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SPOILER: Survey to those who have beaten several Dungeons

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Several questions to those who have beaten at least couple of random dungeons:

  1. How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.
  3. How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?
  5. Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
  6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
  7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
  8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
  9. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
  10. How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?
  11. How hard were the hidden buttons?
  12. How hard were the puzzle sequences?
  13. How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?
  14. What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?
  15. How hard was the final puzzle?
  16. What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?
  17. State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Ok so i will be the first to have a go at this....yay!

1.  I've fully completed 8 dungeons so far with one of my heros (and have found 9 seals), partially completed the same 8 with my second hero.  I think abandoned, desolate, dangerous, and buried were unlocked and on my map straight away.  Then i found cursed and grand maps in chests, and covert and ruined maps just laying around on the ground in towns.  I'm still (impatiently!) waiting for the very last dungeon to show up for both heros.

2.  I've had spikey rooms, hidden object rooms, door switch rooms for gates, monsters, (ugh) beacon puzzle rooms.

3.  I loved the size of grand and cursed dungeons :)  They were huge, so i'm always up for bigger and better :)  The other 6 were a decent size, but again, i wouldn't mind if they were all the same size as grand and cursed :)

4.  I've found lots of goodies inside :)  Mostly ores, savings policy and day of the armies hidden within rooms.  I don't normally use the sp and day of the army items, but don't mind getting them so i can trade them.  Fighting monsters was good to pick up other various consummables. 

5.  I've found a few secrets so far.  This is a spoiler thread, so i can say that i've only discovered two ways they are hidden so far - i've found blueprints by clicking on tables within random rooms, and a couple times i found a secret by clicking on a floor grate that took me to a different room with a chest.  Erm, i can't quite remember what was in the chest at this time though. :/  I've yet to find other ways to get secret items...i'll keep on looking. :)

6.  Love the secret items.  A good addition for sure.  It's fun trying to figure out how to find them, and a nice surprise when you discover one.

7.  Gems - I've not found them all in any of the dungeons.  They are pretty sneakily hidden in some.  I found that they might be hard to see when they are hidden between rooms, because the area they are in is still a bit dark from fog.  I have to admit, i can't be bothered with finding the rest of the gems in dungeons once i'm finished it.  I've always thought tt2 was a bit 'off' from the original, because even though there are gems to be found and most of us love finding them, there is no 'incentive' to find them all like there was in ttg.  In ttg, we had a bonus location open up once all the gems were found.  Would you ever consider doing the same for tt2?  Maybe say, if all gems are found in dens, you unlock a bonus den?  The same for dungeons and caves? Once all are found in dungeons, a new bonus dungeon is unlocked?  This would definitely inspire me to continue looking :)

8.  Hidden consummable items:  As above, i've mostly found ores, savings policies and days of the army.  I don't think i've found any figurines, other than what might pop up as a random item in a chest or from fighting monsters.  Blueprints, i've found as 'secrets', and i think maybe one i found underneath spider webs, but i can't be certain that is a real memory! 

9.  Enemies:  I've so far encountered zombies!!, worms, spiders, skellies, ghosts (omg, loved those, almost as much as zombies!), muscards.  At this stage in the alpha i found them very easy to fight, as i have mostly ren level units, but can see them being harder to fight when the dungeons are unlocked gradually and playing with a much weaker army.  So enemy strength is just right, please please please don't put in dragons! :/

10. Timed items.  I have only found timed items that require you to find 6 so far.  I understand there was a report saying there were some rooms where you need 12, i've not had any of those yet, so i can't confirm if the lag is a problem yet as reported.  I have no issue finding the hidden objects, so they were pretty easy for me.

11.  Hidden buttons:  Loved the hidden buttons. :) They were a bit of a challenge at first until i figure out the 'sequence', (i.e one room = one gate/switch), and to make sure you don't leave the room until it shakes.  I also found them a bit hard to find as i was looking only at floors and walls at first, then found out they could be in columns too.  But once i figured out what to look for, they were easy to find.

12.  Puzzle sequences: I'm assuming you are meaning the beacon puzzles.  I am really not a fan of them :/  I am finding these are the hardest of all to complete.  Mostly because it is difficult to follow a path of where the next moveable item is when you have to scroll across a big room.  Especially difficult if items are close together, so difficult to scroll across and entire room and match up to the next item.  Then, once moved, it's hard to remember which ones you've already moved and where the path goes :/  Also found that i was thinking the position of the items were a bit hard to figure out.  So one item needs to be moved to 'face' the next.  I had been moving the beds and the crypts in the wrong direction.  Lastly, i hate that your hero has to be right next to the object to be able to move it, lots of waiting for your hero to walk to the next item so that you can rotate it, etc.  So, my one hero has several dungeons now, just waiting for me to be brave enough to face the blasted beacons so i can continue on in them.  :/

13. Spikey rooms/traps:  At first, i died once not having a clue what to look for.  Then realized it was a big game of 'note the differences' and then all of the items that you should look for were repeated in several rooms.  I found this to be the easiest of all puzzles to figure out.

14.  Overall, love love love the dungeons :)  They really do tie in well with tt2 other quest locations with the monsters, the decor, etc.  Well done!  Even thought i hate them, it was fun to see the beacons come back from ttg and grrr to you all for making them harder than what we saw in ttg with all sorts of strange objects to move!  My first impression was that they were very well done, a nice challenge to 'figure things out', and well, they came at a great time in this alpha when most of my research was done and i was getting bored with fighting :/  I liked them better than the caves, as there was much more variety than the caves, and the 'maps' of the dungeons are all very different.  I like that the dungeons don't have any 'gimmicks' that the caves have like the stalagmites, where you lock yourself out of a chest if you don't place them in the right order (hate that!). 

15, 16, i can't answer at this time, since i'm still waiting for my last dungeon to appear to get the final seal.  I will add later.  Thanks to the hard work to Random and the rest of the dev team for this fantastic addition to an already great game!!  My only complaint would be that these are things that even warriors enjoy doing, but it's difficult yet again to both fight and be able to explore, since we need our hero for both.  Yes, i know, an old complaint, but the more that is added to the game, the more frustrating it gets to have to make the choice of either fighting, or enjoying the other parts of the game that are just as much fun.  Thx. dev the game (and yes, bers, i'm feeling a bit topsy turvy now! lol) 

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

I'm posting this update while waiting for game to reinstall :)

1. I finished covert, desolate, abandoned, and buried dungeons.  I could not finish dangerous since I need 10 demon fragments I think.  I have not been in other dungeons yet.

2. two dungeons had timed rooms, most had traps, I think all had buttons, I think three had enemies

3. covert and dangerous dungeons were long but fine since it's a one time thing.  Since it's hard to find all the gems it's hard to know when they're really done.

4. I found a bunch of things for science points, some time speed up books, one hero upgrade statue, a lot of equipment, ore and crystal to fix/upgrade equipment

5. I found one secret room in covert dungeon.

6. It's always good to find extra items with the secret rooms.  It made me go back and look in other dungeons for the same way I got into that secret room.  It would be nice to know if there is always a secret room so you don't just keep looking for no reason.

7. I found all the gems in abandoned dungeon and that's it.  I don't always look for all the gems since it doesn't give any reward or anything but I figured since I was clicking on so many things in the dungeons anyway - might as well.

8. Items are always useful.  I only found one figurine and I don't think I've found a blueprint in awhile.

9. the skeletons were the hardest I've found.  Not too bad but would be hard for newer hero.

10. timed rooms were not too hard once I saw what to look for.  Don't think I needed more than two trials.

11. Hidden buttons are hard especially on a laptop. They become easier once you know what to look for but by no means easy.

12. Beacons were hard until someone told me how to turn them on then not too bad.  Can't think of any other puzzles I've run into yet.

13. Items to disable traps are not bad once you know that the traps only disable once you find all the items.  I killed many army on traps not realizing this.  After you know it easy.

14.  The dungeons are a fun side game while waiting for upgrades or resourses or research.

15. I didn't get the final puzzle yet

16.  see 15

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

1. How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.

All of them.

2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.

All of the above.

3. How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.

Just about right.

4.What kind of items have you found inside?

Various kind... the list would be too long...

5. Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"

10/30  Im wondering if secrets count as just 1 per type? other words, if i find a certain type of secret in one dungeon, lets say, a crack in the wall - then in all other dungeons the same type of secret doesnt count anymore (despite of the reward still being there)...? cos we certainly dont get the ''secret found'' the 2nd time or after that....

6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?

A few extra figurines, arithmometers, encyclopedias etc would surely be welcome at earlier stage of any alpha, sadly not much to do with them after hero is lvl50 and all techs finished... Will find some use for the blueprints and manuals though...

7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?

Just 'over half of them' in most dungeons... so not too easy... I certainly wouldnt bother to find all of them without original TT's magnifying glass type of tool...

8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?

See 6. again.

9. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?

Easy enough...

10. How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?

Easy enough...

11. How hard were the hidden buttons?

Some were quite hard to spot for sure...

12. How hard were the puzzle sequences?

Do you mean beacon puzzles...?  Bigger ones can be tricky at times... A vague beam of light extending further from the lit up movable items towards selected direction would surely help a lot....

13. How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?

Easy enough once you've done a few of them and know what to look for...

14. What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?

I think they're a great addition... I would like to see more different types of puzzles though... right now theres 4 types of puzzles (traps, door-buttons, beacons and timed collectibles)  + sections with monsters that rotate randomly thru dungeons, and in some bigger ones you may get several puzzles of the same type pretty much in a row, and it gets a bit dull...

15. How hard was the final puzzle?

 Not too hard, but maybe i was just lucky...:)

16. What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?

After the conclusion of the Caves quest, i certainly expected Cerberos to start spawning in towns after Dungeons quest, so I'm kind of disappointed...;)

Still, it was unexpected and fun.

17. State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.

Occasional despair, random headache, temporary loss of eyesight among other things.

Also, meeting the ghost's bigger brothers wraiths and spectres - pretty sure i have'nt met those elsewhere.

Edited 1 minute later by .
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

I have finished several dungeons and I will post on them soon. However, now I would like to comment on #10 - how hard are the timed puzzles? Timed puzzles are not difficult, and I completed the first set without issue. But now that I am looking for 11 objects in grand dungeon I find it impossible since activating the timer creates a lag. I have almost beaten the lag, but it has become just too frustrating. It takes several clicks of my mouse before I am able to pick up the object. And moving from object to object is delayed. As soon as the timer runs out my lag disappears and all is normal. I have tried reboot but it has not improved the issue. Afterthought - I see that it might have already been reported. I could not locate that report. Sorry if this post is redundant.

Edited 3 minutes later by .
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
  1. How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.

All of them. The map for Ruined Dungeon spawn 2 times, so i had to wait one more day to find the map for the last dungeon, Royal.

  1. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.
In the bigger ones all of this items together, in the small dungeons only different ones in different sections.
  1. How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.
Buried and Desolate very small, 1 or 2 sections. Covert and Grand 9 sections (really love those ones !!) .The other were medium size.
  1. What kind of items have you found inside?

A mix of everything, figurines ( 2 kinds ) , ores and crystals ( not very high levels ones unfortunately, so, quite useless), consumables ( hammers, days of the army, badges ...) 

  1. Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
8/30 secrets. It seems that once you found a "type" is not counted as a secret second time, even if you get the reward.8h manuels and figs and blueprints are very good rewards for those secrets. The more difficult to get the secret the more valuable the prize. Maybe put a figurine of enlightenement instead of a figurine of teaching in one of the secret rooms + a higher level crystal or ore ( not a red one ) 
  1. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
Is a plus definitely, I will prolly came back there just to try to find more secrets.
  1. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
In 2 or 3 of them I am missing 2 or 3 gems, for the others I get more than half. It wasnt a priority to find them, some are now quite well hidden , I am not very interesting to get my eyes crossing looking for them sorry.
  1. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
Like I said , I was interested more by higher level crystals and ores, figs and blueprints. Get  5-6 figs , 3 or 4 blueprints, maybe more cant remember exactly tho. 2 or 3 coins, badges and some other small stuff randomly. Maybe instead of 8 h manuels 2 or 3 of 2h30 ? 
  1. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?

Easy ,considering that I am level 50: worms in Ruined, spiders in Covert, muscard in Abandoned, worms in Desolate, zombies in Grand, worms in Cursed, worms in Dangerous. No big ghosts for me :((( . Globally I would like to have new monsters in those dungeons, not the same as in dens or caves. Big ghosts was a nice add, but not enough imo. Why not sharks in the pool sections? Or flying stars / glowing ghosts in dark chambers ?

  1. How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?
Few minutes, quite easy, but I had only 5, 6 and 8 items.
  1. How hard were the hidden buttons?
Some were really well hidden lol. OK droved me crazy  ! But I really love it!!! 
  1. How hard were the puzzle sequences?

Beacons with 15 pieces quite tough, more than 1 hour sometimes  to solve it.

  1. How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?
Once you figured out what you're looking for is really easy, but I have to confess that 2 or 3 times I've lost some units in the begining.
  1. What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?
Really the best surprise of this alpha. The idea of different sections with different types of puzzles, monsters, traps and so on is excellent. Caves are too linears, no thrills there ( ok, once the Spider Queen lol). Dungeons are very elaborate providing you a lot of satisfaction once you solve all the sections. Ok, provide also headaches, eyes crossing, frustration and so on lol, but at the end HAPPINESS. I found again the TT1 spirit with all of those puzzles and mini-games, couldnt wait to finish to explore all of them. Really good job here RANDOM, please bring us more surprises like this :-)) 
  1. How hard was the final puzzle?

Well, I 've started to solve it, but I got the bad idea to go back in one of my town to launch a building. And than I couldnt came back , game crashed ,have to wait the next update to fix it :(((

But as far as I saw, I've figured out how it works, so, is just a question of time then to solve it. The question is : should I solve it? The names there seems to tell me : hold the door! ROFL  But oh well, considering that is Random who made the dungeons and not Bers, I can  hope for something better than the 'nice surprise" in Necropolis LOL

  1. What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?
I will post when I will finish it 
  1. State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.
It will be interesting to solve those dungeons since the begining of the game, to get more advantage of the items found there. 

Maybe increase the number of the section in the small dungeons, they are really too small.

More doors too will be nice with more keys to find :-)) 

Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: ..
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
  1. How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.
Abandoned, Buried, Desolate, Dangerous (kinda finished) Grand, Cursed, Covert, Ruined and Royal 
  1. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.
All of the above  
  1. How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.
Some I felt were too small, you spoiled me early on. My Favorite was Grand Dungeon
  1. What kind of items have you found inside?
Typical stuff you find in chests in your towns
  1. Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
I found say 7 or 8 secrets 
  1. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
I liked them a lot, and it was something I kept looking for
  1. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
No I am not a gem person, if I had to find them all I would, but no where did it state I had to find all of them. If you would like to give us the gem finder like we got in Totem Tribe that would be ideal  
  1. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
I would say I found 4 or 5 of each item
  1. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
To be really honest they were pretty easy, so long as your over level 25. I do not like Dragons, but there was only one group of 5 or 6, the rest were 2 or 3
  1. How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?
Once I relaxed and did not click everywhere and just looked at the screen, made everything small ie the map and resources drop boxes, was fine
  1. How hard were the hidden buttons?
I called you and Random every single name in the book. But all in all I liked it a lot.How hard were the puzzle sequences?Once I figured out they all had to be in a straight line from each other and there were bogus items just to get in the way and drive me insane, I liked them a lot
  1. How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?
Not hard, you just have to make sure you clear all the dark to find them all, was like find the difference. 
  1. What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?
Yes they did have a feel of TT1 (loved that game) I like them better then the caves, movable rocks and I do not get along well. 
  1. How hard was the final puzzle?
I get a critical error every time I go back to Dangerous, I found the puzzle late last night and had to go to bed to dream about it. Now I can't get back there.

 tWhat do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?

I think you and Random did a Dandy bang up job on them, even if I came up with some new names to call you in my head. 

  1. State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.
Just the variety of the puzzles, I will say they became "stale" after doing them over and over again in different caves.  Please keep up the excellent work on this game, it is awesome and delightful. My house seems to be feeling annoyed at my lack of attention, but so what. I will pay attention to it one day again.
Edited 1 minute later by .
8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Ok so yeah, finally got my last dungeon map and slugged through two beacon puzzles only to slam right up against a group of 6 dragons, so looks like i won't be able to finish the dungeons.  Bummer.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Mere 6 dragons stopped such a brave girl? I don't believe it :)

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Oh bers, you've read me all wrong.  I'm actually a massive coward.  Afraid even, of my own shadow!  Seriously, though, it gets very boring training -> dying -> retraining + resurrecting over and over again.  Clearly i have no clue what i'm doing when it comes to dragons, and i can't even wear my fancy gear that i won from the dens, since i have a ways to go to get to lvl 50.  So, yeah, a bit disappointing to find the dragons when i was so close to finishing.  Oh well.

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

OK , finished the Quest! Unexpected and funny like Savipats said :))) Really love it! 

Once again, Random you did an impressive job here :))) Congrats and keep bringing us with more nice surprises like this ! 

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

Update: cursed dungeon - had beacons, timed find the object, and ghosts.  I give up for now.  I found a button in one room and got a speed up book but absolutely can't find another button to open another door

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote
  1. How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.  all of them

2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.

All the above

3. How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.

I liked them all the way they are

4. What kind of items have you found inside?

Everything possible from invertory - potions, figurines, blueprints, ore...

5. Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"

Unfortunately only 3 secrets found. But I'll try to find more

6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?

 I will use only one of them. I can tell more when/if I find the other secrets

7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?

I found all only in one dungeon.

8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?

I didn't count them but I found a lot

9. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?

Not too hard. I have harder in my towns

10. How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?

Not hard

11. How hard were the hidden buttons?

Once I found what I had to search was easy to find them

12. How hard were the puzzle sequences?

same as 11

13. How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?

again same as 11 and 12

14. What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?

I liked them very much. Just exactly what I needed.

15. How hard was the final puzzle?

It toke me some time to solve it

16. What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?

I was surprised. Really interesting final for the quest.

17. State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.

time good spent :)

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

1.How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.

2.What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.
All which is mentioned.

3.How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.
The first ones were small, abadoned and buried dungeon. The others had different size but were ok. Grand dungeon were the biggest but was also ok, just tooks a bit longer to finish it.

4.What kind of items have you found inside?
Books for reducing building time, range encaged, day of the army, crystals, ores, weapons, battle cry, savings policy, and so on.

5.Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
I found 9 secrets but when it was a similar one then it didn’t count as one. May I find more when I go there again.

6.If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
I like the secrets, it’s a very good addition.

7.What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
In few dungeons I found all gems, in others are few left. May I find them later when I go there again. This ones are very well hidden.

8.Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
Found many items, less blueprints and figurines. Most of them are very useful.

9.How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
Not very hard but only because I have already a higher level. The ghosts looked very funny! Wish them in my towns or caves too.

10.How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?
Not too hard, it was doable. Only in grand dungeon I had the problem with the lags which I described in the bug report. At the end I got it all with hurting hand.

11.How hard were the hidden buttons?
Few of them were tricky to find.

12.How hard were the puzzle sequences?
They are ok.

13.How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?
Not too hard and not too easy.

14.What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?
All in all they are amazing, it’s funny to do it while waiting till buildings are upgraded and it’s excellent work. They fit very good to the caves and dungeons. Few parts look similar to caves but most like few of my dungeons. It’s many years ago that I played TT1 but as I remember they feel a bit like the adventures there.

15.How hard was the final puzzle?
Was ok, took a bit till I figured out how it works.

16.What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?
Was a bit wired because I wasn’t sure if I chose the right questions and answers. But at the end it said quest completed.

17.State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.
The graphics are very good made and the details of things are excellent. The whole idea is great, awesome job!

8 years ago Quote
8 years ago Quote

1 - How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.

I found and completed 6 dungeons :

  • Abandoned dungeon
  • Buried Dungeon
  • Ruined Dungeon
  • Covert Dungeon
  • Desolate Dungeon
  • Dangerous Dungeon

2 - What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.

I don't remember in which dungeon exactly, but I found all of this : Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, hidden buttons, chest, gems

3 - How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.

Abandoned Dungeon was the first i discovered and completed. It was too short and really easy. No monster inside. But perfect for a first dungeon for understand there is hidden buttons, and secret.

Then I discovered tow others, Buried Dungeon and Covert Dungeon. I understood there were many dungeon to discover. And all of these were perfect for me. Just right. I don't remember which dungeon had which size, but I remember it was a bit crescendo.

4 - What kind of items have you found inside?

Ambrosia, Day of the army, saving policy, Many crystal, Merchant badges, Army standard, figurines etc.. 

And in the final chest, I remember i found Demonic seal Fragment, and tools.

5 - Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"

Yes I think, If when I break a wall and find an object behind It's a secret. Or if when I light all the torch it's a secret too.

I was not careful about The indication "secret found"

6 - If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?

A good addition, more secret would be welcome. I love all kind of secret ! This is exciting.

7 - What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?

I found all gems in all dungeon.. (and I'm happy because it was not easy haha)

At the end of each dungeon, I had always 3-4 gems missing, principally those which were hidden behind light of the torch. A great satisfaction once all gems were found. The award for finding all gems, was mostly Ore.

8 - Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?

I'm sorry but I don't remember how many.. but all was useful for me. For trade or use.

9 - How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?

Just right for me.

10 - How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?

Just right, not too easy, not too hard. Maybe a bit short for the timing.

11 - How hard were the hidden buttons?

Hardest than the other hidden things, but not impossible to find.

12 - How hard were the puzzle sequences?

Not difficult but first time, It took me a bit time for solve. Finding the right way, finding how rotate item, I mean in which direction, once I solved one, I understood, and I spent less time to solve the others

13 - How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?

I searched a loooong time before finding them. But once I found, I understood that I should search the items which seems different in surroundings. And once we know which button items we have to search, it's easy.

14 - What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compare to caves?

I love the dungeons. All of them. I would love more dungeon with different thematic.

15 - How hard was the final puzzle?

If the final puzzle is the Demonic Seal, I found it, but  can't do it yet because I don't have all Demonic Seal fragments.

16 - What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?

I think (and I hope) I did not find all dungeon, so I can't answer yet :)

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

1 - all 9

2 - all of the mentioned elements.

3 - The first couple of smaller ones could maybe already be a bit bigger. Since I quite enjoyed the dungeons, I'd enjoy them being bigger in general, but overall they are a good size already.

4 - Mix of everything. I get that not every item can be a "cool" one (manual, figurine, blueprint). However, I wouldn't mind if a few of the totally uncool ones (speaker horns, day of the army etc) were replaced by some "cool at 2nd sight" ones (e.g. crystals, potion of recognition).

5 - A few (I don't know where to look in order to see the total number of secrets discovered in a location). However, dungeons for me is for now the best location to understand the gist/pattern of secrets (how to identify them, what to look for), so I am looking forward to keeping an eye out/finding more. So far I know about lighting torches on the wall and crack in the wall - I have read or heard of 2 other ways which I'll look for from now on. Not sure how to explain this better, but in other locations secrets feel more like they are discovered by accidental clicks or by having to click on everything or leading hero into every possible corner, while in dungeons it has been a more positive "ah, ok, something to look out for" experience.

6 - I quite like them, see above. So definitely a good addition, would be nice to see them extended even further or to have more.

7 - I never look for them intentionally, but am down to the last few in almost all dungeons, so they aren't that hard. Still wouldn't bother to go back/spend a lot of additional time to find the last few ones tho.

8 - see 4. Overall, I thought the amount of items, whether hidden, in chests etc. was good, or at least not dissapointing.

9 - Ghosts were a bit tricky at first, but you can always choose between going for them anyway, loose troops, but gain experience, or come back later to finish them. I haven't encountered a "super monster" like the spider queen in caves, maybe that could be added as well? I really like the look of those flying coffins, would be nice to see them in other locations or generally more frequently.

10 - Takes a while to develop a "brain/eye pattern" to locate them in time, but I eventually solved them all without too much frustration, so not too hard.

11 - Buttons drove me nuts at first. Eventually it "clicked" and after that they almost became too easy, e.g. in some rooms I ended up locating them within a few seconds. For me, this could be extended, e.g. have more 2 button rooms or more than 2 buttons in a room.

12 - The earlier beacons were fairly easy, then from one point onward I struggled with them and got frustrated. Got some help that made things clearer, after that solving them became easier again. I also noticed that 2 of the objects are a bit counter-intuitive (for me), the little book stand and the bigger object with a book on it (don't know what to call it, it looks like something to kneel on?), they need to be turned 180° differently from how I expected.

13 - (Too) easy.

14 - I like them better than caves as they are not as redundant/have somewhat more variety. They also made "more sense" to me spacewise, e.g. there is no fog (so no "insecurity" whether everything has been cleared or not, which I found very nice for a change) and separate sections (e.g. to find keys) can be identified more easily. Just as in every other location, I do not understand the clue stones at all, but it doesn't seem to matter as much (?).

15 - I am no fan of the shifting stuff around to achieve a final image kind of puzzle, and ended up having help. I probably wouldn't have solved it otherwise, lacking the patience/drive.

16 - Tbh, I found it a bit lame/disappointing, both the character and his "story" as well as the battle. Not terrible as in "what a waste of time", just a bit of a letdown. But it's okay since I enjoy(ed) the locations as a whole very much.

17 - I quite like the overall look/designs. I thought it was neat when all of a sudden the dungeon turned into a cave a couple of times, or liked the look of that intersection room (from where new areas open up in several directions) that had light and plants and looked like a little oasis among all the "darkness". While in caves having to go to every rock to see if it moves eventually becomes somewhat tiring/boring, I think I would actually like to have "interactive" decoration objects in the dungeons also?

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to

5 - A few (I don't know where to look in order to see the total number of secrets discovered in a location). However, dungeons for me is for now the best location to understand the gist/pattern of secrets (how to identify them, what to look for), so I am looking forward to keeping an eye out/finding more. So far I know about lighting torches on the wall and crack in the wall - I have read or heard of 2 other ways which I'll look for from now on. Not sure how to explain this better, but in other locations secrets feel more like they are discovered by accidental clicks or by having to click on everything or leading hero into every possible corner, while in dungeons it has been a more positive "ah, ok, something to look out for" experience.

currently there is not a way to see how many secrets you have found in a certain location. There is an achievement to tell you if you have found them all in the caves or dungeons or quest location. Under adventure.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to
  1. How many dungeons have you completed, state their names.
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, timed hidden objects, traps, rooms with buttons, puzzle sequence, etc.
  3. How big/long did you felt the dungeons were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different dungeons have different size so state which one you are talking about.
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?
  5. Have you found secrets in the dungeons? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found"
  6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
  7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
  8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
  9. How hard were the enemies in your dungeons?
  10. How hard were timed collectible items required to progress further?
  11. How hard were the hidden buttons?
  12. How hard were the puzzle sequences?
  13. How hard were the secret objects to disable traps?
  14. What was the overall feel of the dungeons? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves?
  15. How hard was the final puzzle?
  16. What do you think about the conclusion of the dungeon quest?
  17. State any other things you have found interesting in the dungeon, not mentioned specifically above.

1.  All of them at Mae Jemison.  Diana hates dragons lol.

2.  I've found all of the things mentioned.

3.  I liked the size of the larger ones.  The early dungeons like abandoned are a bit too short for me.  The dungeons are my favorite quest-like location.

4.  Various items.  I would like a way to find more figurines before I hit level 50 however so more of those really useful consumables would be nice.  I've found  a bit of everything, however.

5.  I have found secrets.  Maybe 5-10.  Found them at both heroes.

6.  I think they are a nice addition.  Not necessary to finish the dungeon but fun to get a prezzie now and again as a surprise.  :)

7.  In some I've found all of them. They can be tricky but if you like looking for them it's something to do.  I tend to look when I'm not pressed for time.

8.  I have found a few of those.  Maybe 5 blueprints overall give or take a couple. Not nearly enough figurines.  I get those more from mobs to be honest.

9.  Diana has two dungeons with dragons.  One is bad enough but two?!  Maybe smaller size groups lol or fewer of them.  And, perhaps only the ultimate dungeon can spawn dragons?  The rest were normal enemies though the ghosts are my favorites after the spiders. 

10.  The timed items were pretty hard for me.  Even after some seconds were added.  They are hard to see as they are really, really, really well hidden lol and if you run out of time the repopulate in different locations.  I did them but in some cases it took several tries and the use of the windows magnifier.

11.  The hidden buttons are fine once you know what to look for.  I was stumped at first but once I found a couple of different types they were doable.  You could add more to particular rooms in the larger dungeons and I would not complain.  :-)

12.  The beacons drove me insane at first.  Once I got some assistance with the best way to solve them they still drove me nuts where there were a number of decoy vibrating items lol.  But they are a challenge and I think are a valuable part of the dungeon sites.

13.  The trap rooms are my favorites.  They got a bit more tricky this stage than the last so that was a welcome challenge.  :-) 

14.   I like the dungeons.  I think they are a great addition to the game and are among my favorite quest locations.  I would love to see more tbh but I understand the needs of the demon seal don't require more locations.  I prefer the dungeons to the caves.  All those moveable rocks get on my nerves but the two types of locations have the mobs in common and I like those.  :-)  (except for dragons lol)

15.  I haven't done the dragon seal puzzle yet.  I may try it at Mae before the wipe.

16.  Since I haven't done the puzzle I don't know about the conclusion.

17.  Overall, I like the dungeons and would like more locations like that.  I would like them to take a little longer to solve but they are probably sized just right for the casual player.  I really have no complaints about the dungeons as I look forward to finding them and exploring them with each hero.  I like the complexity but would like a mark on the minimap to show what doors I've opened lol.  Sometimes I lose track of where the closed doors are and where I've explored.   But that's a little thing.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Has anyone completed royal dungeon? There are too many items that move, and very hard to solve. Can anyone help with a way to solve?

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I have completed most of the dungeons but am having a problem at royal dungeon.  I opened up all the levers except the last one.  I cannot find the room that will open the gate for the last lever.  I have clicked everywhere, but still can't find it.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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