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Totem Tribe 2 will be released earlier but with limited features.

Totem Tribe 2 will be released earlier but with limited features.

Our decision to make Totem Tribe 2 online-enabled to support multiplayer now allows us to do other interesting things. Since we have so much stuff planned for TT2, it will be very hard to pull it off in the next 1-2 years. On one side we want to make this game as big and diverse as possible, but on the other side we don't want our fans to wait years and years till release. Therefore we decided to release the game with limited number of features but will keep adding more stuff to the game later. Moving the game towards multiplayer and online play will allow us to do just that. Totem Tribe 2 will have automated updater which will allow to update the game each time you launch it, if there is a new content available. You will no longer need to search for patches and fixes or download new versions. Automated downloader will do that for you.
13 years ago

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textrekkie, If you don't like my news and explanations, why don't you just quit reading it and wait until we release the game? Our news carry facts, not emotional atmosphere. We tend to please our players with good games, not good words.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
oh my berserker, i gotta dissagree, if i feel treated poorly by someone wanting to sell me something, i wont deal with them anymore, it happened with the "dream chronicles devs, i said thier ce, was short,,,which it was, at barely 3 hours, and got slammed by the dev for saying so, and i would never buy another game from them, to tell a customer, basically just go away till the game is released , i dont want to hear what you have to say, wow...i will follow text in staying far away also,
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
I'm still going to reserve judgement till it comes out but in all of this I've seen no hint as to when you think you might release? This talk makes me think you want to do something soon? Are we still talking next year for anything? I agree that my feelings have been hurt being in the Woman 30 to 60 category but I will do anything for a great game. A hint on the time line? please...
Edited 3 years later by . Reason: spelling.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
We plan to release closed alpha version to a limited number of testers as soon as possible to start shaping it up with feedback from real players. Going online will allow us not only listen to our players but actually SEE how they play. Often what people say and what they do are different things :)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Bella81762, I can understand your annoyance, but at the same time I see it from berserker's perspective. When you sell online, you very rarely have direct and personal conversations with your customers, and this sometimes makes it difficult to understand how they're using your product. And some customers can and will get angry or frustrated when something doesn't work (even and often especially, when it's actually a user-related issue and not the fault of the business itself), and despite your polite response become difficult to deal with. Sometimes customers are their own worst nightmare; you're entitled to your opinion, but at the end of the day, he's right. You don't like the way they do things, you can choose to go elsewhere - as you've done with Dream Chronicles. You can't please everyone and trying to do so is just incredibly frustrating to the people behind the business. (I'll also add that only a few people are commenting here; there's no way this thread is representative of the total customers for TT2, and therefore, those not wanting to play online may end up just being a small percentage of Enkord's target market) At the end of the day, one lost sale may be better than forgetting or losing track of your own artistic methodology or your own need to do business. I know myself that I have turned down work purely because the potential client has been more trouble than it's worth. I've been asked to compromise a number of times on areas that I didn't want to (safety issues all of them), and would rather be broke than work with those same people again. There's no way I would compromise my own ethics just to earn a buck or please a customer. I honestly don't know why people think that businesses should be beholden to the customers, to the detriment of not only their bottom line and other practicalities, but their artistic needs as well. Anyway, I think berserker was trying to say that he's explained it as best as he can, and if you're still not satisfied with the explanation, there's not much more he can do. (I'm glad berserker my previous comments were along the lines of your own perspective; but for everyone else's sake, take my comments as not representative of Enkord/beserker's actual opinion. It's just my own personal opinion based on similar experiences selling online. I don't intend to cause offense to anyone - you all have genuine concerns - I just think this whole thing has gotten out of proportion)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Are all you commenting even old enough? You all sound like children wanting everthing your own way...I don't know of any other game site that would actually put up with you people....I am an older woman who usually doesn't go online gaming....But for Totem Tribe... Hell yes I'll try it...Why Not!After all it is their game site and it is their game....They can do whatever they want to do...I can see the reasons why especially after learning about all the piracy involved in TTG. And Berserker never called us pirates personally....He was a general comment....and when you get upset about general comments it makes think that maybe the people that got upset might actually be the pirates....So Hush...Either play or don't....put up or shut up....Please please put me on the list to play......first...Ruthanne
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Please don't tell me that you are using Steam??!!!??? Steam sucks for those of us who have slow internet connections, Windows 7, etc
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
No, Steam has nothing to do about it.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
not sure about the sense in your proposal, berserker.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
You do seem intent on alienating as many people as possible. You seem to have a very poor understanding of 'good customer relations' in that you appear unable/unwilling to listen to their concerns and/or their feedback. Instead, you make comments that cause considerable offense. Your attitude to your customers is so bad/negative that it raises questions as to how concerned you will be to protect your customers while they are online and connected to your server.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Also, Berserker, while you are intent on implying that many people who dont play games online are pirating games, you might want to ponder on the fact that most sites responsible for originating viruses/hacking/phishing/internet scams and malware are located in Third World or Eastern European countries.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Don't tell I imply something I don't. Over 90% of Totem Tribe players are pirates, that's a fact (not on this site, but in general). Therefore vast majority of them will be unhappy with our decision to go online cause it means no more pirated version of the game. That's what I implied. If you treat my words as offense, when in reality it was not, should I be responsible for your misunderstanding?
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
and the unhappy customers that fall into the 10% who didnt pirate the game dont count either - or so it seems by the comments posted here. Oh well, I will spend my money somewhere else then.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
OK, so 90% of people who played TT and TTgold are pirates and therefore will not be able to play TT2 ('cos if they weren't prepared to pay before, they probably wont want to pay now.). That has immediately reduced your potential customer base to 10% of what it was previously. Of that 10% you have managed to upset/offend/alienate/put off a fair proportion - lets say 1%. That leaves you with around 9% of your previous 'customers' from whom to make your profit. That suggests that the cost of playing this game will be quite high, so that might further reduce your customers by around another 1%. This is beginning to sound like bankruptcy is beckoning. As a business/finance person, if I was looking at these potential figures for something I was about to develop and release I trhink I would be having a serious re-think.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Well I am still on board for this game. Hoping I get chosen for the testing. Cannot wait. Berserker, you and your team keep up the good work.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Jewels69988, thank you. Initial game builds will be far from real game - they will be more like tech demos, so don't worry if you wont be among first testers. When there will be actual gameplay, everyone will be invited :)
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
"Are all you commenting even old enough?" -rmedors old enough to what? decide how we want to spend our money? have opinions about the games we will and won't play? of course we are - anyone who makes a decision to spend their money is "old enough" even if that person is seven. ... berserker posted some info and asked for comments, if enkord doesn't want to know what we think they don't have to ask, nor do they have to take any of our criticism into account...i too am an "older" woman, i've purchased hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars of causal games over the last 5 years...and i don't like essentially being called a thief by a company with which i have done business (i have purchased several enkord games, not just totem tribe) and i have every right to a. make that displeasure known and b. to take my business elsewhere. like bella81762 i too am growing weary of titles, like dream chronicles that have taken to exploiting their fans...dc has gotten lazier and shorter with each release mortimer beckett is another title i won't buy again (at least not as new release, i might be willing to pay 2.99 in the bargain bin)... as i said in a previous post, i am not interested in online gaming. period. if i were i'd be playing world of warcraft. i have no desire to interact with others during game play. that is my preference. and i would prefer that tt2 have an off line option...that does not mean that enkord needs to do that, they just need to know there are quite a few of us who do not want to buy or play online and make their business decision. i'd like berserker to prove that 90% of totem tribe players are pirates. seems like a rather high number...this is an OLD argument that goes way back to cassette tapes and the ability to record music from the radio, the record industry once claimed that the majority of people would no longer buy records if they could record songs from the radio, that turned out to be patently false most people still bought records... companies need to view at least some piracy as free advertising...
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
Seriously, piracy = free ads now? Does anyone here actually understand copyright issues, or does piracy not involve that either? The issue about music, much like all other art, is that piracy actively skirts the copyright owner's rights. Like the right to receive royalties for their work; or the right to have their work presented in the manner they choose. It also actively encourages misuse or misunderstanding of how copyright works and what it means to the artist to lose control over their own work. (Recording music from the radio may seem fair; but if you record it and then sell it yourself, then you bypass copyrights and royalties, which is probably why the music industry is against illegal downloads, etc. It's not about greed, it's about making sure that the people who did the hard work get paid for their time/efforts) People who act like it doesn't matter piss me off; game developers, musicians, etc. are not rich. At least 99% aren't. And we don't make a profit - we don't even consider making a profit. In my field, we expect to make a loss. People who are pirates, people who plagiarise, take money out of our hands. Honestly, I'm skeptical of berserker's figures as well, but to act like piracy doesn't matter is just plain naive and ignorant of the real issues affecting real people.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
If you don't believe my numbers, here is an example of another indie game developer claiming the same: World of Goo Co-Creator Claims 90% Piracy Rate Here is another example: Machinarium suffers 90% piracy rate, offers $5 amnesty sale This rate is nothing extraordinary, its actually common for downloadable PC games. Unlike WoG developer we don't have Totem Tribe on other pirate-proof platforms like WiiWare, therefore we are loosing on the pirate issue even more.
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
"berserker - I'm not saying any of this with hostility. It's a shame that text can't carry with it tone. What I'm trying to convey is, that this entire announcement was handled poorly and because of that, it's caused anger and hostility. If it had been handled from the approach of "Making Totem Tribe 2 available on-line only is something we feel is necessary on a number of levels. First, it will allow us to continuously evolve the game. And second, it will allow us to better protect the game (our losses on Totem Tribe Gold were significant). We did not come by this decision lightly, as we know many of our avid fans are more accustomed to downloadable games. But rest assured, we will do everything in our power to help you get comfortable with the idea of playing Totem Tribe 2 on-line (it doesn't mean you have to play with other players) and what all is involved. We think that, in the end, you'll have a wonderful experience." It must have been known, or guessed, that there would be many fans that would be taken aback by the announcement. Maybe you should just wipe the board clean and go for a "do-over" LOL." Posted 11-07-2011 at 12:12 PM by textrekkie " textrekkie, If you don't like my news and explanations, why don't you just quit reading it and wait until we release the game? Our news carry facts, not emotional atmosphere. We tend to please our players with good games, not good words." frankely up till the above quoted comments by texttrekkie and berserker. i probably would of come around and still bought enkord games, Textrekkie was basically saying, hey lets all step back, take a breathe and communicate better, and got treated poorly by enkord, in todays tight econmy..i choose to spend my money with companies that respect me, and put out a great product, TT was great and unique but i am sure something just as good will take its place..
13 years ago Quote
13 years ago Quote
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