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Technology Tree

Technology Tree

As people become more active in comments we will try to post updates more frequently (aiming at once per week). This time I will tell about research and unlocking stuff.
In original Totem Tribe a lot of people complained that it was boring to do the same upgrades over and over in each new level. We considered those remarks and in Totem Tribe 2 redesigned the upgrade system completely.
In Totem Tribe 2 there will be global technology tree where you research and unlock everything - new buildings, new units, improvements, etc.
Here is the screenshot so you get a feeling of what I am talking about:

(Click to view full screenshot)

The research process is slow, but once you research something, it will be available everywhere until the end of the game - no need to redo it over and over in different levels.
12 years ago


Great news. Having to research on every level was a bummer. This will be very nice.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
let me see if I understand some of this, via a picture. It appears you start with basic tools and weapons, it takes 3 items to upgrade, the next level is 4 different upgrades. The other is we have to feed them and gather wood and healing? Looks cool. I just restarted playing Gold after 2 or 3 years. Fun!
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
being that we have to upgrade our technologies and buildings, do we have limits on what we can store (food/wood/rocks) per upgrade. Specifically, do we need to build a wood cutters hut? will that wood cutters hut only hold 100 wood, if you want to hold more wood you must upgrade to lvl 2 wood cutters hut, etc? And then in order to have enough wood for a larger more complex building do we have to unlock the lvl 5 wood cutters hut in order to store enough wood to build a sawmill?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Ok, let me explain a bit more. The big icons on that picture are technologies. And the smaller icons are things those technologies unlock - buildings, units, etc. As for the process of researching, each of the technology has cost in 'science points'. You can transfer some percentage of your resource income into science. This way you will have lower resource income, but research going on. You can change the amount of resources turned into science points at any time. You can even set them to 0 if you need all your resources at the moment, but research will stop until you re-initiate financing your science. Keep in mind that you can turn into science only your resource income, not accumulated resources, so even if you accumulated a lot of resources - you can only spend them on buildings and units, they cannot be transfered to research technologies. So technology is basically a separate name for a group of things unlocked. Example: Technology name: Horse Riding Unlocks: Stables building, Nomad unit. That technology is only UNLOCKS Stables, but you still have to spend resources to build it in your village.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
An81angel, You are correct about having different buildings. You will have Garden which provides food income and you have Food Storage which increases the maximum amount of food you can have in your village. You can upgrade first one to increase food income and upgrade second one to increase you maximum limit. The only thing you are wrong about is the need to unlock lvl 5 building - you dont unlock building levels. Once you unlock building via technology, you can upgrade it up to maximum level if you have enough resources. (Higher building levels might require other buildings though). However there will be better buildings that replace older ones, like arrow tower level 1 replaces basic tower level 5, then you have to research arrown tower first, before you can upgrade basic tower into arrow tower.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Thank you for the clarification berserker. :D
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Liking very much :)
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Sounds good. This is the way many other games do it, like Virtual Villagers and so on. I prefer this way than the old TT way.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Looks nice, although a though would be maybe to have the boxes on top of the square ends of the arrows? Just a thought aesthetics wise.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
smjjames, Yes, we already changed that after I posted that screenshot.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Is there any dragons, monsters, etc that we must fight or we just can fight other players?
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote
Yes, there are non-player enemies that you have to defeat, just like in TT1.
12 years ago Quote
12 years ago Quote

Will research times be shortened? Right now I'm looking at research, such as Strategy that requires over 9384 DAYS (plus some hours and minutes) to complete...that would be over 25 years just for Strategy! Otherwise how does one shorten the length of time needed to complete technology research??

11 years ago Quote
11 years ago Quote