the mini map looks like a mountain range is cute. Liked that it wasn't crazy big like Karfaree.
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? Typical monkish wisdom.
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? Seems like exactly what you'd expect from a wise monk trying to get you to discover the finer points of life in your own way.
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? They were pretty clever actually.
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? Not really, said to get rid of earthly possessions, so I tossed a fig, he liked that.
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? Died first time at the living hands. Resurrected, moved some stats around, got to dragons, wondered how the heck I was going to kill them, left screen open and went and got a snack while mentally telling you all what you could do with your 6 dragons, came back and I'd completed the test. Made sense after that, given what Atha said prior to entering.
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? First growth no, after that, found 5 speed ups.
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? Random consumables. The meditation hut was clever
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? 3 so far, still need the base tier secret. Stalagmite was tricky, but I channeled my inner dev and found it.
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? Gosh no.
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? Didn't really pay attention to interactivity of them. Expected monkish speak.
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. A lot of thought went in to it, puzzles were devious (dev stands for devious, not developer, right? :P)
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? Storyline was shortish, was hoping for a little bit more after the Oak.
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. The two underwater locations I found were extremely disappointing. Only the puddle, no zones or tunnels. Got a coin from one and can't remember the consumable from the other. Why bother including them if that's all there is to it?
  21. What do you think about this storyline? Interconnectivity of other locations was clever. Would;ve liked a bit more after the Oak though.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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  1. How long ?    Some hours except those damned meditations (with the oak) : several days and I cannot play with my heroe during this soooo long time.
  2. Most frustrating /most fun ?   The maze part is fun but a little tricky; I really enjoy the little NPCs.
  3. What clues for the exit?             Except for 1 part, always toward the Mountain's top.
  4. How many lucky NPC ?         4 if my memory is good : the monk (twice) and the ghost and the  2 yetis.
  5. Do you have all explored ?      I have found a secret part in a cave but i can imagine i have missed some parts. I wish the fog stay cleared and yes, i wish i could explore the remaining parts (it could help to explore other areas).
  6. How hard to find a way?          Not so hard but it takes a long  time.
  7. What impression of the monastery location?     Very nice place and I am happy to see what and where are those mysterious "chinese homes" wich are staying in the game's folder since several months ago.
  8. What general impression of inhabitants?         Nice people with "illumination" but they could be more verbose.
  9. What general impression of Athamaguru the main monk?        This character has a nice design; the "indian" look is astonishing; I like all his sentences. Very fun. And he is close of me personaly because I really enjoy zen and calm. 
  10. What impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you?        The Beast to fight lonely are very fun. I have not guessed that the beasts to fight will disappear if i do not fight for a while. Really "zen" . After a while the stone golems vanished and it gaves me a good lesson to hear from this guru Athama.
  11. Have you difficulties understanding for the greed test?   No; the NPC give good hints. I have thrown some war stuff; after several tries (3) i finally understood that somewhere else (horse hoe or something else like this) was to thrown. This part is a litlle tricky to guess.
  12. What about the strength test?       I have fought all monsters and I stopped when the stone golem was here. I have guessed I could die so I have gathered my troops. After a while they vanished; I was surprised but not so astonished (a good path to follow for a guru mind).
  13. Have you managed how to speed up oak tree growth?       Some NPC told about a fertilizer scattered in all parts, but i have not found how to do. And the meditating is soooo long. Very annoying part of the game (not finished : 24h+48+72h+... ?)
  14. What kind of items did you find?            I have a bad memory about this. Some books to help with the building times.
  15. How many secrets did you find?         Only 1 but I guess that there were more of them.
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain?  Always meditating ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... uh ? Oh yes, i will have to check it later ;)
  17. How did you like conversations?         I really enjoyed them.     
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with ...?     I really enjoyed the amazing view in those mountains. The background is really awsome and immersing. All the colours and the design reming the Gypsie Tabor. Do not ask me why, it is just a confuse feeling.
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content?      i really enjoy this place. I know that the fog coming back is designed to make the path harder but i find it is annoying. I wish i could come back later and see wich area i missed for instance. It is a real good thing to check all areas.
  20. State any other things you have found interesting.         I really enjoy the melting pot inside : some monks from Tibet, chinese houses and  scenery, indian guru. I enjoy the test with the beasts and the ethics behind this. I know that in another survey, you ask if we wish other places or the final chapter for this storyline. I so enjoy this Preddo Moutains that i would like to have the final chapter.
  21. What do you think about this storyline?                                                                                                Very good and thank you for all your hard work. Because I tried to see all the sentences to translate in french, i know that there are tons of chainwords to work out behind this. All the design i awesome and I guess that you had tons of hours of a hard work to to this too.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

1. It took me a full day to get to the top (I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything on the way), another day to explore the monastery and since then I've done one meditation each night.

2. I enjoyed the maze and going through it systematically, and it didn't really frustrate me at all. However, it was long and laborious and I am not sure how enjoyable it will be to do it again and again with later heroes. 

3. I noticed the characters you helped would guide you in the right direction, but because I wanted to explore all of the maze I made my own spreadsheet mapping the exits. Did not use the lanterns but will next time.

4. All of them - completed the quest. They were the monk with living hands, monk behind chasm, yeti, wolf in ice (fed him too), snowman without nose, undertaker, ghost in chest, hungry deer, lovesick boar. I have one more entry in the quest log but I can't remember who it was. It just says "someone in need".

5. I made sure I explored everything before continuing to the next level. 

6. Not that hard. I usually stumbled across the right exit fairly early on in the level, but then went back to explore everything I'd missed.

7. Really pretty. I love the ominous dark forest and the 3D effect of the cliff.

8. Really enjoyed the dialog with the farmer and shepherd. Would have liked it even more if their dialog changed after you'd changed their environments.

9. He's like you'd expect a monk mentor to be - wise but vague. You need to figure things out for yourself.

10. The tests were great, and progressively harder to figure out. Was shocked by the third quest at first, but once you know how it works it's not so bad :)

11. This one was the easiest. Started off with just coins, as they were talking about riches, but quickly realised it could be anything.

12. This one was harder. Got killed by the hands. Got more hints from the mentor, went back, didn't know what to do and just stood there, waiting. And hey presto, problem solved :D 

13. Found 4 speed ups. Only found two myself, needed help with the others.

14. The usual consumables. 

15. Four.

16. Yes.

17. I enjoyed the dialog. I especially like having to go back to previous characters for info. I even went back to the Herald (you never know). I'd love more of that!

18. I think the 3 most recent new locations have all been particularly good!

19. Locations can never be too big for me!

20. Nothing I can think of right now.

21. Loved it. Can't wait to see the conclusion.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general? 3 evenings to reach the top and finish all the quick quests, then a long time...

  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? Clearing the fog each time you enter the same location again, I don't think it's necessary, we're back anyway, and it would be much less iritating if we could simply put a flag at one exit

  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? After the ghost explicitly told me where to go I realized that all the "friends" were pointing the way. But I wanted to explore everything anyway so instead of going the shortest way I simply drew a map on a piece of paper.

  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? I finished the quest, so I guess all of them?

  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? Yes, I visited every location, missed one animal (not keen on taming them, got enough in towns) that I didn't click on to see it was hungry. Went back to finish the quest.

  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? Not very hard.

  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? It's nice, could be a little bigger?

  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? They fit the story line

  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? Boring and no. I guess he fits the position he plays in the story line but he didn't do much for me. I much more prefered the philosophy of the "Technically I'm the best" shepard :D

  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? The last one of course! The others were ok.

  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? No, that one was very easy to figure out if you had a blueprint for how your quests work... I had an inkling which of the items I needed to get rid of but I admit I tried first with a few coins in the hopes it would be enough... talked to the mentor and decided there was no chance I could go cheap here

  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? Died the first time on golems and went to ask the mentor. His clue helped but only accidently. It was actually very misleading - talking about making monsters surrender? Nothing like that happens. I tried to use any of my items on the mobs, on the hero, on the cave entrances to see if they would surrender and this way the time passed. But I had to actually check the quest log to see what worked and I was really surprised. Maybe change the metor's hint? To something about patience with your foe?

  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? Yes, 3 + 3 + 4.5 + 6 + 2. I think I missed the fertilizer the first time. But it's way too long anyway. Also, the hints are not too helpful. The mentor tells you to talk to a farmer, but when you talk to the one on the spot, he tells you stuff, but when you then talk to the mentor you don't get the new question options (so no confirmation you're on the right track). My gardener was dead already so had to go to NK to talk to another farmer. I think the mentor could be more helpful, and give you new answers / clues if you're starting to go the right way. Like after you talk to the farmer, suggest that the climate is harsh, and that old knowledge tells you how to control the weather, etc.

  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? Lots of consumables

  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? 4 I think, hard to tell as I play with sound off and it's easy to miss the message (and there's no separate counter for preddo)

  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? 4 missing

  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? I loved the "I talk too much for a monk" shepard, but the rest is not that very interesting. I liked that the mentor gives you clues to the quests, but I think the clues could be improved.

  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. I liked it up until the last quest, it's comparable to thornsville and gypsy (better than the early quests and much better than karfaree) but the meditating part spoiled the fun for me. It's off putting. It's seriously too long, even with the speed ups. There's very little to do in the game without having you hero available so I put off the meditating to when I don't play and that prolongs it for 4 more days. That's way too much for a single quest. It's either that or an invitation to turn the game off. Feels like a chore that needs to be done in order to proceed but totally kills the fun of playing.

  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? No location is too big, lol

  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. There's this chest on the stone and a precursors' UI that bugs me...

  21. What do you think about this storyline? It's interesting I would definitely like to know what's in the secret library

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
  1. How long ?    Some hours except those damned meditations (with the oak) : several days and I cannot play with my heroe during this soooo long time.
  2. Most frustrating /most fun ?   The maze part is fun but a little tricky; I really enjoy the little NPCs.
  3. What clues for the exit?             Except for 1 part, always toward the Mountain's top.
  4. How many lucky NPC ?         4 if my memory is good : the monk (twice) and the ghost and the  2 yetis.
  5. Do you have all explored ?      I have found a secret part in a cave but i can imagine i have missed some parts. I wish the fog stay cleared and yes, i wish i could explore the remaining parts (it could help to explore other areas).
  6. How hard to find a way?          Not so hard but it takes a long  time.
  7. What impression of the monastery location?     Very nice place and I am happy to see what and where are those mysterious "chinese homes" wich are staying in the game's folder since several months ago.
  8. What general impression of inhabitants?         Nice people with "illumination" but they could be more verbose.
  9. What general impression of Athamaguru the main monk?        This character has a nice design; the "indian" look is astonishing; I like all his sentences. Very fun. And he is close of me personaly because I really enjoy zen and calm. 
  10. What impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you?        The Beast to fight lonely are very fun. I have not guessed that the beasts to fight will disappear if i do not fight for a while. Really "zen" . After a while the stone golems vanished and it gaves me a good lesson to hear from this guru Athama.
  11. Have you difficulties understanding for the greed test?   No; the NPC give good hints. I have thrown some war stuff; after several tries (3) i finally understood that somewhere else (horse hoe or something else like this) was to thrown. This part is a litlle tricky to guess.
  12. What about the strength test?       I have fought all monsters and I stopped when the stone golem was here. I have guessed I could die so I have gathered my troops. After a while they vanished; I was surprised but not so astonished (a good path to follow for a guru mind).
  13. Have you managed how to speed up oak tree growth?       Some NPC told about a fertilizer scattered in all parts, but i have not found how to do. And the meditating is soooo long. Very annoying part of the game (not finished : 24h+48+72h+... ?)
  14. What kind of items did you find?            I have a bad memory about this. Some books to help with the building times.
  15. How many secrets did you find?         Only 1 but I guess that there were more of them.
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain?  Always meditating ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... uh ? Oh yes, i will have to check it later ;)
  17. How did you like conversations?         I really enjoyed them.     
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with ...?     I really enjoyed the amazing view in those mountains. The background is really awsome and immersing. All the colours and the design reming the Gypsie Tabor. Do not ask me why, it is just a confuse feeling.
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content?      i really enjoy this place. I know that the fog coming back is designed to make the path harder but i find it is annoying. I wish i could come back later and see wich area i missed for instance. It is a real good thing to check all areas.
  20. State any other things you have found interesting.         I really enjoy the melting pot inside : some monks from Tibet, chinese houses and  scenery, indian guru. I enjoy the test with the beasts and the ethics behind this. I know that in another survey, you ask if we wish other places or the final chapter for this storyline. I so enjoy this Preddo Moutains that i would like to have the final chapter.
  21. What do you think about this storyline?                                                                                                Very good and thank you for all your hard work. Because I tried to see all the sentences to translate in french, i know that there are tons of chainwords to work out behind this. All the design i awesome and I guess that you had tons of hours of a hard work to to this too.

Now I have found 3 ways to speed up the growth of the oak.

  1. A fertilizer bag (near the farmer with a tree and a green field).
  2. After a visit to RNK and the healer, the fire with a torch applied on the 4 bushes around the oak.
  3. After those hints from RNK, i have applied the bucket of water on the oak.
  4. Not a mean to speed up the oak, but the dead beast under the ice can be melt down and you can find a "fisher tale" item.
  5. There are probably others things of goodies I missed.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
Reply to

Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest: answers in CAPITAL LETTERS

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general ALL IN ALL ABOUT 24 HRS (BEFORE UPDATE9
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? WALKING AIMLESSLY AROUND IS MOST FRUSTRATING, LITTLE QUESTS LIKE MAILMAN; FEEDING WOLF ETC WAS MOST FUN
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? GRAVEYARD, FEEDING DEER; FEEDING WOLF, BUILD BRIDGE, YETI MAILMAN, GHOST
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? I DOUBT I DID ALL, AND I HEARD ABOUT A SNOWMAN WITH NO NOSE, SO I MIGHT GO BACK
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? NOT AS HARD AS I THOUGHT AFTER HEARING ABOUT IT
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? AFTER DUNGEONS, MY FAVORITE
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally?I DON#T THNK SO
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? NOT FIGHTING IN THE CAVE WAS FUN. NOTHING I DISLIKED REALLY
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? NO
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? I WONDERED AT FIRST IF NOT FIGHTING WAS THE ANSWER, BUT THIS TOTEM TRIBE, SO YOU FIGHT AT FIRST! :)
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? 1ST FROM 24 HRS TO 1,5 AND LAST TO 7,5 HRS
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? I NEVER FOUND THIS MANY ANIMALS TO TAME (WHICH I DID). LOTS OF CRYSTALS AND ORES. RESEARCH POINTS WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain?  I THINK ONLY !, THE FROZEN FIELD
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? NO
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? FOR ME ALL CONVERSATIONS ARE TOO LONG. EXCEPT HEAD MONK COULD BE LESS VAGUE ABOUT THE CHEST
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. I HATE WALKING AIMLESSLY AROUND LIKE IN KARFAREE, ANOMALIES ETC; BUT IN PREDDO THE LOCATIONS WERE BITE SIZE SO EASIER TO DEAL WITH. MY ORDER WOULD BE: OH/KV/NK; PREDDO; THORNSVILLE; KARFAREE (BECAUSE OF THE EXP); GYPSY
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? JUST FINE
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. 3D EFFECT WHEN YOU GET ON THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN, BUT I WOULD LOVE TO SEE MY TOWN IN THE DISTANCE :)
  21. What do you think about this storyline? INTERESTING, CANT WAIT TO ENTER THE LIBRARY

     We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

Edited 6 minutes later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
Reply to

You do, if you water it enough times...

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

I don't like locations, this one is absolutely not an exception, only thing I like in them is puzzles and here, fortunately, there seem to be none (and in gypsy tabor there was only one that is solvable with paint and is already present on many books/websites) so I'm not forced to play through all the other things I don't like there, I won't do it at all and I hope that you will also never add any other puzzles in next locations for the same reason. About the totem tribe gold feeling: I summed up totem tribe gold as a simple RTS with puzzles and hidden objects, I didn't like hidden objects but liked a lot the simple RTS idea, but here all locations are like mist/monkey islands in TTG, locations where you have only one character to move, no buildings (and here not even 2 flags, one for explorers one for hero/army), and I didn't like those. Only locations that extremely slightly have buildings are zodchy but they are not exactly fun, and war victory dragon where it's more a gimmick than anything close to even first island of TTG.

I'm not gonna list everything I dislike about locations, those things are liked by other players, my only point is: since after all no one is asking for any either, please keep not putting puzzles in next locations so I can happily not do them without feeling that I'm missing anything at all.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
Reply to

Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general? 3 Days
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? Just figuring out where I was, once I started hitting the different areas of the mountain it sunk in (yeah I am slow) 
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? Blind Luck
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? So far 3 (undertaker, Deer and the guy I had to build the bridge for)will have to go back and wander around some more.
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? No I just wanted to get to the top of the mountain will go back for the replay value (thanks for that by the way)
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? Not too hard, the last part I had to take a right to get to the top. The rest of the way I just walked towards the top of the screen. 
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? Initially it drove me insane with the fog and wandering around, but once it clicked what I was doing I liked it a lot. 
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? They sure are vague. 
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? I liked the Monk, and never thought about it. 
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? throwing stuff off the cliff took me a while to grasp and the fighting or not fighting monsters thing.  
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? No
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? I thought I would never ever ever finish the mission fight dragons really? Until my alliance helped me out. 
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? Yes
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? Honestly did not pay attention, but what I found was great. Anytime I find something is awesome. 
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? I do not know
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? Never, I only would do that if I got a gem magnifying glass like in Totem Tribe Gold.
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? I liked these conversations better then Karfaree, they are getting better. 
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. The original Totem Tribe is a favorite game from Enkord, it is how I met Beserker and Tuey. I like Preddo a lot feels like I can replay some aspects of the location.  
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? Like Goldilocks says it is just right.  
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. I liked how the terrain changed as you went up the Mountain, very nice touch, I liked the 3D aspect of the top too. You impressed me with this one Ber's and whomever else was a Dev on it. 
  21. What do you think about this storyline? Totally interesting and when is the next chapter, do I have to wait another year?

     We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

Thanks for having a great game for me to spend my time. We need a way to escape the real world now a days. 

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

 war victory dragon where it's more a gimmick than anything close to even first island of TTG.

How did you reached it if you have no War Victory?

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I don't like locations, this one is absolutely not an exception, only thing I like in them is puzzles and here, fortunately, there seem to be none (and in gypsy tabor there was only one that is solvable with paint and is already present on many books/websites) so I'm not forced to play through all the other things I don't like there, I won't do it at all and I hope that you will also never add any other puzzles in next locations for the same reason. About the totem tribe gold feeling: I summed up totem tribe gold as a simple RTS with puzzles and hidden objects, I didn't like hidden objects but liked a lot the simple RTS idea, but here all locations are like mist/monkey islands in TTG, locations where you have only one character to move, no buildings (and here not even 2 flags, one for explorers one for hero/army), and I didn't like those. Only locations that extremely slightly have buildings are zodchy but they are not exactly fun, and war victory dragon where it's more a gimmick than anything close to even first island of TTG.

I'm not gonna list everything I dislike about locations, those things are liked by other players, my only point is: since after all no one is asking for any either, please keep not putting puzzles in next locations so I can happily not do them without feeling that I'm missing anything at all.

you are playing the wrong game!

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general?   ABOUT 4 DAYS  AS I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT SPEED UPS IN THE BEGINN9ING
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? IT WAS JUST LUCK
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? THERE WERE 6, SNOWMAN, FROZEN WOLF, GUY ACROSS THE CHASM, UNDERTAKER, ORDINARY MONK, YETI
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? I DEF DID NOT EXPLORE ALL, AND WOULD LIKE TO GO BACK BUT WOULD NEED A BIG REST FROM ALL THE FOG COMING BACK
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? FAIRLY HARD AS I DID NOT REALLYKNOW WHAT I WAS DOING BUT THEN STARTED TO MAP A BIT WHICH MADE IT A BIT EASIER
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location? I LIKED THIS A LOT GRAPHICS GOOD AS USUAL, AND LOVED THE WAY YOU FELT YOU WERE ACTUALLY CLIMBING
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? THEY WERE FUN AND FIT THE LOCATION
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? HE WAS WISE AND NOT REALLY
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? THESE AGAIN WERE A BIT TRICKY TO WORK OUT FULLY BUT INTERESTING
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? I GOT THAT I HAD TO GET RID OF STUFF, BUT THEN GOT STUCK WITH WHAT TO DO NEXT AS HE SAID I HAD FINISHED GETTING RID OF THINGS
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? I ACTUALLY FAUGHT UP TO THE HANDS , THEN HAD A RANDOM THOUGHT AND IT WAS THE RIGHT ONE
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? YES 4 SPEED UPS BUT HAVE TO HAVE A LOT OF HELP WITH THIS
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? HE USUAL SORT OF ITEMS NOTHING UNUSUAL I DON'T THINK
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? JUST ONE
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING LOL
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? I THINK THEY WERE ABOUT RIGHT BUT WISH THE FARMER AND SHEPERD HAD MORE TO SAY
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. I THINK I LIKED THIS BEST OF ALL TT2  CAN'T REMEMBER MUCH OF THE ORIGINAL
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? SIZE ABOUT RIGHT OVERALL BUT WISH THE FOREST WAS A BIT SMALLER AND THE MONESTARY HAD MORE TO DO ESP WITH THE FARMER AND SHEPPARD
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. 
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

Don't know why my survey above came out as anonymous, but it was me Lol

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
Reply to

Some questions to those who finished Preddo Monastery quest:

  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general?
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you?
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit?
  4. How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were?
  5. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after?
  6. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general?
  7. What was your general impression of the monastery location?
  8. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants?
  9. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally?
  10. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most?
  11. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test?
  12. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters?
  13. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little?
  14. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding?
  15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain?
  16. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain?
  17. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions?
  18. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it.
  19. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough?
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above.
  21. What do you think about this storyline?

They were quite helpful so if you haven't filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

1.  A couple of days since I was here and not here during some of my meditations.  A day if I could hang out consistently.  

2.  I think having the fog come back was the most frustrating part.  I liked having the characters to help and would love more of those, or more situations where you have things like that to do.  And the guidestones seemed like a combination of Sun Tzu quotes and game advice.  :-D

3.  I doused the lamps at the entrance and then would try exits (I thought I found a pattern but not so much lol), dousing the lanterns as I went through in case they were the right one.  If not then I relit the lamp and tried another, extinguishing that one as I went through the exit.  That is how I kept track of where I was and had been.

4.  I helped a wolf, two monks, a mortician, two yeti and a deer.  I think that's it.  

5.  I did not explore it all I don't believe.  I went straight to the top as much as I could.  I will probably revisit it at some point. 

6.  I think it was just hard enough.  :-D  Far less frustrating than the thorn maze in Thornsville and that makes me happy.  :-D

7.  I thought it was very well rendered and I loved the 3D effect.  I got a glimpse of it going up the mountain and that really captivated my attention.  As always, the artwork was great and the quests were not impossible, except for that elusive chest!  And, I'm not sure I actually completed helping the farmer so maybe his dialogue could be tweaked to let me know that.  I was so focused on clearing that I may have missed some details so I plan on paying better attention next hero. 

8.  I thought they were fine for the location but a little more dialogue would be nice.  

9.  To be honest I wasn't really looking at his responses in the light of philosophical comparison but probably chose my portion of the dialogue consistent with my viewpoints.  I thought he could have had another test before the big Oak Tree Challenge though.  I liked that. 

10. I think I liked the cave one the best.  I sort of figured it out by not figuring it out and by accident.  That was a nice little aha moment and coincides with something I have said for a very long time about problem solving.  :-)  More tests in that vein would be cool.

11.  None whatsoever except in terms of how much is needed to satisfy it and that's just a matter of doing the same thing until you pass.   :-D

12. Well, I tried to be proactive at first and won my battles but when the hands showed up I knew I had to do something different.  I discovered what to do purely by accident.  That was a fun surprise.  :-D  Like I said, the solution is something I've advocated for a long time lol.

13. I did.  I went to NK and spoke to the old lady and she told me warmth and water.  I also retrieved the weather sensor and put it in place.  Once I realized we had a weather tower I used it for rain and sunshine to satisfy the warmth and water requirements.  Before that I lit the bushes around the seedling on fire and used my water tool to water the ground.  I also picked up fertilizer and used that.  

14. The usual consumables, a figurine, a coin, food, a fisherman's tale, a treatise (I got some from sitting with the minor monk tbh), crystals, minerals (more iron ore than I need tbh) and things like that.  I found some wood but apparently, there was more I missed.  I had some chests that gave me equipment and speedups and research points. 

15. I think only one.  

16. Not yet, no.

17. I liked the conversations and like the idea that I can change up my story by selecting different options.  I didn't find the conversations bad at all though I think they could be expanded upon for the farmer for instance. I have always appreciated that about this game.  I don't find the conversations a deterrent or impediment at all. 

18. I liked this location the best I think.  Karfaree has too many little people to talk to but there is a nice variety of quests there and probably a better variety tbh.  However, I don't like having to talk to the little wandering people and some of the quests I've never managed to get the characters for.  I'm so used to OH, NK and KV that they are like second nature to me but I remember when they were shiny and new and this is longer and more interesting.  I am always frustrated by the thorn maze in Thornsville and the torch puzzle and didn't have any frustration here.  I'm not sure if that's better or worse.  :-D  Overall, I thought the mountain was just right in size, scope and depth.  It's been so long since I've played TTG (but it WAS the thing that brought me here) that it's hard for me to compare, however I do remember the end sequence and because I never sacrificed my people I spent way too long fighting the big bad lol.  This is much shorter than that and I think it's just fine. 

19. It's fine in size.  I would not split it.  I'm not sure if it can be longer or not.  I think it was just right personally. 

20. I can't really think of anything now.  If anything comes to me I'll post it later.  I can't rave enough about the artwork though.  That is always head and shoulders above any other game I've played of this genre, IMO.  

21. I like the storyline.  I don't usually say that about game stories but I've been here for 6 years so it must be holding my attention somehow lol.  Keep up the good work and let's get that secret library done!  :-D

Edited 39 minutes later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

1. Around 2 evenings

2. I didnt found it very frustrating actual. The locations were small enough for me to clear them again (and again and again..;-) ) without going nuts about that. And even better then when i noticed that i finally discovered a new section

3. Try and error...I had the lantern-hint in mind,but then started pretty soon just to go until I found the right way. (And like Diana i thought sometimes i discovered a pattern, but at the end i found the right way just by accident probably)

4. At the beginning 2 monks,yeti,deer and the snowman i guess..After finish and read a bit in the survey i went back to explore more of the forest (what is a pretty cool and fun possibility)

5. See above

6. Challenging enough,but not too hard

7. I love it. Like always its beautiful, its different to the other locations and i liked to explore it

8. Similar to the whole location: They are cool,and i enjoyed to check them out (and meet some of my new friends again)

9. I like him! But didnt found his wisdom pretty surprising. Maybe too close to my „personality“ ;-)

10. I like the tests,and also that you needed to think a bit different to solve it. Cant say that i dislike one of them really

11. Not really,but it needed a bit to think what throw away,in case its maybe not the right pretty nice test,devs ;-)

12. Of course impatient me needed to die a few times before i got that maybe brain could help (or the right attitude...)

13. Yes

14. The usual consumables. I got some more carpets,very appreciated :-)

15. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain?I don‘t really know..2 or 3..? Guess i will stay the worse secret-finder in that game

16. No,but I still dont really search them. Just pick up when they come my way

17. I like them and found them just right to keep my attention without make me impatient and click through it. Good job! The way you ask for the interactivity make me think that there is more to explore then i did..

18. Hard to compare them,as they are all different (what is great!) Preddo is a good continuation to the other locations,and probably my second favourite after Thornsville,what gave me most gaming-fun. The tarbor is great too and comes pretty short after,but there i had a few „frustrating moments“ while explore the woods. Preddo was not so hard for me,but kept my attention for the whole time i was there.

19. Good enough!

20. I have to mention too the great artwork! I really enjoyed that a lot!

21. I like it,and once again i‘m left with the wish to know more!!! :-D

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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