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Recent updates were mostly about optimizations and performance and current one is not an exception, but we decided to explain it a little bit.

There were numerous optimizations and current update improves the overall performance of the game, which should be the most noticable on slow/old computers, especially scrolling the world map which were laggy before.

There performance updates are the results of ongoing porting of the game to different platforms and we have made a lot of success in that direction so far!

We plan to relase version of the game playable in the browser until the end of this year. That means you will be able to play the game on iMac, MacBooks, Linux, and non-Windows tablets (iPad, Android tablets, etc).

After we will release browser-based version we will focus on mobile version of the game and eventually you will be able to play Totem Tribe II: Jotun from your phones too!

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Posted 3 years ago

Today we are releasing a new set of random locations - the random ruins! They are the largest and more complex than any random locations we have released before.

Some facts about them:

  1. All these ruins include various bits from other random locations released before - caves, dungeons, mines, and even anomalies (which are not random though).
  2. Some of these locations have lore-related static sections so these locations can be treated as a mix between random quest locations like dungeons and non-random ones like anomalies.
  3. High difficulty! - This time we were aiming at veteran players so some puzzles and monsters will be tough, speaking of which...
  4. New monsters - not entirely new, but rather new variations of existing monsters except much tougher. Can you handle them this time?
  5. New backstory about the Precursors - you will learn more about their fall from grace.
  6. New items - you will get a unique artifact in the end.
  7. New puzzles - one particular puzzle type is extremely hard, but there are ways to make it easier - try to crack it without simplification items.

Some of the ruins are unlocked pretty late in the game so having level 50 character would help.

WARNING: First 4 ruins are unlocked when you create new hero, so you will not be able to complete the quest associated with ruins for existing heroes, although you will be able to play the ones unlocked via maps. Read More... »

Posted 4 years ago

It's been a while since we have added new quest locations into the game, but it does not mean we have nothing coming a lot. In fact - we have, it just took us longer than expected.

Here is some info on what will be released eventually.

We are working on a new set of random locations similar to dungeons and mines. They are Ruins:

Unlike mines and dungeons, ruins are a bit larger and more complex - there are sun-locations in them, they are not in all in one space.

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Posted 4 years ago

Today we have optimized game client and redesigned game loader to allow launching the game faster when large updates being deployed.

The game size is already over 1.5 gigabytes, but to start playing it is not necessary to download all of it right away. Therefore we have redesigned things so that to start playing you will need to download only around 1/10 of the whole lot to launch the game. The rest will be downloaded in the background while you play.

This is especially important for new players as we want to drive more of them into the game and don't want to scare off with large download times, however existing ones will benefit from lower wait times too.

However, existing players might see pixelated parts of the game like on the picture - this is not a bug, just a low resolution placeholder while actual art is being downloaded. When the download is finished in the background, it will be substituted with proper art.

Nevertheless, if you encounter black bars while you play, those indeed are bugs - report them and we will fix it.

Posted 4 years ago

If the past months we have been focused on quality of life updates - working on game tech optimization to make it work faster and on wider range of computers, etc.

Despite the fact, that there were no new features released, the work underneath the surface was enormous. Our current priority is to bring more players into the game and to do that - the game must be as accessible as possible. That's why we are moving forward with translating the game to other languages. It started with Russian and now we are starting German translation. If you know German and willing to help - post in the thread.

Another large accessibility update is coming in the next weeks, but for now here is couple of additions in today's update:

  • Building filter in building menu allows to show more or less buildings in the menu. Setting "2" is how it was before the update. Setting "3" will show you unresearched buildings of current age and setting "1" will hide some buildings that are impossible to build right now, like Harbor in the town which is not near the water or extra Barracks which can only be built if you have world resource attached. This allows to reduce clutter for veteran players who know the scoop.
  • Sales. For new players sale items will pop up at half the price from time to time. This should be an incentive for non-paying players to become paying ones which is very important for our promotion partners - the larger percent of players they drive will pay, the more players they will be willing to bring here, thus resulting in larger player base which is critical for the game's success. Large player base will provide more player interaction making the game more fun AND it will bring more money to fund development of the remaining parts - Space Age and Science Victory, ending of Act 1 and beginning of Act 2, etc.
Posted 4 years ago

Now we have added another quest location which moves the story forward which is Preddo Mountain. One more story location left to complete Chapter 1 of the Totem Tribe II: Jotun story.

There is a monastery on top of the Preddo Mountain and you will have to reach it. It won't be an easy task, but monks that inhabit that monastery presumable can bring you to the Secret Library and Bronze Sphere.

This location is important because after we have added it, there is only one story location left to be implemented to complete the Chapter I which is one fourth of the whole Totem Tribe II: Jotun story. With first story arc done it will be a major milestone in the game's storyline.

Please let us know your first impressions about this new locations here in the comments. As for the impressions after you beat whole Preddo Mountain, please fill up the survey.

Also let us know what should we focus on next:

  1. A set of random quest locations like mines and dungeons.
  2. Final story quest location to complete Chapter 1.
Posted 5 years ago

It's been over six month that we've been working on the last story location which advances the story abrupted in Gypsy Tabor and we are getting close to releasing it.

It's been a long time since we have been posting news so we decided to do this announcement to shed some light on what is going on.

Like previous story locations we have been trying to make them unique enough so that each story location brings something new to the table. Same applies to Preddo Mountain.

The Preddo Mountain location consists out of two parts. One is Preddo Monastery which is relatively similar to other Totem Tribe quest locations, but the other one is mountain forest which you have to pass before you reach the monastery. The forest is a shapeshifting mysterious maze which is a tough nut to crack even for us, the developers. It should be a challenge to all Totem Tribe fans. Also this forest will be different for each hero so it will be replayable.

The monks in the monastery know the entrance to Secret Library so it is your final stop before reaching it and hopefully getting the Bronze Sphere, which is an end of the Act 1 of the game.

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Posted 5 years ago

We have decided to do a sneak peak on what will you see in Space Age when it will be released.

Although we are not pushing Space Age at allĀ  (because most of the players don't even reach Information Age, thus we are focused on more quest locations right now), maybe some people would find it interesting to see how some of the buildings will look like:

1) Nexus

This is the main building of that age, aka Chieftain Hut of the Space Age

2) Cellulose Generator

This is your main source of Lumber - upgraded from Joinery Company

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Posted 5 years ago

Today we have released the most unique update ever. Unlike adding extra locations we are adding the ability of your hero to descend underwater.

Now you can explore all the lakes, rivers, seashores of your towns and quest locations from below!

Who knows what can be found there?

To prevent spoiling the fun, we will not reveal any more details on how to descend underwater and what lies below, so feel free to explore and post your impressions here in comments.

WARNING: comments may contain spoliers though.

Posted 6 years ago

Today we have added the Brickworks - a new building that was announced some time ago.

This building allows to build special items - Domovoi Bricks which allow you to instantly complete houses or towers.

This building unlocked under Chemistry in Renaissance Age as it's the age where excessive number of houses and towers are starting to get in the way of building other buildings.

Bricks building requires Stone, so if you have excesive amounts of it, you can spend it on those Bricks.

This building is available in Renaissance, but will last until Information Age.

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Posted 6 years ago

We have unlocked new continent Abenia which is in the Tropical Jungle climate.

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Posted 6 years ago

It's been over 8 months since we released a story quest location with Thornsville and now it's time to move the story forward. We were trying to keep the quality level of the story quest location high, that's why it took so long. Today we are releasing Gypsy Tabor to the general public.

Gypsy Tabor is unlocked after Thornsville and at first glimpse may looks like a crossover between Keepers Village and Ruins of New Kyiv. The location quest is non-linear - you can take different sides and make different choices on your progress.

There are also a lot of small bits, pieces, and interactions here and there which, along with non-linearity of the main quest, should improve replayability.

Finally, the secrets in this quest location are quite different than before, most of them revolve around playing outside of the box.

Let us know what you think about this quest location. Detailed feedback is essential for us to determining how important those story locations are for the players and whether we should focus on them or on something else.

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Posted 6 years ago

We have unlocked new continent Littlefield which is in the Moderate Grasslands climate.

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Posted 6 years ago
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Today we have added new consumable items that you can find during your adventures.

There are 3 items:

Domovoi Bricks of Hearth - allows to instantly complete the hut being in construction.

Domovoi Bricks of Safety - allows to instantly complete the tower being in construction.

Domovoi Bricks of Kolyada - allows to instantly complete any building being in construction. This one is very rare, so if you'll find it, consider yourself very lucky.

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Posted 6 years ago

Today we are celebrating the 5th Birthday of Totem Tribe II: Jotun. It has been exactly 5 years since we launched the ALPHA 1 version of the game to the general public and now we are fully into BETA 1 Let's look back and reminisce about things that happened during these years.

The Year

So - what were the major milestones of the past year?

Posted 6 years ago

It the recent update we have added mines that can be found inside your towns.

This way you can dig for purified ore and crystals without visiting the distant quest locations.

This update is one of the numerous features that were implemented after player's ideas. This particular one was suggested by Leto Atreides. You can say thanks to him/her about it.

Posted 6 years ago

Today we have added a new traveling NPC which can visit your town, tell you Stories of Wisdom and help you meditate.

Several updates ago we have split Church into two buildings - Church and Cathedral, making it impossible to reach level 50 in Medieval Age. Today's update fixes this issue. Travelling NPC called Mentor allows you to meditate without Altar, Temple, Church, or Cathedral. It still requires Figurines of Enlightenment and costs resources and may take more time, so use it only if you really need it. Additionally your hero can learn something from Stories of Wisdom this character can tell from time to time.

Let us know what you think about this character.

Posted 6 years ago

Today we have added Hovercraft unit which is an Industrial Age transport ship

It looked weird when brigantines carried modern tanks so we are adding proper transport ship to replace it for Industrial and Information Age.

Hovercraft has twice as much capacity as Brigantine and unlocked under Artillery tech. It is built in Military Port, so it will need sulphur to build that building in the first place.

Unlocking Hovercraft now locks out Brigantine and Wharf so think carefully about when to unlock it.

Posted 6 years ago
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Some time earlier by popular demand we have added more Dungeons into the game and the people accepted them well. Now we are adding 3 more mines.

These new mines are not required to complete the Stakhanoff's quest, they are just adding places you can explore and earn some goodies from them.

Furthermore there are not enough content unlocked on higher levels of the game, so we are unlocking them on high levels. The new mines are:

  • Closed Mine
  • Depleted Mine
  • Large Mine

Let us know if it was a welcome addition.

Posted 6 years ago

In last update we continue to make your towns more interesting and varied, therefore we have added Mercenary Camps and Treasure Stashes into your towns.

Those two area types can be found in new towns you settle after the latest update.

Mercenary Camps - these have a number of units which can join your army for a price

Treasure Stash - the legendary munchkin sir Fred is very hungry for loot, but he does not know what to do with it, so he hides it away and buries it under the ground. If you are lucky, you can find one of his stashes which has some valuable items buried, including Blueprints and Figurines of Enlightment!

Let us know if you have found any of these in your new towns and what do you think of it. Also let us know if you like these updates which add more variety into new towns - whether you like it or not. It will help us to understand better if it's worth adding more of these.

Posted 6 years ago
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