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In original Totem Tribe we had a lot of animals wandering the islands. There were not too useful and was more like a scenery than something you can interact with. This time around most animals will be useful. In the previous news post we got some nice ideas about animals and we are glad to announce that some of them will make it into the game! So what purpose will the animals serve this time around? You will be able to tame them and have them join your army! A monkey can spy for you and fox can explore the world map, dog can fight by your side and you will have to make an effort in order to tame a serious animal like lion or crocodile! They will not be obligatory for your progress, but a nice support for your army if you can get them. Ok, you might ask how can one tame them? Actually there will be more than one way to do that. First of all you can do it the Totem Tribe way - by finding proper items that can win them over. For a dog a simple bone could be enough, but for others it might be something more complicated. On the other side, if your hero is charismatic enough, some animals might join him/her on sight without doing anything! Furthermore, if you are evil - you can kill them and take their meat. You hero must be strong or dexterious enough to do that and have proper weapons. Finally, being smart pays off too - wise or intelligent heroes will know what specific animal needs by just looking at them. P.S. By saying your hero must be charismatic, strong, dexterous, intelligent enough, etc. I meant 6 basic stats your hero will have - Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence, Vitality, Dexterity, Strength. You will be able to advance only few of those stats, defining your playstyle and the game will provide you appropriate ways to progress. Do you think it is a good idea to have such stats which influence your playstyle or its a bit too complicated?
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it would be amazing if stats would rise by your playstyle
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Love the idea of the hero traits and taming animals - didn't see that one coming Berserker :). I always fancied being a Lion tamer!!!
Edited 26 seconds later by AnneeR.
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I kind of like hero stats since that is what you have in another game I play. Sometimes they can be too complicated though and that turns me off. As long as you have an accurate depiction of what the hero gains with each stat then it sounds good. I definitly like the animal interaction. I hope you have cats other then Lions. I am a cat person! they also make great spys since they are beneath notice but very observant!
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Really like the animal ideas, maybe you could have ultra rare animals that can only spawn if your settlement meets a set of requirements, maybe have just 1-2 of these per age. Eg a Wooly Mammoth or Sabre tooth tiger for the Stone age. These would only last till your settlement reached its next age but would be more powerful than the standard creatures.
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The animals will have a 6 different groups ordered by their toughness. Weak animals are plenty and appear often, while powerful animals are rare and require your hero and country to be advanced enough before you will even have a chance to see them.
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I really like this idea - would there be an animal perhaps that seeks out gems? Or perhaps special things like armour? Or even an animal that can hunt for new quests? I'm getting all excited again to play! :) Of all the ideas coming out lately, I think I like this one the best.
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The more unique such animal is - the more work it requires to script :) For now animals have similar properties like regular units - to add some fun, but not take too much time implementing stuff. It makes sense to add deeper stuff on next iteration - for now it is good idea to make rough drafts of everthing planned in the game and afterwards iteration over iteration add details :)
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sounds awesome, but what kind of animals are we gonna be able to tame? dogs, cats, and other small animals... or big ones like lions or elephants?
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dog and fox will probably be the smalles, also bigger ones like boars, wolves, crocodiles, elephants, etc.
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Very exciting although I am really holding out for cats!! They could evolve with you, cat, bobcat, mountain lion, Lion, Tiger.
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Only Lion and Snow Leopard.
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Alright, lions and snow leapords, they are still cats
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yeah big cats to help me win my battles will be awesome, but what happens if these cute fuzzy feline's of mass destruction get killed on the battle field? will there be a way to revive them? will they respawn automatically? or will we have to go out and tame another one?
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Yeah, you have to tame new ones.
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Elephants - yaaay :) great for moving boulders and wood as well as travelling long distances for battle. Although I don't know how to train a crocodile and not sure I want to try, I like my hands and feet too much - lol
Edited 1 minute later by AnneeR.
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this has nothing to do with the topic, but.... This game has some things based on the Civilization games, right? :D i've noticed it when you showed the different victory types.
Edited 22 seconds later by *DELETED*.
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Yes, the game draws some inspiration from Civilization series. Namely ages and the world map.
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It's a very very wonderful idea!
Edited -1 second later by Manu.
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This is very good idea! i like! and gunrox, will be have animals? *_*