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SPOILER: Survey for those who beat Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv

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This time I messed up with Lester (on purpose though, I wanted to see what happens ;) ). He's a very angry man now! But hey, dear Lester, you don't always get, what you want in life. *lool* Great touch of the game, that you can alter the outcome of things, when choosing different kind of answers; plus switching the weather in New Kyiv is great fun ! :)

Btw: I'd really love to have an info added when it comes to the parchments, like you have found "3 out of x". The way it is now, I still don't know how many I've to find still. btw I never came above 5 parts found. :( Supposed there's only one left, it must be very well hidden ! *arghhh*

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Great touch of the game, that you can alter the outcome of things, when choosing different kind of answers;

It was only an appetizer to things that will come later. I really want to make choices in the game have bigger and bigger consequences further in the story :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
1.  How long did it take to beat each of the two locations?

Keeper's Village was quick, only had to wait to have enough wood to bridge the chasms.  The first time I think I beat it in a few hours.  New Kyiv was a different story - I went there while still too weak, got flattened, repeated this process a few times.  In real time it was days from when I first got there to when I finished it.  Actual playing time, probably 4-5 hours.   

2. In what order have you beaten them? Was it one first then another, or flipping back and forth? If so, at which positions?

Keeper's Village first, then New Kyiv, returned to KV to complete the Julianna quest.   

3. If you have beaten Ruins of New Kyiv with NEW account, what kind of army allowed you to beat it? (For advanced pre-existing accounts this is not very useful because you are too strong for this location which is supposed to be unlocked earlier in the game)

My first character went to quest locations as soon as they opened (later ones use different strategy).  So I went to NK with only 3 or 4 hunters and 2 or 3 braves; everybody died.  I finally got through it with something like 8 nomads, 10 braves, 7 hunters, 5 archers, and 6 witchdoctors.  (numbers might not be exact but it was something like that.)   

4. Which characters did you managed to join your town?

First try, only Lester.  Some later characters got Elueia to join by using different responses (but they haven't done NK yet).   

5. How did you beat the Juliana quest?

Killed Fargred when he turned up, found the brooch lying around in New Kyiv, then returned to KV.  Argued with her a bit about the purpose of it but ended up giving it to her in return for some coins.  She's still there now but has reverted to the original conversation.  

6. Puzzle in Keepers Village. Have you beaten it? How long / how many tries did it take? How hard was it for you?

Yes I beat it.  I had two problems that confused me at first.  First problem, I interpreted the clues wrong - I had 7=1 or something like that and I thought that meant I should take the flower numbers modulo 6.  Second problem, I had only one clump of white flowers so counted the flowers (4 of them) instead of the 1 clump.  After some frustration I was spoiled by a hint and figured out how to do the transposition and figured out how to count to 1. :)  I had only found 2 hints, neither of which was the correct one, so just tried all possibilities until something worked.  I think the puzzle is pretty challenging to figure out what to do.  Once you figure it out (or are told) then it's easy to solve.  A lot of people seem to have trouble with it, even with instructions.    

7. How hard was items hidden in Ruins of New Kyiv? Which ones were the hardest? (not talking about gems)

I found most things pretty easily by wandering around, but had to ask for help on the snowflake and sun.  With a couple of hints I found both.  (For anyone desperately reading this thread for hints, try "They say it snows in the mountains" and "Sun sparkles near drops of water".  :) :)

The weather tower was fun... I had already been spoiled by people talking about it so I don't know if I would have figured out on my own - I think so.

The weather dodecahedron thingy that you get from behind the puppy dog took some experimentation - it suggested that it should go on top of something so I just put it on top of everything in sight until something worked.  

8. How many gems have you found in each of the two locations? Which ones are missing for you?

I collected gems but didn't focus on them - I think in both locations I'm still getting the "over half" message so still quite a few missing.   

9. How did you like conversations with characters? Do they stand in the way of your gaming or compliment it well?

I like the conversations; they add dimension to the game.

10. How do you compare these 2 new locations with a) Opposition Hideout; b) original Totem Tribe locations; c) Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv one towards another.

a - much more to do than in OH.  I liked the variety of interactions and things to do.

b - compared to original TT, these locations were more like one of the islands.  Just the exception is that you can't build up the strength/resources that you need on site, you have to do that in your town and bring them over.  In terms of richness of puzzling, hunting for stuff etc I think they are in the same league.  (Just to note that I have played TTG so many times that the freshness is gone - difficult to remember what it was like when it was new to me.)

c - Good balance between the two locations.  KV has all puzzling and no fighting, NK has some pretty strong critters to be beaten before you can get down to the puzzling. 

11. How did you beat each of the new quests available in those locations? Specify any significant steps / choices.

Julianna: described above

Eleuia: haven't beaten that one yet; the hint when dad says "NO!" implies that I can convince him if charisma is high enough.  Don't know how high.  With later characters I figured out how to get her to join me.

Lost Knowledge: had to figure out how to get the amulet, went back to OH.  Interesting that getting the amulet depends on following conversations that aren't marked with keys.

Lester: unlocked the weather tower; he threw a fit about being a lousy treasure hunter, then I asked him to join me

Wee Doggie: not too difficult but I had a bad moment when I realised that the dog bones were necessary and I'd already used some found on NK to tame dogs elsewhere.  However I eventually found enough.  Warnings are sufficient to realise that attacking Doggie is a Bad Idea, so I didn't try that.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Here goes the story...

1. It took a while at first because I hadn’t got strong army and couldn’t find some items. But after that things went good.

2. Started with KV at first, did there everything I could at that moment. I have beaten the locations in approximately the same time, due to the fact that I had been flipping back and forth between locations, so I couldn’t miss anything.

 4. Lester joined as my treasurer. (I talked nicely with him ;)))

 5.  I found Fargred, talked with him, but didn’t kill him(decide not because I thought that later in the game I might need him for something…you never know. Hope that was a good decision ..). I found lying down the brooch returned it to Juliana, but as soon as I gave it to her, she just took off (and I didn’t ask for any reward for this). I tried to follow her, but nothing…she just vanished..I don’t know if that’s supposed to happen…

 6. At first, I tried several combinations between the number of the flowers, but nothing. After several attemps, I gave up and asked for help, also read the forums and figured it out. Finally Iunlocked the chest and received the reward.

 7. Well, I found the bones, dogberries and the parchment in the ashes quickly (most  of the bones just dropped from the skeletons). 2 of the seals I found them easily, but I had problems with the sun and snowflake. After clicking everywhere with no succes…asked a friend and received help to find them. Then I saw finally the sun and for the snowflake looks I hadn’t uncovered the fog good in that area .

 8. In KV I have one green left and in NK it says over half found. I didn’t searched so much for those, but I  will return to the locations to find them. (as I said earlier, you never know what are they good at )

 9. I think the conversations are pleasant and quite helpful often. Definetely compliment the game well.

 10. a)OH was relatively simple. The puzzle at first gave you something to think of…but it was ok. I liked here the cave because seemed like the pyramid in TTG, so it was nice remembering.

      b)NK also brought good memories from the original games, because of the fights, activation of the tower, so I enjoyed it.

      c)KV and NK were awesome. One had fights with skeletons and old stuff and the other had the puzzle and the nice village. NK was a little bit difficult than KV, but both of them are great locations.

 11. Started with KV, explored everything I could, made the “bridges” with lumber, found an empty cup and immediately thought that I had to fill her with water, but I didn’t know what for, until I found the clue. Then I watered the tree and found the village. There I talked to kanen (leter I found that it was his son actually) and Juliana. I melt the ice later after finding the torch.

       After that, I went to NK to see what I can do there. Here, Battled the skeletons a few times until I defeated them all (at first, I had only archers and braves, the legionarries), found by accident some hidden thorns and explored more , talked with the healer and found Lester. This way, I found out about the immortal beast, Cerberus  and the weather tower(talked to him several times, by chosing other answers to see what happens). On the way, I gathered some dogberries and bones and since I dodn’t know what to do with them, thought to talk again with the healer. He told me about the sleeping potion –did that and put Cerberus to sleep.

Then I found the activation sensor, tried to put it on top of everything, but nothing, so again I asked for help and managed to activate the weather tower. Found also the missing pages of the parchment, talked to fargred and discovered the seals.

Lowered the bridge and put the amulet on the statue (or whatever is that), but nothing happened.

I went to the chests behind Cerberus after activating the tower, as I didn’t had the bucket of water(I found it in my town). Also found a purple chisel and tried to brake the crystal, but didn’t worked.

         Went back to KV and found Eleuia and Kanen, talked to them, but didn’t free her yet.

Edited 5 minutes later by .
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
  1. How long did it take to beat each of the two locations?
    1. Probably about 2 weeks total. I rushed into trying New Kyiv and wasn't ready for it, but kept trying till i got it. As for Keeper's Village, I think I got through it in a few days (4-6) it was a few weeks ago. 
  2. In what order have you beaten them? Was it one first then another, or flipping back and forth? If so, at which positions?
    1. I did the Keeper's Village first then I did New Kyiv
  3. If you have beaten Ruins of New Kyiv with NEW account, what kind of army allowed you to beat it? (For advanced pre-existing accounts this is not very useful because you are too strong for this location which is supposed to be unlocked earlier in the game)
    1. My highest troop is the liegonary. I had three of those, 15 hunters, 11 braves, 4 witch doctors, and my hero.
  4. Which characters did you managed to join your town?
    1. Lester and Eleuia
  5. How did you beat the Juliana quest?
    1. well, i found Fargred in New Kyiv, and when i talked to him he said i had to kill him, but as soon as my army got close he disappeared. I found the Brooch and returned it to Juliana, but was only given the option to tell her the guy wasn't dead. 
  6. Puzzle in Keepers Village. Have you beaten it? How long / how many tries did it take? How hard was it for you?
    1. I beat it, took me a few days, because i had not located one of the guidestones. Once i found it, i figured it out fairly quickly. 
  7. How hard was items hidden in Ruins of New Kyiv? Which ones were the hardest? (not talking about gems)
    1. The hardest ones to find were the seals, especially the Sun and Snow. 
  8. How many gems have you found in each of the two locations? Which ones are missing for you?
    1. I have "Over half of the gems" in both locations. As for which ones are missing, i don't know. Haven't been exactly searching for them. 
  9. How did you like conversations with characters? Do they stand in the way of your gaming or compliment it well?
    1. I enjoyed them. Gave the story life, and kept me interested.
  10. How do you compare these 2 new locations with a) Opposition Hideout; b) original Totem Tribe locations; c) Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv one towards another.
    1. I liked the puzzle for Opposition Hideout, and felt that all three of these areas are doing well puzzle and story wise. Compared to the Original game, i can't honestly compare them, since it has been a while since i have played them. But so far these areas live up to my memory of the original.
    2. New Kyiv was more difficult than keepers, but that was mainly just because my hero kept dying. 
  11. How did you beat each of the new quests available in those locations? Specify any significant steps / choices.
    1. I am not sure what you mean by "new quests". They are all new to me. :) I basically just followed what was instructed and looked through each area until i found what was being asked for. 
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

1. How long did it take to beat each of the two locations? Total eight days after starting the game. There are things that I still need to pass such us ice, fire pits etc. I am still in the Stone Age, Hero level 4 and do not have torch etc. I am currently stuck with nothing but upgrading to do. Tried to attack the Yetis in my land and my whole army died in 3 seconds (no experience gained). I have only Small Cave on my map and can't pass the ice (no torch). Started treasure hunting like crazy, but only am getting Stone Age Equipment that I don't need. Love the game, but wish the torches and other tools started popping up already :P 2. In what order have you beaten them? Was it one first then another, or flipping back and forth? If so, at which positions? Opposition Hideout, then Keeper's Village. Next I found the brooch in New Kyiv and gave it to Juliana (without killing Fargred) Then I returned to KV, killed Fargred and found 2 missing seals (snow and sun). 3. If you have beaten Ruins of New Kyiv with NEW account, what kind of army allowed you to beat it? (For advanced pre-existing accounts this is not very useful because you are too strong for this location which is supposed to be unlocked earlier in the game) I think it took me 5 or 6 times to kill all the skeletons. The final battle I had to do twice. On the first round I had 28 troops: 6 braves, 6 nomads, 6 archers, 5 healers, 4 hunters and the main hero. Everybody died. My army killed 19 skeletons, only the main skeleton remained. On the second approach I had 3 hunters, 3 braves, 3 nomads, 5 healers, 3 archers and was able to kill the main skeleton. 4. Which characters did you managed to join your town? Elunia , Lester and 4 monkeys :) 5. How did you beat the Juliana quest? I found the brooch in New Kyiv and gave it to Juliana (without killing Fargred whom I did not meet at this point yet). Juliana just took off. 6. Puzzle in Keepers Village. Have you beaten it? How long / how many tries did it take? How hard was it for you? I spent maybe 3 hours on it. I read the forums so I knew what numbers should I try. However, the biggest obstacle for me was entering the numbers. I wrongly assumed that the first click turns on the puzzle (glow of the gem becomes yellowish) and then when the glow becomes red I enter the numbers. In desperation, I tried to enter the numbers from the first click and then it worked. 7. How hard was items hidden in Ruins of New Kyiv? Which ones were the hardest? (not talking about gems) I found cloud and water easily. To find sun and snow seals I had to read forums, otherwise I would not find them. To be honest, I did not pay attention to the stones (hints). I had no problem finding the weather activating thing. When it comes to bones; if I my dogs were still alive and if I did not read the forums, I would totally give them to the dogs and would not be able to do the potion. 8. How many gems have you found in each of the two locations? Which ones are missing for you? I collected most of the gems. In Herald's Home found all of them and in the others 2 or 3 still missing. 9. How did you like conversations with characters? Do they stand in the way of your gaming or compliment it well? I enjoyed them. Was a little upset when Juliana took off and did not reward me :(  So far Lester and Eleuia who joined my city are not helpful. I was hoping having Lester would help with Treasure Hunting.

10. How do you compare these 2 new locations with a) Opposition Hideout; b) original Totem Tribe locations; c) Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv one towards another. a) It's my first time playing this game so all locations were new and fun. b) I have played TTG multiple times before so I find similarities. c) I liked that there was no fighting in Keepers Village, this way I could still do something, even when my army was destroyed. It bothered me, however, that I was not able to build the bridges partially (like in OH). I had to upgrade the tent first and have all 500 wood pieces ready to go. The good news was that the obstacles had info "you need 500 wood.." I wish that OH would have something similar like: "You need this many stones.." 11. How did you beat each of the new quests available in those locations? Specify any significant steps / choices. Described above :)

Edited 7 minutes later by .
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
Reply to
  1. How long did it take to beat each of the two locations?
  2. In what order have you beaten them? Was it one first then another, or flipping back and forth? If so, at which positions?
  3. If you have beaten Ruins of New Kyiv with NEW account, what kind of army allowed you to beat it? (For advanced pre-existing accounts this is not very useful because you are too strong for this location which is supposed to be unlocked earlier in the game)
  4. Which characters did you managed to join your town?
  5. How did you beat the Juliana quest?
  6. Puzzle in Keepers Village. Have you beaten it? How long / how many tries did it take? How hard was it for you?
  7. How hard was items hidden in Ruins of New Kyiv? Which ones were the hardest? (not talking about gems)
  8. How many gems have you found in each of the two locations? Which ones are missing for you?
  9. How did you like conversations with characters? Do they stand in the way of your gaming or compliment it well?
  10. How do you compare these 2 new locations with a) Opposition Hideout; b) original Totem Tribe locations; c) Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv one towards another.
  11. How did you beat each of the new quests available in those locations? Specify any significant steps / choices.

1. It took me a while because I went to the locations with a low level hero and a very little army with me. Keepers Village took me less time because there's no monsters there, but the overall time to complete the quests and find out everything to do was around 7 days.

2. Flipping back and forth, also with opposition hide out. 

3. I went first with only a few hunters and braves, got wiped out a few times ;) Finally I managed to beat all the skeletons with 5 hunters, 5 archers, 3 withdoctors and 6 or 7 braves. Had to build up the hero and army a few times. 

4. With my first hero so far only Lester joined. Still trying to convince the dad to let his daughter go. With my second hero the daughter allready joined, haven't reached Lester yet.

5. After beating Cerbero i was looking around for the weather tower. My army was standing behind Cerbero. When I activated the weather tower somehow Fargred appeared when I was moving the screen, when I finished the conversation the army flag was automatically put on Fargred. But Cerbero woke up and killed everyone. When I came back after resurrection and couldn't find him anymore I looked in the quest description and it said I killed him. Never touched him. Maybe a bug? Found the brooch with a tip from this tread and gave it to Juliana. She ran off.

6. With the first hero It took me a while because I was doing it in the opposite order, started with wrong color. With second hero it was a piece of cake.

7. Water and cloud were easy, snow harder and sun took me a while, even after reading some tips here. I have only found 5 notes so far.

8. Over half in both locations but it hasn't been my focus yet to find them all.

9. I like that you can try different approaches and that you will get different results. But I have to admit that I over read the big tekst 'balloons'. It doesn't stand in the way, I am just inpatience or how you call it.

10. Like them all in their own way. I don't really have an opinion on this one.

11. Acted nicely to Lester, I hoped that if he would join me he could do exCavation in stead of my hero ;) Actually I act nice in all conversation because I hope that's the best way to gain information and favors. Still incomplete on the fargreds notes quest, dont know how to activate the amulet so it will do something on the door and cant complete last favor. Also with my first hero I dont know how to get permission for Eleuia to join me. And I'm wondering if there is a way to clear more fog, like the place above the healer and south of that allso along the river.

Excuse me for any grammar and/or spell mistakes. My English isn't as good as it should be.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

1-3 Don't actually remember.

4. I got the girl who is after bronze orb.

5. Killed Fargred, got the brooch. At the end didn't wanted to give here the brooch (failed quest) thinking that there should be some more interesting line in the quest.

6. Thanks to forum. It was extremely confusing.

7. I remember sun stone being incredibly hard to see. I wouldn't be able to find it without help.

8. Don't remember.

9. Both locations was decent.

10. Not sure.

11. Don't remember anything too special.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
  1. How long did it take to beat each of the two locations?
    Quite a while for each. General parts were beaten quickly, but had to wait to complete some parts for hero upgrading
  2. In what order have you beaten them? Was it one first then another, or flipping back and forth? If so, at which positions?
    I think did them simultaneously, but finished ruins first as the other one needed a lot of charisma.
  3. If you have beaten Ruins of New Kyiv with NEW account, what kind of army allowed you to beat it? (For advanced pre-existing accounts this is not very useful because you are too strong for this location which is supposed to be unlocked earlier in the game)
    Hm.. Not completely sure, but I think I had a bunch of bowmen and just kept going at it with dying many many times
  4. Which characters did you managed to join your town?
  5. How did you beat the Juliana quest?
    I killed Fargred
  6. Puzzle in Keepers Village. Have you beaten it? How long / how many tries did it take? How hard was it for you?
    Yes beaten them. Took me a few times to figure out how it worked, but wasn’t too hard
  7. How hard was items hidden in Ruins of New Kyiv? Which ones were the hardest? (not talking about gems)
    Two were (very) difficult. Water and sun were hard I think
  8. How many gems have you found in each of the two locations? Which ones are missing for you?
    Most if not all *too lazy to go and check*
  9. How did you like conversations with characters? Do they stand in the way of your gaming or compliment it well?
    They’re nice
  10. How do you compare these 2 new locations with a) Opposition Hideout; b) original Totem Tribe locations; c) Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv one towards another.
    Longer since higher stats needed, but in terms of puzzle and figuring out who to talk too/what to do it was easier than opposition hideout. Original Totem Tribe locations also took some preparation in terms of army, and that made for a bit more complete gameplay per location. But both original and new TT have their pros and cons imo. Ruins was a bit more of a grind due to lack of good army, while keepers was more of a grind in terms of obstacles and quests
  11. How did you beat each of the new quests available in those locations? Specify any significant steps / choices.
    Ruins: grinded the skellies, than spend about an hour looking around for the weather icons. Was able to get past the dog, but then it woke up and never was able to return (sadly since at the time I didn’t have proper digging/obstacle tools).  Keepers: Ran around a bunch, send a bunch of materials, did the quests. Not much too it
Edited 1 minute later by .
7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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Also so many spelling errors in both locations it about drove me crazy

hi sorry the sun with weather tower where is it cannot find it

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Also so many spelling errors in both locations it about drove me crazy

hi sorry the sun with weather tower where is it cannot find it

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Also so many spelling errors in both locations it about drove me crazy

hi sorry the sun with weather tower where is it cannot find it

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Edited 41 seconds later by .
4 years ago Quote
4 years ago Quote
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