Made in Ukraine

SPOILER: Survey for those who beat the Opposition Hideout

1 2 3 4 5 6

I have removed the ability to use powerups to break obstacles as  many people complained there.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I brought the battering ram all the way from my home town and after solving the statue puzzle, brought the ram down the hole and used it to break the rock.  I was concerned that I made a mistake but it worked. I was worried that the ram wouldn't go down the hole but it did.  I did need to send another hunter in order to get the ram to follow the hero.

Edited 5 minutes later by . Reason: add info.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

It made immediate sense to me that I would need to transport in stone to build the wade, but I would have really liked a hint as for how much stone was needed. I didn't connect the empty stone quarry to the wade though.

I was thrown off by the statues around the 3 & 4 because of the donor memo, I thought it meant they were something that hadn't been polished yet. I thought they might be some kind of puzzle because of the number puzzle at the home level, but I didn't find 1 & 2 for awhile so honestly I forgot about them.

After crossing, I turned left and spotted the fisherman. Fished and got him something on my second try, so he gave me the info about the meat for the cavemen. I found all the fishbones and opened that chest so I handed over the meat and figured they each needed a piece.

Next I ran my hero into the first group of dendrogs. I came back over and over before I finally got all the way through them.. Hero level 3, 5 hunters, 2 witch doctors, 2 dogs, 4 braves was my finaly combo I think, tho I'd been chipping away at them as I was adding to my final army size. That was frustrating because it looked like only a couple of my troops were fighting and everybody was being slaughtered. I figured out how to read the battle results and watched it step by step before I could actually tell that they were making a difference. 

With my 4th piece of meat, I finally (excitedly) went into the cave. And was blocked. I've been playing for about a week and I haven't found a chisel yet, so I turned to the forums for hope and answers. After reading through this thread I realized that I needed to activate the statue puzzle. Initially I tried to turn all the sparkles off, then realized the math wouldn't work for that and got them all on quickly. 

The stones inside were pretty easy to find so that all went very smoothly. I'm not complaining, but they remind me of an O'Keefe painting aka they look a bit like a vagina. Again not a complaint, just an observation :)

The map felt extremely difficult as I was working my way through it, but now I see it really wasn't. The hardest part for me was trying to kill all the dendrogs, because I think I lost my hero about 6 times. Since it's just the first level after the intro, I don't think it was too bad. 

I also don't feel like it compares too much to the original game. It's turned into a beautiful mix of so many genres of games that I like, but it doesn't feel like the original very much. Visually it's extremely different, but I guess the challenge of finding a certain amount of meat and bones and stone pieces were like the first. 

I'm currently building a battering ram which I'll be taking back to finish the level *finallt :)

It's started a little slow, but I'm really enjoying myself so far.

Edited 54 seconds later by . Reason: Added info.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Sounds like a bug if you gave 4 pieces of meat and still blocked inside. How exactly were you blocked inside? Puzzle is alternative path inside the game, if you decided to skip on the cavement.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Ag sorry I mean the block of stone or whatever but I think that's through the entrance by the puzzle? I ended up exploring the underground through whichever entrance doesn't have that element. I went back in a bit ago with a ram but still couldn't get through the stone so I guess I'll wait until I find the chisel

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to

Ag sorry I mean the block of stone or whatever but I think that's through the entrance by the puzzle? I ended up exploring the underground through whichever entrance doesn't have that element. I went back in a bit ago with a ram but still couldn't get through the stone so I guess I'll wait until I find the chisel

So you probably did the puzzle first and then the cavemen and went through them. The ram needs to follow your hero, not just be present in the area. Then you click on the obstacle.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I think I did the statue puzzle after i simply couldn't find the final piece of meat. I didn't have anything else to do on the map so I sucked it up and figured it out, because isn't there a 5th piece down there? When I couldn't get through the stone, I just brought the last piece of meat to the cavemen and happily went in that way.

I'll try again with the ram! Thank you

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

1. Fed all Caveman

2. Puzzle was easy

3. I use 600 stone for river i use ram for stone in cave (yes after fed all caveman) im pretty angry because of there is no explaniation for chisel

4. Totem Tribe orginal was lot better than it you could easily understand what to do but i cannot understand what to do exactly i wish you would make 4-5 totem tribe instead of multiplayer game its waste of money, time, work, and manpower

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

1. Gave fish to the fisherman and then managed to go with just the second piece of meat!

2. Pretty easy once I figured out that pressing 3 & 4 (after they lit the figure) does something more... I didn't notice at first!

3. I tend to go to every corner to see if the fog lifts... (a habit from TT1) so I found the last part of the fishing pole quite easily. Already gave 1 piece of meat (from the chest) to the cavemen  so I had to kill the first pack of dendrogs. But then just went to the cave without problems. Afterwards I fought the dendrogs pack by pack, training units when needed.

4. I wish there were more puzzles...? Or more quests on each location? I prefer when there's more adventure vs town building, but that might be just my preference...

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I guess that I beat the location cuz the other 2 locations just unlocked.

1. I entered the cave through the puzzle. I solved the puzzle ...not very difficult, and then I found Gromus at the end of the cave.

2. The puzzle seemed difficult at the beggining, but once I made the wade by transferring resources from my town to OH, I found then the other 2 numbers - 1 and 2. Then I pressed them and the statues started to glow. After asking, I found out that the puzzle has to do with no. 3 and 4. and from that, I figured how to solve it.

3. I found Gromus through the puzzle. I entered with my hero, but I stumbled by that stone . Then I found out that the primitive ram will help. And from there I explored the cave..found Gromus talk to him completely and got out though the other side...the one with the cavemen. At first, I gave meat to them. I also tried to get pass the dendrogs, but died twice, so I will return woth a stronger army. Maybe there is something else there:)

4. The location is a little bit different from the original TT, but it's awesome. I wish although that sometimes, the quests would be more ...I don't know, you can understand better what to do. The size until now seems the same with other, but I have yet to explore the part with the dendrogs, so it may be bigger. 

I also would like that the time from one locations to another be less. or if possible, don't have to return home and from there, to a new location. why can't I travel from where I am to where I want? That part was better in original TT.  And if possible, more quests. 

one another, the locations are great and the game also. 

Thanks again for invite:)

Edited 6 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to

Several questions to those who found Gromus.

1. How did you get into the cave? (There are several ways)

2. How difficult was the puzzle? I could have made it easier but since it is not obligatory to progress I decided to leave it as is and get some feedback.

3. Also post here what you did to solve quests in this location - it will be interesting to see how different people did it as there are various ways.

4. Finally I would like to know how this location compares to the quest locations from original Totem Tribe in terms of size and content quality.

1. First I went through the puzzle, but I couldn't break the stone so I gave one meat to the cavemen and entered it.

2. For me it was perfect.

3. The first time I entered, I explored everywhere, found the puzzle but I couldn't figure it out how to active it and found the wade, but I didn't know how to cross it and I thought than maybe I needed some tool or technology that I didn't have, so I came back to my town to continue with my quest. Luckily I found berserker at the chat and he told me to send stones. I don't know if it was just me, but for me it wasn't clear, so if this happens to more players maybe you could considerate to give a hint.
Once I cross the wade I started exploring. I spoke to everyone, I found the fishing rod, the chest, the fishbones and the numbers. I went to the dendrog place but I died miserably, so I decided to come back later with more army.Meanwhile, I activate the puzzle and resolve it, but when I came into the cave I found a stone than I couldn't break. Then I went fishing, gave the fish to the fisherman and he told me the clue about the cavemen. Even if I though I needed four meats I gave one to the cavemen and they let me in.
I explored the cave, found Gromus and opened the chest. I also found a door but I haven't been able to open it yet.

4. Acording to size and quality, I would say that they are pretty similar. The exploring, finding items, puzzle,.. it all remind me a lot to the original. The difference that I found is that now the battles are harder, if you die you need more time and resources, so you will need more time to pass quests and be more conservative about going to battle without being prepare. I'm not saying is bad, it's just different. 

Edited 19 seconds later by .
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

1. I got into the first cave using the statue puzzle, then by giving a single piece of meat

2. Haha actually I was a bit clueless about the wade at first ^^"

3.1 Once I understood about the wade, it bothered me not to know exactly how many stones I needed (yet that would be a bit weird to have messages like "you need 42 more stones to complete the wade")

3.2 I solved the statue puzzle, then in the passage that opened, I really didn't know what to do with the big rock. I thought to myself that maybe this was a place I could go back to later when I have the right tool to break it.

3.3 So I gave the fish to the guy, which told me the trick with the giants. Then I fought just a first group of enemies to get a piece of meat and I managed to get inside

3.4 Inside... Well actually I couldn't find all the rocks, and I didn't find my way to Grammus (see 3.5) and I thought to myself the chest outside might hold the key to the locked door, and there would be more rocks behind (and because I was missing one fish bone, I thought I had to fight some enemies to reveal the final one :( )

3.5 Then I found the missing skull....but no key in the chest :(. Decided to search the cave again, and then I realized that an area that I thought was impossible to reach...was reachable : I missclicked my flag there, and my hero started moving weirdly (actually following the path found by the pathfinding algorithm) So that's how I revealed the last part of the grotto (the narrow path in the middle). Before I just didn't put my flag there as there were rocks that (I thought) blocked the path.

4. Well, sorry to say this guys, but I preferred the first totem tribe "dungeon experience" a lot more :(. Even though the quests were (easier ?), the fast paced action made it a lot more enjoyable. And the fact that in TT2 the units just freeze during a battle (while a turn by turn battle is computed by the computer) really disenchants me =_=. In the original TT it was just cool to watch those real time battles (even if you had little control on it xD). TT2 has taken a very different direction from what I had expected, which is interesting nevertheless. Also I'm aware it's just an Alpha, and I'm eager to see what improvements you're gonna give us :)

Edited 4 minutes later by . Reason: last paragraph more optimistic.
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

I went to the Hideout By the Cavemen Cave , I didn't even finish the puzzle , It was very difficult for me to finish it , Also Nice quest Thought It's difficult and needs much Thinking , Keep the good work Enkord :)

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

how do I solve the puzzle in opposition hideout

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I would like to know where the last 3 gems are,, Im missing 3, cant find them anywhere

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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