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SPOILER: Survey to those who have beaten several Mines

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  1. How many mines have you completed, state their names.
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, traps section, 'spot the difference' puzzle, steam puzzle, mirrors puzzle etc.
  3. How big/long did you feel the mines were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different mines have different size so state which one you are talking about.
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?
  5. Have you found secrets in the mines? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found".
  6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?
  7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?
  8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?
  9. How hard were the enemies in your mines?
  10. How hard was traps section? 
  11. Did you figure it out before or after trying to press plates by hero and reading hints? 
  12. Did you figure it out on your own, or asked friends for help?
  13. How hard was 'spot the difference' puzzle? Easy enough, hard enough, too hard, just right?
  14. How hard was steam puzzle? Did you figure it out on your own, or asked friends for help?
  15. How do you find steam puzzle comparing with beacon puzzle from the dungeons?
  16. How hard was mirrors puzzle? Easy enough, hard enough, too hard, just right?
  17. What was the overall feel of the mines? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves and dungeons?
  18. How do you find Stakhanoff's story and the mines' setting in general?
  19. What do you think about the conclusion of the mines quest?
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in the mines, not mentioned specifically above.

We have had similar surveys for the:

They were quite helpful so if you havent filled up those, it would be great if you will do them too.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I have only done 3 Old, Spooky and Collapsed. I finished 2 of them. 

I have found monsters, traps, spot the difference, steam

size is just fine

ore is what I find mostly

I found 2 secrets

I like secrets

do not look for gems, if I see them I pick them up

have not found any consumables items

enemies are ok, I beat them eventually 

traps were or are a challenge to figure out sometimes

after plate was pushed

I like the spot the difference, took me a bit to figure out what I was supposed to do, but your questions on this survey helped a lot

I figured out the steam puzzle (that is why I am here I am so proud of myself) (pats on back) now it was an easy one but I did it.

You have to really think about which direction to point the pipes. I like them both about the same.

have not found a mirror puzzle yet

the rest of the questions I will wait until I have done all the mines to answer. 

But to sum it up "Nice job" Thank you so much for making me think. they are not easy but not too terribly hard after you figure out what to do. 

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
  1. 5 - Old, Haunted, Spooky, Derelict and Collapsed
  2. Enemies - ghosts, worms, golems, muscards. I found traps section, 'spot the difference' puzzle, mirrors puzzle, no steam puzzle yet
  3. Mines are just right. All of them, i like different size/long
  4. Gems, crystals, as in other places
  5. Only 2, one accidentally. I see walls in most mines but i cannot find how to go there. In Old my hero go to black and i cannot see her flag.
  6. I do not know yet.
  7. I found in some mines all, in some i still need to search. Not too hard.
  8. 1 Blueprint
  9. I fought only few of them, golems i will leave for later
  10. Not to hard
  11. Before - i chose different number of skulls
  12. On my own
  13. Just right
  14. I do not know yet
  15. I do not know yet
  16. Just right
  17. I like it. They fit well with rest of game. Joy.
  18. I need to find more about Stakhanoff
  19. Not yet.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

1. Have completed (apart from secrets)  Old, Haunted and  Collapsed and most of Derelict (worms section to finish) and Spooky (steam puzzle to solve)

2. Have found spiders, worms, skeleton enemies ... traps, spot the difference, mirrors and a steam puzzle

3. I felt the mine lengths were just about right, liked that they were different

4. Apart from ores and crystals I have found Days of the Army, Coins, Savings Policies

5. Haven't found any secrets yet but haven't spent time looking for them yet

7. Have found all gems in Old, Haunted and Collapsed ... not specifically looked in the other 2 mines yet just picked up what I saw at a glance

8. Haven't found any blueprints or figurines

9. I don't know if the enemies are harder or if it is just the fact that I wouldn't normally attack them with the troops I have available at this point but the worms have eaten very well and they are now on a starvation diet so that they will be feeling weak and ready to die by the time I have some decent troops.  Had a bit of trouble with the biggest spiders but all were eventually squashed and are history :D.  No problems with skeletons.

10. Traps are great, difficulty good.  I love the different ways you have created the skulls, it is very easy to overlook some initially so they require careful studying. Count, count and count again :D.

11 & 12. A friend told me after I said I had died but there was also a message stone on the other side of the trap ... clever that you die coming back but not going. I thought I had escaped, should have known better lol.

13. I found the STD puzzles slightly difficult to start with but once on a roll I now love them and think the difficulty level is just right.

14 & 15. I am finding the steam puzzle quite hard even with a friend's help. I started off ok but got lost somewhere along the way just like I do with the beacon puzzles.  I am sure I would be able to do them all of them eventually if it was just possible to zoom out of the close up and see the whole of the area in one go ... any change of that option please pretty please.

16. I like the mirror puzzles, they are simple but it is possible to make a mistake unless you have a photographic memory.

17. I loved them, they are as much fun exploring as the caves and dungeons and fit in well with the game. Thank you for adding them :).

18 & 19. Need to do more mines first.

20. I like the fact that you can go back and mine more ores and crystals to help supplement your equipment repair stock but the best part about that is the length that you are actually mining. Standing there for one or two minutes encourages you to take the time out to mine (guessing that it will go up a minute each time you mine a better ore or crystal) and is much better than being told to stand there for 50 minutes to try and catch a fish.

Great job all involved :))).

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

In steam puzzle, the hero shouldn't have to move to pipes/steams to change them, it's especially long since there are many walls. There are many other issues in this puzzle that I won't report since I'm 100% sure you couldn't (and wouldn't for some given past experience) change them.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
  1. 4: Old, collapsed, haunted, spooky.
  2. Skeletons, spot the difference, memory mirrors, traps, steam puzzles.
  3. I love the caves, dungeons and mines, so for me they're never big enough!
  4. Not a lot - some consumables like day of the army, paton's hammer, merchant badge.
  5. So far only one.
  6. I love the secrets! I'm gradually getting better at finding them.
  7. I usually find all gems. 
  8. No blueprints or figurines as yet, but hammers and badges are always useful.
  9. So far, not too bad. I'm only lv10, but skeletons and bone warriors are doable. Still have to do some large groups of bone knights, but I'll do those when I'm bigger.
  10. The traps section was too hard. There were absolutely no clues as to what to do. Someone had to tell me.
  11. I never just try plates, and I didn't find any hints.
  12. Got help.
  13. Just right.
  14. I figured it out myself. First one was pretty hard (even though it was an easy puzzle), but later ones I had no trouble with.
  15. At first I thought they were harder than the beacons, but now I think they're probably easier. You can instantly see which of the vents can be used without having to first walk past them, and they're laid out in a grid so they're easy to make a quick sketch of.
  16. I wouldn't want it any harder! 
  17. Caves, mines, dungeons, I love them all! Right now I'm excited about the mines because they're new, but I enjoy them all equally.
  18. Haven't found much story yet.
  19. n/a
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
Reply to
  1. 5 - Old, Haunted, Spooky, Derelict and Collapsed
  2. Enemies - ghosts, worms, golems, muscards. I found traps section, 'spot the difference' puzzle, mirrors puzzle, no steam puzzle yet
  3. Mines are just right. All of them, i like different size/long
  4. Gems, crystals, as in other places
  5. Only 2, one accidentally. I see walls in most mines but i cannot find how to go there. In Old my hero go to black and i cannot see her flag.
  6. I do not know yet.
  7. I found in some mines all, in some i still need to search. Not too hard.
  8. 1 Blueprint
  9. I fought only few of them, golems i will leave for later
  10. Not to hard
  11. Before - i chose different number of skulls
  12. On my own
  13. Just right
  14. I do not know yet
  15. I do not know yet
  16. Just right
  17. I like it. They fit well with rest of game. Joy.
  18. I need to find more about Stakhanoff
  19. Not yet.

14. and 15. I solved several steam puzzles now. With first i need help. They are, for me, very different from beacon puzzles in dungeons. Beacon puzzle i can solve by finding right item in direction set by beacon, steam puzzle i must draw on paper or Excel to solve it. But they are challenging :).

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

1. 8 of them , I am missing the last one apearring around level 35.

2. Steam puzzle in the first one, was the only one.

- spot the difference ( small and big areas)  : absolutely great! The big ones, covering one full section took me a lot of time tho but huge satisfaction when the open is open finally!

- mirrors: I've got a lot , 3,4,5 and 6 items. Had a hard time with some wooden cases as the mirror backside is quite dark.

- traps section :  learned in the hard way , walking over the trap lol! Lesson learned for the next ones , so very easy.

- some monsters: skelettons, spiders and spectres...not enough imo

3. Well, some were big, 8 sections and one was only 1 section ( Old mine with the steam puzzle)  . All the others were correct. 1h30-2h by mine in general.

4.Too low level items, and the most interesting were the carpets, very helpful regardless to the fact that some mines are 30-40 minutes far from dwelling. Some badges too and some 15 min manuels, but very few.

5. 8 secrets so far: got figurines, manuels 8h and 16h  I think , 1 arythmometer ,1 BP and nectars.

6. Yes, definitely an addition  for me, items are very useful and I like to search for . 

7. Quite hard , missing 1 or 2 gems in 4 of my mines, in the  other 4 mines I 've found all of them. I am looking for gems when hero is digging. 

8. 3 nectars, 1 BP, 1 fig and 2 manuels I think 

9. If you're going too early , ennemies can be strong..but for me were ok, and nice exp :-) 

10. Easy once you get how it works...excellent job to design all the skulls there! 

11. Press plates first time.

12. On my own.

13. It depends of the size, the bigest (one full section) were suite hard, 1h sometimes 

14. Hard time to succeed it as I thought it was very complicate and ALL the devices must be connected lol. In fact it's much easier than beacons once you get that some devices are decoys there. Someone gaved me a hint. 

15. Finally I think it was easier, but maybe I've got an easy one. 

16. I've got a lot of them,  different sizes, good to have a mix. 

17. Absolutely great!!  I like them a lot, as much as dungeons. Decors are great, and the new puzzles there are very interesting. New things to explore, perfect! Music is fantastic, well done! Better than caves and as good as dungeons, that's means absolutey great!  Well done again! 

18. Interesting ! I cant wait for the last mine, to see the end of the story and discover what happened there. I liked the guidestone's inscriptions  ( like the song from the "And then there were none" by Agatha Christie)

19. I will post it when I will get the map for the last mine. 

20. My vocabulary for bad words was improved a lot in the "spot the difference" sections! lol Some items are really really hard to spot. Maybe a hint when it remain only one to find there ? Something like: dont throw the computer over the window, there is just one more item to find! ROFL.  

Not sure I 'll go back for digging , especially that the respawning time is different for the spots to dig. Regardless to the distance from dwelling Is too much time wasted to go there for  few crystals . I would suggest only 1 or 2 mines having those spots to dig, 1 or 2 full sections , maybe the one with Stakhanoff ? 

Absolutely great !!! Well done again team, something totally new and interesting to do !  

Edited 58 minutes later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
  1. Old, Collapsed, Spooky, Haunted, Exhausted, Derelict, Twisted
  2. Enemies (muscards, bone hands, skeletons, ghosts and stone golems), traps section, 'spot the difference' puzzle, steam puzzle, mirrors puzzle.
  3. They were all fine - started off smallish, which is fine while you're getting to know what's what. Some of the puzzles are quite challenging so toward the end i was kind of grateful they were done.
  4. I found crystals, ores, manuals, carpets, merchant badges and a few other random consumables.
  5. I found one type of secret - in two different mines, but i did not poke around very hard to find more.
  6. The secrets are always a nice surprise, and the reward always worthwhile - i think i got a blueprint and a big manual.
  7. In the smaller mines i got them all, but mostly were 'over half the gems found'.
  8. Pretty good consumables, always happy to get a badge or a carpet. I don't believe i found any figurines in the mines, but did get a couple of blueprints.
  9. The enemies were okay - sometimes i had to wait for a stronger army, or go back multiple times to finish them off - but that's part of the fun and the challenge. I don't mind going leaving off and going back later if necessary.
  10. The traps are easy once you know what to do (thanks Keirra!) but in the beginning i was totally over-thinking the problem.
  11. I got killed and the road-stone gave me an idea of what to do but... (see 12)
  12. I still needed a friend's help.  I don't like the idea of having to die and have a number of long and expensive resurrections in order to work it out. It ruins the fun - hence asking a friend. 
  13. Spot the difference is my leave favourite puzzle in the mines - lots of eye-strain.
  14. I got help from a friend - thank you Savi - i had a feeling it was like the beacons, but the steam jets coming out of random vents mislead me in the beginning. I thought they had some significance.
  15. I like the steam and the beacon puzzles.
  16. The mirror puzzles are nice, especially the longer 6-item ones. I also like that they're quite quick to do - you don't need to mull over them for ages like the spot-the-difference.
  17. The mines are great! They fit in nicely with the adventure aspect of the game.
  18. I still need to save his brothers, but it's a good back story, like Ignavus and the caves. 
  19. I have not concluded the mines quest.
  20. Later when we're trying to craft better equipment, it will be useful to have these mines to get ores and crystals. I am sad that the time was increased and the xp lowered though. I wouldn't mind at all if the monsters re-spawned there too.
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

We've read your feedback about the mines and decided to add a few additional hints in the mines, here and there. Check out some new roadstones and clarified descriptions for existing objects.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I finished, phew. NICE JOB, Thank you so much. They kept me highly entertained, I liked the Stakhanoff's story, and like it that I can play the ending a different way next time. I really really liked the steam and find the difference puzzles. The traps were a bit tricky died a time or 2. Awesome job.    

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

Pheew, finished here too ( just realised that previously I've posted as Arya...sorry ) .

So, I would like to be able to punish Stakhanoff next time. And I

Great job team, really nice addition to the game !!!Loved all the puzzles there and nice rewards for the secrets and at the end of the quest.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

The mines are great!  I love the mirrors and matching items, but I am one of those who struggle to complete dungeons or mines b/c of the beacons/ steam mines.  Would the devs consider an option to "skip" that portion of the puzzle for a  loss of exp or some other penalty?

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

The mines are great!  I love the mirrors and matching items, but I am one of those who struggle to complete dungeons or mines b/c of the beacons/ steam mines.  Would the devs consider an option to "skip" that portion of the puzzle for a  loss of exp or some other penalty?

Just close all the pipes first (yes you have to walk around and close them all),Figure out which ones point at either the engine or the boiler, and work your way around. The 3 pipes connect to either another open pipe or a closed pipe. and the side with no pipe connection face either a blank wall or a row of open vents. If there is a blank wall and a row of open vents, then you do not use that closed pipe. They all connect in a straight line from one to the other. It is very similar to the beacon puzzle. 

Edited 2 minutes later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to
  1. How many mines have you completed, state their names.        One mine left.
  2. What have you found inside of them? Enemies, traps section, 'spot the difference' puzzle, steam puzzle, mirrors puzzle etc.  All listed.  Monsters were just right, not super tough.
  3. How big/long did you feel the mines were? Too big, too short, just right, etc. Different mines have different size so state which one you are talking about.    The first one was very short- like all the first ones, so expected that.  I love that you finish one puzzle and then there is a different puzzle- same for dungeons. I can't wait for the last mine, but feel sad that they will be done.
  4. What kind of items have you found inside?   All kinds of things!!  But it feels like not as much rewards as dungeons.  
  5. Have you found secrets in the mines? If so, how many of them? The secret is indicated by special sound and message in the log - "secret found".     I didn't count them!   Secrets to me are extra bonus.
  6. If you have found a secret, what do you think about them - is it a good addition or too much of a gimmick?   I could live without secrets.  I think they should just be part of the game, not a case of you might or might not find one here.   
  7. What about gems? Have you found them all? How hard were they?   Only two things I don't like about mines.  The gems are difficult for me here.   The other is the find the difference that doesn't fit both sides on the screen.  Reduces me to random clicking.
  8. Hidden consumable items - were they useful? How many of them have you found? How many blueprints/figurines?   Consumables are always useful, if not to use then to trade in!  I didn't count, again, sorry.  More interested in puzzles.
  9. How hard were the enemies in your mines?   The biggest I had were spiders, but I know others have had harder ones. 
  10. How hard was traps section?   Took a bit, but I figured it out!   Wonder though if after you get the chest and light the boiler, could we go back over the traps?  Feels funny not to go everywhere and clear all the fog.
  11. Did you figure it out before or after trying to press plates by hero and reading hints?  Someone else died, figured out from conversation with them. 
  12. Did you figure it out on your own, or asked friends for help? above
  13. How hard was 'spot the difference' puzzle? Easy enough, hard enough, too hard, just right?   already answered.
  14. How hard was steam puzzle? Did you figure it out on your own, or asked friends for help?   LOVE!  I did figure it out.
  15. How do you find steam puzzle comparing with beacon puzzle from the dungeons?  I can NOT do the beacons!   Love the steam puzzle.  They are only alike in that you have to wander around and make lines.  
  16. How hard was mirrors puzzle? Easy enough, hard enough, too hard, just right?  As above, if it doesn't fit both sides, it is too hard.    Hate random clicking!
  17. What was the overall feel of the mines? How do they fit with the rest of the game? What was you first impression when you explored them? Did they felt like TT1 adventures? How do they compate to caves and dungeons?   The mines remind me of the desert islands in TTG for the feel.  The mines are now my favorite.  Not sure I will go back and do any mining.  Too far for too little.  
  18. How do you find Stakhanoff's story and the mines' setting in general?  The humor is wonderful!  
  19. What do you think about the conclusion of the mines quest?   Haven't gotten there yet
  20. State any other things you have found interesting in the mines, not mentioned specifically above.  Enjoyable that you don't have to dig (except for mining)  I am totally over digging!  I find I am leaving the anomalies for when I don't have anything else to do.  And I like the anomalies, just not all the digging and building that requires way too much supplies!   The images in the mirror are pretty dark and hard to see sometimes.   
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to
The other is the find the difference that doesn't fit both sides on the screen.  Reduces me to random clicking.

If other sides really does not fit each other then it's a bug. Please, create a report about that.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

The mines are great!  I love the mirrors and matching items, but I am one of those who struggle to complete dungeons or mines b/c of the beacons/ steam mines.  Would the devs consider an option to "skip" that portion of the puzzle for a  loss of exp or some other penalty?

Really like the suggestion about the penalty. Would gladly turn in a hero level or some other penalty if i could skip beacons and steam:). I want to be able to do the endpuzzles and finish the quests also.They are a big part of the game. Don't want to be frustrated every time when i see one of those puzzles:).

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

The mines are great!  I love the mirrors and matching items, but I am one of those who struggle to complete dungeons or mines b/c of the beacons/ steam mines.  Would the devs consider an option to "skip" that portion of the puzzle for a  loss of exp or some other penalty?

Really like the suggestion about the penalty. Would gladly turn in a hero level or some other penalty if i could skip beacons and steam:). I want to be able to do the endpuzzles and finish the quests also.They are a big part of the game. Don't want to be frustrated every time when i see one of those puzzles:).

I like this suggestion; it does not mean one has to skip all the beacon and steam puzzles; but if I really get stuck at some point, it would be nice to have a skip option against a penalty.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to
The other is the find the difference that doesn't fit both sides on the screen.  Reduces me to random clicking.

If other sides really does not fit each other then it's a bug. Please, create a report about that.

I think she means that she can't see both parts of the mine on the screen at the same time to be able to compare them carefully... so rather than constantly sweeping back and forth to look and check, she just clicks randomly in the hope of finding something that is not on the other side.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

The mines are great!  I love the mirrors and matching items, but I am one of those who struggle to complete dungeons or mines b/c of the beacons/ steam mines.  Would the devs consider an option to "skip" that portion of the puzzle for a  loss of exp or some other penalty?

I like the idea of being able to skip an occasional puzzle like that!  I mostly enjoy the puzzles, but would like the option to give up a little something to move past one once in a while

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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