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That's right! We thought Totem Tribe 2 must have a big step forward comparing to other releases and ability to play with or against your friends is exactly that step we were looking for. We haven't finalized our ideas about all the details of player interactions but for sure you will be able to trade and fight together or against other players, form alliances and chat within the game. Post in comments what you think about it.
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do you mean it will be an online game?
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Yes, naturally you will have to be online, to be able to play with others :)
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I would still be able to play it by myself like the original totem tribe?
Or do you want to do something like travian or others in which you have to pay to enjoy different features? On your site I saw that you have gunrox, are you trying do do something similar? Probably it would be much profitable for you on a long run but I, for one, I'm not a big fan of these online games. I loved a game like Aquaria which was quite big and surprising, but I'm not going to spend months online to play a game, even if it is TT2.
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There would be definitely a single-player features (story, quests, script characters) so players who used to TT1-style gameplay will feel right at home, however those who have fun interacting with others will find these new abilities entertaining. Plus many many fans of TT1 want to play the game even after beating it, so multiplayer options will give you more stuff to do even after completion.
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Will it still be a game I can download and own? In multiplayer mode will it be turned based? Can I play against or with myself without being online?
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The game will be pretty much the same as TT1 - you download and play it, you will not be forced to play in browser, however online connection will be required for all those player interactions. I don't think this is a major problem since it's hard to see offline-only PC nowadays.
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I guess I don't understand about the multi player. Since I'm always on line I guess it doesn't matter. As long as the game is like TT1 or TTG it will be great!!
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brendatimj, multiplayer means that you will be able to trade with vivia, chat inside the game, and help each other solving quests if you want to :)
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so long as it will still be available as a stand alone single player game...otherwise, you've lost this customer.
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All the fun from TT1 like quests, story, puzzles, hidden items and secrets will stay, don't worry.
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I like the idea of multiplayer and think I may attempt it once the game comes out. If not, I will just play as I did TT1 and Gold. I just love the game and hope TT2 is as good. I am one of those who play the game repeatedly, makes my hubby crazy lol :eek: