Made in Ukraine
Achievements and Rankings

Achievements and Rankings

In today's update we have added limited support for achievements and rankings. In fact achievements were working for some time before, but we have added some tweaks and we decided to announce them.

Just like alliances and diplomacy, they are in a half-working state too, but we decided to add them anyway to allow players to poke a stick on them.

Achievements can be viewed on hero tab in the third subtab on the left. They are split in 6 categories - click on one of the 6 medals below your hero to view them. Here I have compiled the list of (supposedly) working achievements.

Earning achievements improves your prestige and prestige level. Prestige level changes your hero background and arc from primitive one to a more developed and pretty. Overall prestige stat has no influence over gameplay, it is there purely for showing off (In the future player info screen will have hero's arc background too as another show-off point).

Also ranking were added. Unfortunately the top lists are not displayed anywhere just yet, but I have made a separate explanation thread about rankings.

Let us know what you think about achievements and rankings as a concept and post here prestige score of your hero so we will see who is the most prestigeous out there ;)

11 years ago

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Now that the game has a lot more people playing, maybe we could have rankings, by continent?  This would let you compete against players closer to your heroes age and triple the number of people, that could get the achievements.

For alliances weekly rankings, when a hero gets a victory, their whole playthrough score is deducted.  Maybe it could just be wiped, when the rankings roll over, on a Sunday night.  A hero that finishes at 150 days and goes through apocaylpse, maybe just deduct their weekly score, from the weekly ranking?

7020 (1326) Ruby :)

There are a few things, where game looks at playthrough scores, instead of weekly, like when a new member joins, you gain their playthrough score, for the weekly rankings.  When someone skips a week, their playthrough score goes into the weekly ranking, when they come back.

When Berserker builds his 3 towns, instantly, to test things, he often makes top spot, in the culture and growth rankings, maybe his score should have a zero default?

Edited 20 minutes later by . Reason: playthrough vs weekly.
1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
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When Berserker builds his 3 towns, instantly, to test things, he often makes top spot, in the culture and growth rankings, maybe his score should have a zero default?

It's not that he builds towns instantaneously, everyone can do that, you just have not play for a while (use vacancy mode if needed), probably a full week like from a monday 00:00 to sunday 23:59. It's still a bug though but not a very important one.

1 year ago Quote
1 year ago Quote
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