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Happy Birthday Totem Tribe II: Jotun!

Happy Birthday Totem Tribe II: Jotun!

Exactly one year ago today we launched Alpha 1 of our game, Totem Tribe II: Jotun . Now it is time to look back and reminisce about things that have taken place over the last 12 months.

  • ALPHA 1 was launched on the 22nd of October 2013, and only a couple of dozen players were invited. The game was far from what it is now - it had only Herald's Home, no other quest locations. There were no advisor quests, the Cash Shop was not available, and in general a lot of things were far worse than they are now. Those who played it, please leave us some comments about what other important things were not present :). Here is the old news post about Alpha 1.
  • ALPHA 2 was launched on the 23rd of December 2013, two months after Alpha 1, and just in time for Christmas. We were able to release it so soon after Alpha 1 because most of the new features that were added were partially ready when Alpha 1 was released. In Alpha 2 we added Opposition Hideout, advisor quests, Cash Shop, and most importantly for some people - more horses! There were only a couple of horses in entire Alpha 1 release. There were more people invited to participate as well, maybe up to 50. You can read about it in: news post about Alpha 2 launch.
  • ALPHA 3 took us significantly longer to release (2nd of June 2014) because there were so many additional features to be added. We added a whole new age - Classical, and an entirely new payment system which includes various rewards and bonuses.  The new Jungle climate zone was added, and random monsters were also new to this phase. The inhabitable space was doubled because of the new climate zone. We invited even more players this time - we now have over 200 players.  Here is the Alpha 3 news post with details. More importantly though, is the work that has been done behind the scenes. We can tell you that we have started to rework our codebase, which in the long run will allow us to do things faster and better..
  • On the 11th of September 2014, we did not launch a new alpha stage, however we did add 2 new quest locations - which is a big deal for those players who have been fans since original TT1/TTG and who wanted more of the old-school experience.

It has been a landmark year for us.  We have been working very hard on this game for almost 4 years now and we have been flying blind.  However, this past year has finally allowed us to touch base with players and embed our belief that this game serves its purpose and is appealing to both its present and future fans. Now that we have support - the future of the game is more certain.

I almost forgot to mention that everyone receives a Supporter's Key, a Thank You Package, and 3 Lucky Coins as a birthday treat!

Now everyone go post your most memorable game moment of the year! :)

10 years ago

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Hi, how could I join the game, I am AglessIsBack and I have been quite active on the GUNROX forums. I have about 200+ posts, so I would like to give this game a go. :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Alpha 4 will be launched by the end of the year, this is when you will be invited.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I just want to say Happy (belated) Birthday and thank you for the gifts.  I intended to reply sooner but got busy and then forgot about it.

It has been a pleasure watching this game evolve, and I feel fortunate to be able to partake in its development.

I began in Phase 2.  I have to say my most memorable moment in the game was seeing and hearing my first private message.  I had played TT before but didn't know anything about this new game, TT2.  I didn't even know what a MMO game was or that there was such a thing as chatting with other players live and not on a forum.  I saw a name appear in a private chat window, "Berserker."  And I thought to myself, "Who or what the heck is Berserker and why is he/she/it talking to me?"  lol!  Clearly, I was a newbie.  I quickly learned who I was talking to.  

I had just been attacked by a couple neighbors at this point (another most memorable moment), and with the assistance of more private chat pop-ups from another developer, who happened to be my neighbor, and a couple allies, I learned they wanted my horses.  I instantly went from being a peaceful player to an aggressive player.  I had to learn quickly since I was a latecomer.  This was a defining moment, obviously, as to whether I would like the game or not.  Needless to say, I loved it!  

Another memorable moment was my very first attack on someone.  It was a multi-player attack, 3 of us.  It was a big adrenaline rush, and my palms were even sweating.  It was cool watching my 20 horses and mixture of army marching to the enemy.  Unfortunately, I lost my entire army!  LOL!  It was so devastating at the time.  Now, it's not a big deal.  Obviously, a lot has changed since that phase.  

Those are some memorable moments for me.  It has been a great ride so far, and I look forward to the next phase.  I have made lots of friends from all over the world.  It has been so much fun! 

I can't wait for the Yetis :P 

Edited 5 minutes later by . Reason: forgot something.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to

Alpha 4 will be launched by the end of the year, this is when you will be invited.

Thats great.


10 years ago Quote
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