Made in Ukraine
New Hero Perks Added

New Hero Perks Added

In today's update we have implemented part of the hero perks that were there but not working. Additionally we have added some new perks. There are affected 20 perks total.

Perks Added/Implemented:

  • Sower / Hoarder - these perks increase food storage while your hero in it. This should allow you to launch attacks further in earlier ages,
  • Demolitioners perks now increase siege unit charges
  • Destroyers / Devastators perks added that increase destructive unit charges
  • Assassin perks now are workding - they add bonus damage against enemy hero.
  • Golden Horde perks are working now that increases health of your army by 5% when fighting against army that has no hero.
  • Phoenix Rising perks now are working - they provide a chance to resurrect some units in your army after they died. The more units are dead after combat, the higher the chance to resurrect.
  • War of the Worlds perks are implemented - your army gets 5% armor boost per perk when attacking a town that has lower loyalty (rainbox) than the town you have sent army from.
  • Fencer perk is split into two - Dual Wield and Fencer respectively. Now Dual Wield allows to equip second sword, but it's efficiency would be 50%. You will need Fencer perk for 100%
  • Chopper - increases chopping weapons (axes) range by 1.
  • Butcher - increases chopping weapons (axes) damage by 30% additionaly to mastery perks
  • Basic/Advanced Double Strike - add a chance for hero to attack twice per turn.
  • Martial Arts - effect of the perk is doubled
  • Armor Breaker - hero's unarmed attacks ignore armor
  • Disarm - hero's unarmed attacks disarm his/her targets. Disarmed target's attack is reduced down to 1 until the end of battle.
  • Stargazer - hero attacks ranged units first
  • Keen Eye - hero attacks siege or destructive units first
  • Shooting Range - hero attacks units that have the lowest health first
  • War Criminal - hero attacks healers first.

Complementary Changes

  • Bonus attacks in form of artifact bonuses has been increased
  • Multi-level builds sometimes failing fix
  • Petroleum Tanks / Oil Reservoir related bug fixed
  • Fixed bug that prevented Intellect bonus to affect ships
  • No tech tooltip on mobile fixed

War in Ukraine

As you have probably knew, we (the team behind Totem Tribe II: Jotun) is from Ukraine, and thus it is needed to clarify the situation we are in.

While the war with russia is going on for 8 years already, it's been over 3 months since full-scale invasion on 24th of February 2022. Personally, I haven't been moving or running away since that invasion, working on updates for our games. However, the instability of the situation in our country (continuous shelling, missile explosions, etc.) made it risky to deploy updates, because in case when we deploy an unstable update and the internet goes off for a long time due to line being cut, players would be left with broken game for a long time. Fortunately, at the moment the situation is relatively stable in our region (Kyiv), so we are moving back towards timely updates.

On a side note I would like to thank all those players that have been supporting us for these 3 months. Your donations are helping us to pay for servers, continue working on updates and overall support our lives in these troubled times.

2 years ago


Great, thank you for this update, it wasn't even that long since the last one. About internet in Ukraine, would you consider getting some satellite internet in case where it would be unavailable for hours ? I have no idea how it works or the price but that's the idea I have.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I wondered how demolitioneers would affect the game: it's good like that, it adds power so it's always good to take if you have enough points for it, but nothing too crazy that would imbalance the game.

I'm a bit sad that Egghead (the perk giving additional science points) is still not working, is it because it would be a little bit harder to implement or for balance reasons ?

And what do you mean exactly by "Bonus attacks in form of artifact bonuses has been increased" ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Great, thank you for this update, it wasn't even that long since the last one. About internet in Ukraine, would you consider getting some satellite internet in case where it would be unavailable for hours ? I have no idea how it works or the price but that's the idea I have.

The situation is not that dire here to require those. It only makes sense in situation with active warfare.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I'm a bit sad that Egghead (the perk giving additional science points) is still not working, is it because it would be a little bit harder to implement or for balance reasons ?

Perk can give a fixed amount per perk level. It is hard to figure out the amount that would be good enough, since from age to age science income changes drasically

And what do you mean exactly by "Bonus attacks in form of artifact bonuses has been increased" ?

Artifacts that give attack bonuses vs various unit categories, like vs Creature, vs Light, vs Land, etc.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

I'm a bit sad that Egghead (the perk giving additional science points) is still not working, is it because it would be a little bit harder to implement or for balance reasons ?

Perk can give a fixed amount per perk level. It is hard to figure out the amount that would be good enough, since from age to age science income changes drasically

And what do you mean exactly by "Bonus attacks in form of artifact bonuses has been increased" ?

Artifacts that give attack bonuses vs various unit categories, like vs Creature, vs Light, vs Land, etc.

For Egghead, maybe then it could give more depending on current age ? Otherwise it could be a fixed amount that would be quite good for stone age but something you want to trade with potions in later ages given how small it would be, afterall it's similar for the petroglyph, good when unlocked but marginal when in medieval.

About the artifacts, thanks a lot for the clarification, I though that it was those that give charges or army damage. Bonus versus creatures was indeed almost useless.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I have a little concern about the perk that increases food storage, it sounds very easy to forget about it, if you move the hero with an almost full storage you will waste ton of food. With Enlightned something similar can happen if you are currently linking a world resource to a town that you can reach only thanks to Enlightned, otherwise if it's already linked you have 24 hours to bring your hero back to that town at least.

So, would it be possible to add a confirmation when trying to move the hero if it has that perk if it can waste some food ? Over 150 days of a hero's life, it's very hard to be everyday focused to never forget about this.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I have a little concern about the perk that increases food storage, it sounds very easy to forget about it, if you move the hero with an almost full storage you will waste ton of food.

Well, actually...: it happened for real just a few minutes after that message. It kinda remind me of how I lost ton of units to graveyards because I sent units there while forgetting about them, but at least for graveyards if I was motivated a bit to do again the garden or get the excavation kit, I could have fixed it, here there is nothing yet (apart from not taking that perk at all, which would be sad).

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

The tool tip for the Dual wield and Fencer currently read "+50% Allows to equip two cutting weapons at the same time (in both hands) with efficiency" Wouldn't "Allows to equip two cutting weapons at the same time (in both hands) with 50% efficiency" and "Allows to equip two cutting weapons at the same time (in both hands) with 100% efficiency" be better?

Also, the Chopper perk, wouldn't Halberdier be a better name for the perk?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

Well, actually...: it happened for real just a few minutes after that message. It kinda remind me of how I lost ton of units to graveyards because I sent units there while forgetting about them, but at least for graveyards if I was motivated a bit to do again the garden or get the excavation kit, I could have fixed it, here there is nothing yet (apart from not taking that perk at all, which would be sad).

Without that perk you would be loosing that resources anyway because they won't fit into storage.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

Well, actually...: it happened for real just a few minutes after that message. It kinda remind me of how I lost ton of units to graveyards because I sent units there while forgetting about them, but at least for graveyards if I was motivated a bit to do again the garden or get the excavation kit, I could have fixed it, here there is nothing yet (apart from not taking that perk at all, which would be sad).

Without that perk you would be loosing that resources anyway because they won't fit into storage.

I though about that, and I realized it wasn't true: say I have 2 towns with 10000 food and 10000 max food storage. I could use those directly into buildings, like military ones, not wasting anything. If i have the 50% perk and my hero is in one town, and I move half the storage of one into the other, I have now 15000 and 5000, then I make the mistake of forgetting about the perk and move my hero: I waste 5000. If you don't add some kind of confirmation (which i would understand but just saying), I will not take take that perk because I would be angry very often because of forgetting about it no matter how focused I would be into the game. I would just keep attacking closer targets (anyway even with +50% and new catapults speed it's not enough for the furthest targets). So far, by moving the hero using the flag in bottom right corner there is already a confirmation, you would just need to add some words in capital and red in it (there is an old bug on pwa that skip it sometimes though). There is no confirmation at all when moving it by reinforcement though.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I have a few questions:

- Does Disarm work against monsters too ? Snowmen have a weapon but other than that they don't so I'm not sure.

- Do you need to have both hands empty to be considered "unarmed" ?

- With the perk that add 1 in range for the axe, just in case: does it mean you can attack aerial units then ?

- I agree with what was said yesterday in chat about the Chopper description: it says "if hero does not hold a weapon in the other hand", right now this means nothing: if you have an axe equipped in the right hand, you cannot equip a weapon in the left hand, even with the dual weapons perk since then you would need to have a thrust weapon in the right hand too. Only thing you can equip is a shield, does it mean this perk work only if your left hand is empty (no shield) ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

If hero has both healing rate and healing points, either from this perk or artefacts, they do tiny bits of healing, instead of BIG chunks of fighting.

This makes a lot of artefacts greatly reduce attack points in  mob fights, attack and defence.  If healing is going to stay as "instead of" fighting, can the perk have it in description and can you remove it from artefacts, thank you.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I have a few questions:

- Does Disarm work against monsters too ? Snowmen have a weapon but other than that they don't so I'm not sure.

- Do you need to have both hands empty to be considered "unarmed" ?

- With the perk that add 1 in range for the axe, just in case: does it mean you can attack aerial units then ?

Disarm works against any unit

Shield does not prevent from being considered unarmed

+1 range to axes does not allow to hit aerial or naval targets

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Will golden horde perk work on monsters too ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

Will golden horde perk work on monsters too ?


2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

In the windows launcher showing that news, we can see at the end of the description "

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

I have a few questions:

- Does Disarm work against monsters too ? Snowmen have a weapon but other than that they don't so I'm not sure.

- Do you need to have both hands empty to be considered "unarmed" ?

- With the perk that add 1 in range for the axe, just in case: does it mean you can attack aerial units then ?

Disarm works against any unit

Shield does not prevent from being considered unarmed

+1 range to axes does not allow to hit aerial or naval targets

Disarm was updated, to work against human units only.

Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: more info.
5 months ago Quote
5 months ago Quote

still, unarmed meaning both hands are empty, especially it's called "martial arts", I also think it's a bit broken having high armor and damage

5 months ago Quote
5 months ago Quote