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Alpha 5 will be launched in August!

Alpha 5 will be launched in August!

We plan to launch Alpha 5 version of Totem Tribe II: Jotun in August. Unless something unexpected happens that will force us to reschedule the release date for later, the August timeframe is pretty do-able. Alpha 5 is a major update which releases big features, but also will wipe all of the progress. Let me guide you through what will happen.

The Features

  • Renaissance Age - the biggest feature will be the release of a whole new age with all the new tech, buildings, units, and so on. I will not go into detail here, as there will be separate news post, along with sneak peaks like this one.
  • Tundra Climate - say goodbye to jungle and moderate climate for a while - Alpha 5 will happen among snowy landscapes.
  • Puzzles - there will be 10 different puzzle types added with 6 difficulty levels each, which will result in a total of 60 different puzzles. This is something to look forward to if you have been missing puzzles since the original Totem Tribe days (beware, some of them will be very tough). We even added a whole new achievement category under "Adventure" to keep track of the puzzles. You can see it even now.
  • There are other changes that will be made, but they will be announced upon Alpha 5 release.

The Wipe

Those of you who have been with us for a while are probably aware that each alpha stage begins and ends with a wipe. However I will go into detail again for those who are new and only started playing in Alpha 4.

The wipe means that we will clean everything up - all countries, heroes, and achievements will be removed and you will have to start anew. This is necessary so we could test the big new releases with all the major changes naturally in a clean environment.

An important thing to mention is how your Enkord Cash will be handled during this wipe - any unspent Enkord Cash will stay in your account and you will be able to spend it in Alpha 5. Furthermore, all Enkord Cash spent in August before the wipe will be refunded and you will be able to spend it again in Alpha 5. However, bonus items you have received will be lost after the wipe, so spend them first.


Now, as another alpha testing stage is coming to an end, it would be great if players could post their conclusions and impressions of their Totem Tribe II: Jotun - Alpha 4 experience. Go ahead, don't be shy! :)

9 years ago

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There I was; a newbie level 4 getting my towns completely destroyed by a level 30-or-more-player... Is that really the way this game is supposed te be played? It made me seriously doubt wether I should continue to play.

Don't get me wrong; I am not totally against PvP; it has its pro's and con's. And I do think that collectivism-players should work hard on their millitary-skills and buildings to defend themselves, and not just being focused on growing culture. But maybe a sort of "moral system", like The Traveller is suggesting above, is not a bad idea!

In final launched game, when there is a steady flow of new players starting out on the map all the time, the players will be surrounded roughly with players who started at the same time and thus of similar strength, so situations of uneven players will be less frequent, however since this game allows anyone attack anyone, no "moral" or other system will allow you to stand alone against multiple players and in the end you will have to be part of the alliance anyway. Currently Collectivism provides enough higher ground to spend some time necessary to get used with the game (like a month or so) and decide how to deal with more serious challenged (or your own or together with someone else). Adding even more power to the peaceful players or making the attacks even more complicated (and playing warrior-type of player is currently not easy at all) will only make less and less people willing to be warriors and it will turn TT2 into another farm game, which is not the plan.

To solve problem of attack defences we better improve alliance features so people will be able to defend together easier, instead of powering up individual defenders or making attacks more complicated.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Overall gameplay:  Love it.  I loved TT and TTG when they came out, so I love how little things from that game made it into this one.  I like the story so far, I ran into very few glitches (hero disappearing/reappearing, unable to direct troops/water bucket not working/etc.) and I love the idea that it's on a planet that humans settled on long ago.  Very cool idea.  

Monsters:  Love them.  Love that we have to clear them out and that we get supplies and items from them.  I also like how some of them are 'constructs' vs. 'living creatures'.  Shakes things up on how you fight them. :) No complaints there.

Quests:  I wasn't particularly happy with the quests.  They were, to me, basically impossible to figure out without going to the forums for spoilers.  Maybe more hints as to what exactly we are supposed to do with a puzzle?  With a lot of them I just couldn't figure out what we were supposed to do.  Once I knew what the objective was, it was much easier and more enjoyable.  I know harder quests make the game more challenging, but it seems like most people just head straight to the forums for spoilers.

Heros/Equipment:  I love the design of equipment.  I'm particularly fond of the New Age stuff, but I like the rest of it too.  I like the variety-but maybe we could have Renaissance/Medieval Age/etc. Age stuff appearing only in that age?  That way our inventory isn't so gunked up with stuff we can't use.

Battles against other players:  Love it-no complaints.  I do have a problem with stronger players intentionally picking on those in a lesser age, people who are far weaker than them who they know have no chance against them.  That's called being a bully in most circles.  But I know the devs had nothing to do with that, so. :)

Appearance/Scenery:  Gorgeous.  I have to admit, the fog being in our own towns and being unable to do anything about that irritates me (back in TTG I was obsessed with clearing all of it and now that I can't, it bugs me) but I see the point of it.  I understand why it's there and all.  

Achievements:  WOW.  So many!  I'm gonna get em all in A5 :D

Build times:  Whoo, the build times can really catch up on you if you're not on top of your housing.  But again, I understand why the build times are what they are, so I don't have complaints.  

Donations: I always donate around $30 a month to the game for speedups and Paton's Hammers (can't afford more than that), so it isn't that much of an issue. Normally I don't donate money to games that have no physical, real world importance, but I have so much emotional attachment to TTG, and I love TTJ so much already, it's been more than worth it.  I genuinely want the best for the developers and want to help them along any way I can, even if it's small.  Plus I think the cost of items compared to what you pay for in real world money is pretty great.  You get a lot of stuff for your money, so I will continue to donate every month to help the guys out.  

Overall:  9/10.  I will definitely be back for A5. :D

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

I have now played my way through 2 Alphas, and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  Alpha 5 and it's challenges are looming on the horizon and I am very excited by all the new possibilities......

The artwork, thought and planning behind the game are all very impressive, and are greatly appreciated by the vast majority of us the vast majority of the time, except maybe when hunting those elusive stalagmites!

I started Alpha 3 with the wish to not interact with anyone, just me against the computer, and now one of the aspects I enjoy most are the conversations on CC, some have been hilarious!  This has led in part to making good friendships both with my alliance and outside my alliance.  The alliances are fantastic.

Of course there are bugs, and some have been very entertaining!

This is a truly challenging game, with so much to learn, and the need to keep on learning.  I particularly appreciate that the game can be played in completely different ways suiting the individual needs of the different types of players.

Congratulations to all the dev team!

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Joined Alpha 4: 

Building...The aspect of building towns and upgrading things has always been something I love. (I think Caesar started TTJ definitely has that ability to build and expand your cities while watching them grow and flourish. The timers might be a bit of a damper on some as they tend to become really long, however, if you plan a course of action on what you need you can set up longer builds for when you are sleeping or off to do RL stuff. *** I would love to see the ability to move your buildings around and re-arrange the layout. When you start playing you put things in the general area that you think they need to be based on what's available at that time and find as you advance, things become available or things become outdated you are left with options to put things all over the place. Yes, knowing your city you can find things but a layout that puts them in specific places would be so much easier. Maybe a road system or something to give some idea of order.... not necessary in order to enjoy the game just a wish from someone who loves the building and designing aspect 

Battles ... I joined and ended up in the hospital for a few months so when I came back my town was under attack roughly every 20-40 mins by someone. A reprieve of some sort would have been nice but I learned to rebuild what I could in the limited time available and then try to learn that person's sleep or offline pattern so I could really build. I do donate and that allowed me to purchase more Truces and receive the Lada Wards (plus the ones gifted to me by friends). Those were all immensely helpful. I had planned on waiting to donate until the new Aplha as it would be a starting point. The reality of being stuck with repetitive attacks and not having the ability to purchase those things or the items to increase production (to rebuild) made me really think about those can't afford to donate and what situation they would be in. I've yet to attack someone as I've been building and let's be honest here.. I'm quite a bit behind in building so any attempt at attacking someone at this point would be like a gnat going after a jetliner...  :P  I think maybe the introduction of limited days away will help as people who don't play will be removed and those who can't play due to RL or some unforseen circumstance can have their things maintained and built while away. 

Glitches and Bugs .. they happen in every game. What happens next is what makes Enkord staff stand out against the rest. (I've played an mmorpg for 7 years that has maybe 1/4 the attention from staff .. for me it's about the friends) If you report a glitch or bug of some sort they look into it right away and either answer you personally or you see a patch that fixes it within a very short time. Forums are an absolute treasure trove of information from general help information from players to hints and outright spoilers. I've wandered through pages of information and, while the player input is amazing and ever so helpful, it's the Enkord staff participating in discussion and chats that makes all the difference. Not only are they active on the forums they are active in main chat in game. I applaud the Enkord staff in their dedication to being active participants in every aspect. 

Alliances... Joining an Alliance was the best decision I could make. While they do help if you ask questions, the banter in chat helps keep the down time while building upbeat and fun. They reached out to lend a helping hand when I first came back and stood by with reinforcements during the countless attacks. A huge thank you to The Muskateers!!!!!!!!

Alpha 4 was awesome and because of that I am super excited about Alpha 5!!!!  Take some time to realize that things drop on a random basis and that not every obstacle needs to be cleared to continue to play. (Ice.. took months to get a torch.. lol) Some are for future quests and so on. Sit back and enjoy the people in the game, make some friends, watch your cities grow and above all have fun!!!!!

See you all in Alpha 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

I only started playing 89 days ago and have felt "behind the curve" the entire time! I was very lucky to get into a great alliance and to meet some people who were willing to help me learn the ins and outs of the game.

There is so much to this is game, it truly is a game for all types of player interests. Unfortunately, this caused my ADD to kick in and I had a difficult time choosing which "style" of game play was best for me. 

I am looking forward to Alpha 5 and all the new things awaiting us there. I am especially excited about the alliance additions and interactions. 

Having had the experience to learn the game the last few months I feel I will be better equipped to play the next alpha and be an active contributor to the forum.

This is a great game, thanks to the hard work of the development team and all those who have taken the time to contribute constructively to the forum!

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
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