The Top List function was introduced during late Alpha 1/early Alpha 2. However, today we have added a dedicated tab where you can conveniently check out where you are positioned. There are 3 global categories: Regional Country Ranking, World Country Ranking, and World Alliance Ranking.
Regional Top List shows the countries in your region in an aggregated leaderboard, where all categories add up to your total position.
World Country/Alliance Lists are more detailed. First, there are two different types - all-time and weekly lists. Secondly, not only can you see how good you have been doing recently, you can also see how good you have been doing since the beginning of Alpha 3.
Furthermore, world rankings come from not just one, but from eight different top lists in each category:
- Population - total population of all towns in the country
- Domain - domain size of country in cells
- Science - number of science points generated
- Experience - experience points earned by hero
- Attack - total damage dealt to others as an attacker
- Defense - total damage dealt to others as a defender
- Plunder - total amount of resources obtained by plunder
- Profit - amount of resources obtained as a profit in market deals
To unlock the Top List tab you must first access it from your main dwelling.
Because the rankings tab is new and untested you can expect bugs and slowdowns.
In other news - starting with this update most quests are now providing experience points for your hero.
Let's see who is the king of the hill now :)