Made in Ukraine
Now You Can Start the Game without Registration + Better Phone Version.

Now You Can Start the Game without Registration + Better Phone Version.

Previous update was an essential step towards our major goal we are currently releasing in today's update - Starting Game without Registration!

This is a big deal for new players who can jump into the game right away without any hoops or distractions.

Send this link to your friend via messenger or SMS and they will be able to play the game in seconds!

No installation, No Registration, any device or platform - desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone. Single click and Gromus telling you how to build your village! Hopefully this would allow bring more players and breath in more life into the game. Now it even makes sense for us to try and buy some advertisement, since starting the game becase so easy now.

Sure, the registration still required eventually, but it is postponed until later into tutorial when player will have a chance to try the game out and see if he/she likes it or now.

Better Phone Version

Additionally we have made numerous interface improvements to make the game more convenient and enjoyable on phone:

  • Clicks register better now
  • Using flag by double tapping or dragging improved.
  • Building menu has larger icons
  • Highlighted areas now more prominent to bring more attention to important features of the game
  • Top list of menu icons is centered to make it easier to reach game tab with your thumb when playing with one hand
  • Minimap inside town is more crisp now
  • Unnecessary clutter removed in the beginning of tutorial like relations button and tab when you don't have any relations yet and minimap when you don't have hero.
  • Other minor tweaks and changes to make experience more streamlined

2 years ago


Cool update, there are currently a few very major bugs though:

I have a crash (sent twice) when I enter a town from the world map on my phone, I always had a crash a few seconds after entering a town due to my poor phone, but this time it crashed BEFORE, and when I relaunch the game I'm still in the world map. So I entered the town in desktop, then relaunched the game on iphone: it crashes right away, seems like now I simply cannot be inside a town on my phone. Also, everytime I relaunch the game, the game is completely redownloaded unlike before. Is it okay to report those 2 issues just here or do you want an actual report in the right section of the forum ?

Also, since I'm unable to be inside a town on my phone, for now I wonder what "minimap inside town is more crisp now" means. I also wonder about "highlighted areas now more prominent to bring more attention to important features of the game", is it when trying to upgrade a building for example ?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Those who have problem with phone/browser version with corrupted images and crashes - try to refresh page / restart the game now to see if it helps.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Have the same issues . Nothing helped

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

Those who have problem with phone/browser version with corrupted images and crashes - try to refresh page / restart the game now to see if it helps.

Nope, I tried again, even after clearing safari's data just in case, still send you a script error report when I try to enter a town. I don't care much for now, I play mostly on desktop, but if some people play only on mobile that's a huge issue for them.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Here is the same. All problems still there

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Alright, we have managed to identify the problem, but it will take some time to fix.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

What about now?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote


now it's ok, but images are too  small... The left map is hard to use, now

Now it works  :) Thank you!

Edited 9 minutes later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

All fixed, good job, didn't even take that long.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

First thanks again for fixing the problems yesterday.

I’d like to give you feedback on the changes for the mobile version.

I think a tap on the screen is now more even easily registered as planting off flag.

This is a very bad thing in dungeons and anomalies.

When I try do drag sideways to move through the location e.g.looking for items a flag is planted and my hero comes straight for it. In anomalies that means certain death and in dungeons it’s very dangerous as well.

Is there any way to adress this?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

First thanks again for fixing the problems yesterday.

I’d like to give you feedback on the changes for the mobile version.

I think a tap on the screen is now more even easily registered as planting off flag.

This is a very bad thing in dungeons and anomalies.

When I try do drag sideways to move through the location e.g.looking for items a flag is planted and my hero comes straight for it. In anomalies that means certain death and in dungeons it’s very dangerous as well.

Is there any way to adress this?

Maybe we will replace "double tap" with "tap and hold" for placing flag?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

That might be better… it could be more controllable that way. 

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

How do I download this to my android tablet? When I go to this site on chrome browser, the download button is missing. Is there a special link to use to download to my tablet?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

How do I download this to my android tablet? When I go to this site on chrome browser, the download button is missing. Is there a special link to use to download to my tablet?

That's what special about this game: while you can download the game on windows for a few minor benefits and drawbacks, on all other platforms you just click on the green "play now" button and you're in the game directly, and since it's not on the store it means that if you donate you will not have some % stolen by google.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

How do I download this to my android tablet? When I go to this site on chrome browser, the download button is missing. Is there a special link to use to download to my tablet?

When you open the game in Chrome, there is an option to add the game to home screen. It looks like this:

When you add it, there will be an icon which opens the game full-screen like as if it was installed from  Play Store.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

How do I download this to my android tablet? When I go to this site on chrome browser, the download button is missing. Is there a special link to use to download to my tablet?

That's what special about this game: while you can download the game on windows for a few minor benefits and drawbacks, on all other platforms you just click on the green "play now" button and you're in the game directly, and since it's not on the store it means that if you donate you will not have some % stolen by google.

Not just that, but we plan to try adverisement where click on the ad opens the game instead of AppStore page where user is required to install the game, allow all of the permissions, etc. More clicks = more users lost.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

ok I got it! and the home screen icon. Thanks everyone!

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote