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Things I would like to see implemented

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25. After closing any of the report/research/hero/etc screens, the chat window defaults back to CC. Can you please have it stay on the chat window it was on previously?
It also wipes whatever you had started typing prior to going to one of those screens. Can that info stay as well please.
Eg. I'm chatting to someone, and want to look up a piece of info from one of the reports. I come back and everything I typed (but didn't send) has disappeared, and it has gone back to CC. I would like it to stay on the chat window I was already in, with the words still there. You can do this while moving between towns and quest locations, why not from the other pages?

Edited 9 minutes later by . Reason: Extra info.
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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I would like to see the green clovers changed to bright yellow with a flashing red edging please.  (Come on, there must be a clover somewhere in the world that that is bright yellow???)   Been looking for one for days now :((

Hi Paula,
I'm pretty sure Bers has implemented a nice little piece of code, that says 'If a person cannot find the last of an item, and they complain about it, it will magically appear.'This exact thing has happened to me quite a few times.
Good luck with your clover!

Thank you. I have been complaining for three days now and still not found it :(((

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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Hi Paula,
I'm pretty sure Bers has implemented a nice little piece of code, that says 'If a person cannot find the last of an item, and they complain about it, it will magically appear.'This exact thing has happened to me quite a few times.
Good luck with your clover!

Thank you. I have been complaining for three days now and still not found it :(((

All I can say is, I'll tell you what my Alliance has drilled into me, repeatedly: Have you checked every corner of the map to uncover the fog?
Also if this is in a town, hopefully you'll get the explorer come through and find it for you. If it's in a zone, pm me in game and I'll see what I can do to help you.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

26. Removal of the incessant sound of resources ticking over if you are producing more than 1 unit per second and your resource amount is currently less than 10k.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

27. Being able to use a keyboard shortcut, for example 'space' to minimise/maximise all HUD windows.
Eg. When doing compare the differences in some mines, the comparisons can get large. Being able to get rid of all the windows to be able to see better would be great, and then being able to bring them all back again.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

28. I would like an update that prevents me from sending explorers to clear fog from an area that is already targeted by someone else in my alliance and visa versa. We already can't send explorers to a spot that we already are on the way to clearing, so this seems like it would not be too difficult to implement. (Speaking as a non-dev :) of course.) When we send explorers on journeys that take longer than an hour, it would be nice to have a chance of finding a POI. Thank you for your consideration.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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28. I would like an update that prevents me from sending explorers to clear fog from an area that is already targeted by someone else in my alliance and visa versa. We already can't send explorers to a spot that we already are on the way to clearing, so this seems like it would not be too difficult to implement. (Speaking as a non-dev :) of course.) When we send explorers on journeys that take longer than an hour, it would be nice to have a chance of finding a POI. Thank you for your consideration.

Good call. I second that one :)

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

29. I would like the chat message character limit increased.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

30. Different weapon/outfit sets.
I would like to be able to set up 3-4 different sets of equipment, depending on what I'm doing at the time.
Eg A set for fishing/exploring
     A set for research generation
     A set for attacking/defending other players
     A set for whatever I feel like trying to build up

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

31. Being able to sort the inventory. More than currently.
Would like to be able to sort each type of wearable equipment by bonuses, both main (eg all hats give Army Health) and secondary.
Currently if I look at hats, the main bonus isn't in order by main bonus, it's in order by age-main bonus-base name-level-wear% (from what I can ascertain anyway). No point equipping an Space Age item (eg AR Visor, AH +35%), if a Ren item has a comparable bonus. So is therefore unnecessary to have it sorted by Age. Same goes for level.

Edited 33 minutes later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

32. Pagan Circle.
Would like it to be a window such as the hero page inventory, where it shows the 5 Idols, and a grid of all your items at the bottom. You can then select an Idol and a piece of equipment, and it will do its thing. And if it's not the Circle but one of the solo ones around the world, the window only shows that one Idol instead of the 5.
Currently, having to drag from main screen item bag on to Idol, have it do its thing, the screen closes, then having to go through all that rigmarole again, gets super boring really quickly.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

33. Numbers in game. Would like there to be , or . in between the thousands, millions etc.
Eg 1,000
Hard to tell exactly how much something wants/needs/gives when it's all in small font and closely spaced.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

34. In the achievement pages, when it asks you to get x many puzzles in a row without stuffing up.
Currently it shows the max achieved score count.
Can you please also show the CURRENT score count.
Same goes for item collector.
35. In fact, how about a statistics page that shows current/max total counts for puzzles, hero stats, equipped item level, etc etc
Eg for Tesla puzzle  Chain Lightning: Current - 8 in a row    Max - 13 in a row   Next achievement - 15 in a row
                                Ilyich's Lightbulb: Max - 24 cells    Next achievement - 25 cells
For stats: Intelligence: Current - 15   Max (this life) - 23   Max (all incarnations) - 28   Next achievement - 30

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

36. Chests that have level equivalent items.
I just opened my first top tier chest, and got an Enhanced Crude Bow as one of the items. Now I don't know who in their right mind would be willing to use something like that as a level 50 player (the only way to get a top tier chest). And come on, only at Enhanced Level? It's a Level 50 exclusive chest, and you can't even give me AT LEAST a Rare item? I should be getting Legendary/Godly items!

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

37. An indicator on the research page telling me how much research points I am generating.
38. A slider bar on the research page to be able to set all towns to %
Eg If I want to turn research off, slide the bar to the left, all towns research production goes to 0%.
     To turn it back on, slide it all the way to the right. Or maybe a MAX button, so that when research facility is upgraded, it remains at max.
If a town has lower % capacity than the highest, it goes to its limit, and when upgraded raises up to the predefined % mark.
Having to go to each individual town to set % is frustrating, when you want to set them all the same.
Also can you please change the current coding that if research in a town is NOT set to maximum, when you upgrade the research building it automatically increases to maximum? I was in resource mode and had turned science off, upgraded a building and all of a sudden it jumped up to max science production, which was NOT where I had set it.

Edited 3 minutes later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

39. Some way to swap ores and crystals up rarities. Perhaps a random town event person like the Gypsy lady.
I have a thousand of the 2 lower crystals, nearly none of the top 2. Even if it's a 5:1, 10:1, 20:1, whatever.

Edited 3 minutes later by .
5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

40. After a site has been excavated, please have site go away. Holes everywhere is unsightly and often interferes with building in town if dig is in town. thx

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

41. Building pre-requisites to be displayed on the tooltip in the research tab when hovering over a technology.
Eg Hovering over Bronze Working and then Building Pantry (Classical Age) it would tell you that Building Pantry requires level 2 Felling and level 2 Quarry. If you just research down the right side you can unlock Building Pantry before having Felling. Would be nice to know that something I am aiming for needs something else first.
Also as part of this would like pre-requisites to REMAIN on the tooltip in the build menu once unlocked. Again using the example of the Building Pantry, once you have a Felling at level 2 the tooltip in the build menu removes it as a requirement to build. I would like it to stay, just change colour to yellow letters on clear background rather than on red background.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

42. Indicators on neighbours territories telling you how much cp you need to take (or take back) a square, same sort of thing as you have for empty squares maybe?

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote

43. A scroll bar on the town info window.
If I have applied resource bonuses, and/or have town negatives applied, it overlaps the other info on the page. Either need a bigger window or a scroll bar.

5 years ago Quote
5 years ago Quote
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