Made in Ukraine
Introducing Advisors

Introducing Advisors

Totem Tribe 2 will be complex game. Way more complex than original game and in order to convey every important bit of information we have to find an interesting and fun way to do that. Initial vital information will be provided via tutorial quests, but what about all the deeper stuff? This is where advisors come in. There will be two advisors in the game - Bulat the War Advisor, and Zweistein the Peace advisor:

You can guess who is who. Those advisors will be giving you optional quests on what you should do to improve your current state of the country. When you feel the need of advice - you ask them and they will tell you about your current weaknesses and what you should do to fix them. Bulat will be giving advice about military side of things - how to defend, which units to build, when to attack, etc. Zweistein on the other hand will give hints on what to build and research to improve your economy, culture, tech, etc.

11 years ago

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Berserker...there has been a lot of hard work going on here. I am so enjoying all the updates. I know this is going to be a fantastic game since it has really been in the works before TTG even came out. I realize it was just a dream on paper at that time but look how far you have come. Great job. I am so excited.
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
Great work, keep it up!
11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote
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