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Alpha 2 Conclusions and Alpha 3 Invites

Alpha 2 Conclusions and Alpha 3 Invites

The Stage 2 of the Totem Tribe II: Jotun Alpha test is over and we have successfully started Stage 3. We are currently inviting new testers into the game. If you are invited into Alpha 3, use the link below to join the game:

If it says you don't have permission to access it, don't be upset, the Alpha 4 will come later on and we will be sending out a new wave of invites. Sooner or later everyone will have their chance to play.

Regarding invites - Alpha 3 world map is pretty small, just as it was in Alpha 2, but this time we plan to invite as many people as it will be necessary to fully populate the world map. I know some people do not like to be crowded, but this is a testing period. If there was ever a time to do all kinds of crazy stuff, it is now. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it is the price of being among the first :)

Our conclusions on Alpha 2

It is time to sum up our thoughts and experiences of running Stage 2 of the Alpha test for almost half a year with a little bit more details. It took much longer than expected because Alpha 2 was a stage of fundamental decisions:

  • Codebase. We figured out our codebase was pretty bad and it was difficult to implement tweaks promptly. Testers found so many bugs and filed many suggestions, but when we tried to apply them it appeared that necessary changes took too much time to implement. We had a choice - either to continue to implement changes slowly or to take a break and seriously rework our codebase hoping that eventually it would make things easier. We decided to do the latter, and this resulted in a serious delay releasing Alpha 3 without many visible changes. We are not done yet on our codebase redesign, but at least we do see the whole picture and things will be simpler as time goes by.
  • Interface. Even during Alpha 1 the majority of our testers criticized the game interface as being inconvenient and obscure. It was a priority feature, but due to situations mentioned in the previous section we failed to change the interface in Alpha 2. However we completed the necessary preparation programming and are about to redesign the interface in Alpha 3 updates.
  • Community. The Alpha 2 community of testers was slightly larger than Alpha 1, but we were still able to keep the warm "family" atmosphere, although there were a few people that tried to ruin it. Most of the credit goes to the testers themselves though - they were great at keeping the right mood despite the presence of several upsetting situations. Guys/gals - you are awesome! :) It will be a challenge to keep it that way as more and more people come here, but I think sustaining the proper atmosphere is a key point to the game's success.
  • Story. I know story and quests are very important to Totem Tribe folk and we really tried to release at least one new quest location with Alpha 3, but we were unable to do so without causing further delays. However, we have made all the necessary preparations that will allow us to release a new quest location at a later date. This will be done during an update, not during a wipe.
  • Donations and premium items. Some people were very excited about Cash Shop and helped us with donations, and so we took steps to benefit those people by introducing various bonuses like Enkord Cash. However, refunded Enkord Cash spent during Alpha 2 resulted in too many premium items right from the start of Alpha 3. This skewed the results of early testing a little bit, and therefore we have made the decision not to refund bonus items on future Alpha wipes (Alpha 4 and so on) - only Enkord Cash will be refunded. This will prevent further skewing of the results during future Alpha testing. The bonus items will be refunded when the game reaches more stable stage - like Beta.
  • War. Another important issue of Alpha 2 was battles. Some players felt uncomfortable when they were attacked unexpectedly for no reason. We analyzed those cases with proper attention and made some changes (like adding Shelter for units) to allow players to deal with those attacks. Some players asked us to create a separate mode or server for peaceful players alone, but unfortunately I must admit this will not happen. Totem Tribe is not a farm game or a city builder, and warfare was a crucial part of original Totem Tribe game. It will also play an important role in Totem Tribe II: Jotun. However we do realize the warfare is a very sensitive issue and we will always keep an eye on it, trying to figure out how to make it less stressful and more fun, providing more means to deal with damage.

Your conclusions?

That's my thoughts about Alpha 2, but I would love to hear about your experience while playing Alpha 2. Please tell us about your best and worst experiences and about all those "aha" and "bummer" moments. It will be interesting to share.

10 years ago

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I think for me the best aha moment was spying on town of Ali Baba and getting a look into the future of TT2. My biggest bummer was choosing leaderism and having my tower destroyed over and over before I could get it to level 5 and complete Baluts quest. Also addition of working achievements was a very nice touch and I wish some of the more peaceful type worked. I would really like it if the perks were working for all categories and better descriptions were given for what they do. In closing anyone who plays knows that I am fully addicted to the game and that I am very excited to try all the new features. Including catapults so once I research them so watch out everybody!! :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

The best moment for me was surely the first day playing it, it was all new and exciting! one of my favourite games, with a second, multiplayer part? what could go wrong? The worst part was when i reentered the game after some weeks and saw that my neighbors attacked my kingdom a bunch of time, i know it was for experience and all that but even so, it didn't gave me good feelings

I would tell you about aha but as i dont know what that means i wont say anything

What i really expect from this wave of testers is to be as polite or more than the previous two ( you are welcome ;D ) and to play the game seriously and not just enter once in a week because they wont experience the real feeling of this game

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Well I must say that I am shocked you were not expecting there to be bad players trying to ruin things for the entire tt2 community. I fully expected this to happen because I play lots of other mmo's. It is only going to get worse from here on out, believe me i know. There will always be players that try to hurt, annoy, criticize, attack, etc other players.

As far as the WAR aspect of the game --- your company is touching on a very serious issue with this. Your original game had expected attacks generated by the game mechanic itself that the player was easily able to prepare for once they got the hang of it. the player may have died a few times but was easily able to restart each new fight area and learn what to expect in a predictable sort of way. Since you have introduced PvP (player versus player) into the game you have opened a HUGE can of worms. Those casual players from the original game will eventually stop playing after they get their village killed over and over. No casual gamer will want to build something only to see it destroyed time and time again. There will always be players that target the weak. Most PvPers gank noobs, or lower level players --- or in this case Any and All under developed nations. The casual players that begged for a second version of their beloved game will hate this and quit out of frustration. Please expect to lose a large number of your original player base. Sadly this may even include me.

Choosing to never open a PvE (Player versus Environment) server or polity will more than likely blow up in your face. Communality is the current closest thing to a PvE state in the game, however, it falls flat on it's face. I always choose the peaceful way and I always lose out. Not having a way that ensures the casual player can maintain their nation without constant destruction is a bad idea in my view (communality in it's current form is not capable of doing this) . Don't get me wrong I enjoy making friends and chatting with people in game, but not enough to sit and endure the constant onslaught of battles from other players. It is a very difficult thing to keep your nation growing as a casual player while watching other nearby nations growing and decimating all that is around them. 

Please keep in mind that: 

--- A casual player is someone that plays the game for maybe an hour or two a day.

--- A casual player is someone that plays the game maybe just on the weekends.

--- A casual player is someone that plays the game for a week or more straight then doesn't play again for over a month or longer.

My "Aha" moment came when I was able to see my beloved game come back to life with a new story to continue on with.

My "Bummer" moment was learning that this game was strictly PvP as I have never been a fan of this.

Edited 3 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

oops double posted sorry

Edited 24 seconds later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Is anyone else having trouble connecting ? i keep getting an error..

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to

Well I must say that I am shocked you were not expecting there to be bad players trying to ruin things for the entire tt2 community.

Hm.... where did I say we were not expecting them?

Speaking about PvP, yeah, your arguments are valid, but PvP in this game in not about just attacking others. It is very sketchy approach to treat it like that. If we go a bit deeper we will see that PvP is a serious motivation for various non-PvP actions: trading, development, uniting in alliance against someone stronger, cooperation and helping each other, etc. - all of that would be significantly smaller with PvP removed. Not the PvP, but even the possibility of PvP attack is making people to stay on their toes and makes the game fresh.

Sure it could be can of worms indeed, but our job is to make it bearable and not game-breaking, and that's what this testing is all about.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

Is anyone else having trouble connecting ? i keep getting an error..

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

My "Aha" moment was when I discovered that achievements were such a large part of the game. Pursuing achievements are quests in themselves, and it greatly enhanced my experience of game play. The "bummer" moment came when I realized that when other players pursue some of their achievements it can be quite detrimental to me.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I haven't played alpha 2 for more than few weeks for couple of reasons. First, I kind of hate this kind of browser games because they are time and money consuming. I am starting to feel guilty pretty soon about wasting so much time when I could do so many other interesting and useful things with my life . I feel this kind of game is speculating a lot of my weaknesses so that's why I try to avoid the vicious circle that it implies (I am obviously not very successful because I am playing again). Totem tribe was one of my all time favourite games so I am still hooked, hoping to find something similar. 

Other downside is the fact that in my opinion the shop is really expensive, in other words, poor value for money. Usually I am not investing more than 20 pounds in a game, usually this amount allows you to play for many months very relaxed and to be quite competitive. The reason I donated here is to help the developers, based on the fact that they were able to create a game like the original TT. But if would have been any other game, or if it wouldn't have been an alpha stage, I would have stopped long time ago. I think it's addiction and stupidity to pay so much for a game. 

The last bad thing from my point of view is the fact that I have to interact with other players. To me gaming is my private space, is not a chat room. 

On the other hand it is a pretty complex game, or it has the potential to be, I am sure it will be successful when it's going to be finished.  

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

If we got an e-mail, do we need to open it first to access this:

or do we just need to click that? 

Because it said:

Access Denied (403)You are not allowed to view requested page. If you are not logged in, please login and try again.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

well after a few days of playing seems pretty cool i really cant find nothing bad about the game except 2 things :

- Not sure if this is just temporay or untill i build something new or whatever but Building, upgrading 1 thing at a time is real anyoing and makes the game real boring. 
- Cashshop , obviously it's real expensive and if ur a rich player u really have a high advantaje and with the 1 upgrade at a time makes it mostly like pay to expand or free but wait wait wait wait wait to expand

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
Reply to *DELETED*

- Cashshop , obviously it's real expensive and if ur a rich player u really have a high advantaje and with the 1 upgrade at a time makes it mostly like pay to expand or free but wait wait wait wait wait to expand

I think that even when that is true, the wost thing hasn't arrived jet. we have started playing more or less recently so we still dont have problems with blueprints, but i see that you need them to upgrade buildings to clasical age, and only the storege building would cost 1 at level 19, 2 at 20 and ? to upggrade to clasical (correct me if a am wrong), now do this 3 times, and we will see if you can upgrade something more without paying money. I dont know if war based buildings (only those who have level 10+) are the same, but , based on what i see, this is terribly unfair for people like me, those who play the game activly but cant afford or can't ( as in my case) or dont want to donate

This was one of the reasons that made me stop playing in the final of alpha 2, i couldn't build anything new, i couldn't attack people (all my soroundings had communatily, and was nearly imposible to do any damage) and i was tired of exploring and founding new cities that were almost the same as the first one, but without lv 10 (or 19-20) buildings

i propose making the blueprints more common in the wheel, or giving more in the quests

Edited 6 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote


i have problem with game launcher .. when i press on update and game start downloading update files it goes on a really really slow speed ( 4-5 k/s !! ) altrough my internet in normal downloads with speed up to 300 k/s ...  it says i have to wait +80 hours to download the second file of updates -_- ps : it starts updating on normal speed +-200k/s .. but in few seconds it goes down to 4 and 5 k/s

Edited 3 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Just wait some time, the speed should increase eventually.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

i have been waiting for more than 30 min but nothing happens ... ps : it starts updating on normal speed +-200k/s .. but in few seconds it goes down to 4 and 5 k/s

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Looks like something on your side, maybe some firewall settings on your pc or your provider's side.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Some interesting stats from alpha 2 before we shut it down - the top players on time spent in the game:

  1. Simba#1    1879
  2. Ghera#1    1776
  3. Cleo#1    1536
  4. berserker#1    1323
  5. kiwiaunty#1    1257
  6. Catrina#1    1240
  7. puzzling#1    1231
  8. Sandy#3    1013
  9. Tuey#1    946
  10. Amazed#1    794

Second number is number of hours spent :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Heck, no wonder the house renovation is behind schedule  LOL

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Uhh. How am I supposed to test it? I mean the game just tell me to update, is it only possible to play after the update, 'cause I update it almost 3 times already

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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