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Yes! You are reading it correctly! We've considered a lot of issues, like piracy, global recession, tendency of players to spend more time online, etc. In the end we decided that players should be able to pay for the game as much as they want to pay for it!
Full version of the game will be accessed for free, but there will also be premium items for sale which will simplify your gaming progress.
Making the game free allows us to release beta-version of the game for general audience as early as possible and then continue improving it from feedback from all players, not from limited test group.
Let us know what you think about it in comments below!
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I had a yen this morning to replay TTG, then as I was starting up thought, why not click on the website link and see what's going on? And look what I found!!! :-)
I cannot WAIT for TT2, and I'm more than happy to pony up for it. If it's even half as good as TTG, it's worth a lot to me. Now, quit responding to comments, Berserker, and get back to work. ;-)
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Don't worry Jenn, I am working on this game even on weekends :)
Give me a few seconds to charge up with positive emotions from your feedback to work even better :)
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| that case Berserker...Keep up the good work!!...I'm looking forward to TT2..and I am positive that you will develop a great game..
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I don't mind paying for a game which is as worthy as TTG.
Please do not make us pay for energy, or wood or any of that stuff, which games on FB and other online games are asking, to be able to play the game to full enjoyment.
One more request: make the last level less boring.
I played TTG numerous times, but I only played the last level twice, because it takes to bloody long and it is only fighting. Maybe you can add a "girl" ending, so without too much fighting.
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I will gladly pay for additional items for this game. I cannot wait to be able to play the Beta version. The only question I didn't see an answer to is when you expect to have the Beta version ready.
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Read my second answer here - "We are commited to open public access to the game this yer."
That means starting beta version.
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I cannot wait until TT2 is available. Love and play TT1 often. I would love to be considered for beta testing.
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Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to so that I can keep up with the latest TTG news?
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Yes, we do have a newsletter, but we only send it out when we have new games released.
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Thanks, Berserker. I figured out how to subscribe to this thread so that I'll get email notifications if/when it is updated.
I want to be one of the first to try the next TT!
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Me and my 15 strategy game loving friends ar so psyhed for this!
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justnosy, how do you subscribe? I will also like to get email notifications!
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Hi Berserker,
I didn't expect to be posting here again as I had decided not to play TT2 following previous info but now it seems that you are moving in the right direction with a free game. Have you looked at the 'Gemcraft' series of games for your pricing strategy? Gemcraft has always been an online game and was free until 'Gemcraft Labyrinth' was created. That was offered as a free online game but you could upgrade to the 'premium' version for a one-off payment of Ј5.00p. Gemcraft is a single-player game but has a HUGE following so I would imagine that most followers paid the money for the premium version - I did and it was sooooo worth it! It is 'hosted' by several online gaming sites including Armor Games. Wondered if that might be of interest to you.
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Hello freelance52,
Thank you for the heads up!
Yes, I do remember trying that game (it is tower-defense if i am not mistaken) and I can assure that we've reviewed a lot of various games which feature similar free-to-play models to make sure we are taking the best features and leaving off bad stuff behind.
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This is all great news, and I am still eagerly awaiting the release of the new TT2. Thank you for putting so much care into developing this game!