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Exactly one year ago today we launched Alpha 1 of our game, Totem Tribe II: Jotun . Now it is time to look back and reminisce about things that have taken place over the last 12 months. - ALPHA 1 was launched on the 22nd of October 2013, and only a couple of dozen players were invited. The game was far from what it is now - it had only Herald's Home, no other quest locations. There were no advisor quests, the Cash Shop was not available, and in general a lot of things were far worse than they are now. Those who played it, please leave us some comments about what other important things were not present :). Here is the old news post about Alpha 1.
- ALPHA 2 was launched on the 23rd of December 2013, two months after Alpha 1, and just in time for Christmas. We were able to release it so soon after Alpha 1 because most of the new features that were added were partially ready when Alpha 1 was released. In Alpha 2 we added Opposition Hideout, advisor quests, Cash Shop, and most importantly for some people - more horses! There were only a couple of horses in entire Alpha 1 release. There were more people invited to participate as well, maybe up to 50. You can read about it in: news post about Alpha 2 launch.
- ALPHA 3 took us significantly longer to release (2nd of June 2014) because there were so many additional features to be added. We added a whole new age - Classical, and an entirely new payment system which includes various rewards and bonuses. The new Jungle climate zone was added, and random monsters were also new to this phase. The inhabitable space was doubled because of the new climate zone. We invited even more players this time - we now have over 200 players. Here is the Alpha 3 news post with details. More importantly though, is the work that has been done behind the scenes. We can tell you that we have started to rework our codebase, which in the long run will allow us to do things faster and better..
- On the 11th of September 2014, we did not launch a new alpha stage, however we did add 2 new quest locations - which is a big deal for those players who have been fans since original TT1/TTG and who wanted more of the old-school experience.
It has been a landmark year for us. We have been working very hard on this game for almost 4 years now and we have been flying blind. However, this past year has finally allowed us to touch base with players and embed our belief that this game serves its purpose and is appealing to both its present and future fans. Now that we have support - the future of the game is more certain. I almost forgot to mention that everyone receives a Supporter's Key, a Thank You Package, and 3 Lucky Coins as a birthday treat! Now everyone go post your most memorable game moment of the year! :)
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I was wondering if you were sending birthday presents to people on their birthdays but then I remembered that the launch of alpha 1 one was a great birthday present for me last year and if I remember correctly - for Honey too, so happy birthday Honey. Thanks for the gifts, they were a lovely surprise :)
Edited 2 hours, 24 minutes later by AnneeR.
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Wow, thanks for the presents, and congratulations! Time passes so fast...
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The biggest difference between then and now is the size of the world map. I remember someone clearing all the fog on the world map early in alpha 2 and thinking it was quite big. I came across the image again the other day and sure it was only roughly half the size of Littlefield as it stands now lol. Have to say comparing the game today to what it was the day we first played, it has come on leaps and bounds. The interface as it is now, is a lot better than it was in alpha 1 aswell, we couldn't even collapse the unit/resource tabs :). Big hugs to all of you on your first birthday and congratulations, you're doing a trojan job :)).
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Actually alpha 1 had the same world map as it is now :) Fear takes molehills for mountains :)
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I was invited to play since alpha 3, and I was very pleased about that! I liked the original TTs and as it was announced that there will come a new one, I looked every few days for news on the website. Since then you did a grandiose and hard job to keep it running and implement new things.
Happy birthday! And thank you very much for the presents!
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Thank you for inviting me to participate since Alpha 2. I have seen a lot of changes and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. It has been great to watch the game evolve. Congratulations on your Anniversary/Birthday, and thank you for the gifts. :)
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First of all a very BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you all of Enkord development team !!! Hope you will keep on having great ideas for the further stages of TT2 Jotun. We may differ on some things regarding how the game should be balanced out, but that can only make it better. Then as others did before I'd like to thank you for the nice gifts ! (btw. I wonder if we can keep them even after the wipe for Alpha 4 *wink,wink* *g*) Finally let me think of the nicest moment so far...Hhhm, I know some people might like to strangle me now, but actually it was the moment when I was able to solve the flower, number wheel puzzle at Keepers village. :) Funny thing is, that I managed to solve it with the first serious try. Before that I just played around with it, but did not really care, let it alone for weeks, and returned only four days ago. Then I REALLY read everything and looked around the scenery and went to the spinning wheel...and *BANG* first try and solved. :))) Somehow I still wonder though how that was possible! *lol*
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Happy Birthday! And thanks, again, for allowing us to support
and be part of the developing process. I have had many memorable moments playing
Totem Tribe II, Jotun such as the first time I accumulated enough settlers to create
a new town or when I was able to solve some of the most difficult quests or in discovering
a new land. However, the most memorable would
be when I first joined an alliance and was able to enjoy the camaraderie of
other like-minded gamers. And, it just
keeps getting better…
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It is always nice to get surprises thanks
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Happy Birthday! I came late to Alpha 2 and the difference between the two stages has been profound. It's been a very exciting experience taking part in the testing of this game. There have been moments of elation, aha moments and moments of frustration, but I am very glad you invited me to play and I look forward to seeing the coming changes rolled out. You have been doing yeoman's labors getting this done so congratulations to the team. Thanks for the gifties too! Surprises like this are always nice. :-)
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Happy Birthday TT2 and to all of the developers! I appreciated your invitation to participate in Alpha 3 and have already seen many significant changes to the game. You should all be applauded for your efforts, which I'm sure are extremely complex as it is a multi-player platform! As with everyone else, I really look forward to seeing the game continue to develop and all of the healthy discussions continue; it can only make the final product better :) Best of luck with the progression towards Alpha 4. Lastly, thank you so much for your presents, such a nice surprise!
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Congratulations Team Enkord, TT2 one year !!!. I was invited in Alpha 1 and boy there has been a lot of changes since then. I do not have one memorable game moment but serveral of them. The first memorable moment was the moment that i got an invite to participate in testing TT2. The second one was the release of TT2, comparing to stage one, it looked like a whole new game with more possibilties. The 3th moment was in stage 3, being a part of an alliance. Team Enkord thank you for letting me participate in this great and exciting journey and thank you for the gifts.
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Happy Birthday and congratulations for the developers. Looking forward to many birthday celebrations in the future. And thanks for the nice gifts - felt just like one of Pippi Longstocking's friends.
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Happy Birthday Totem Tribe Jotun!!!!! Congratulations Developers!! I hope u fix my problem soon so I can play....I Think some of u knows my game's problem......Plz I want to play it so badly.... I hope developers see my request..... Well Congratulations! :-D
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Happy Birthday TT2 :) I have put off responding here as I really wanted to get my thoughts together. I was invited last October to participate in stage 1 alpha at that time as you mentioned all we had was stone age and no quests. I started out with one hero and then through scouting (which I love to do) discovered there were horses on the world map (only 4 sets then on the whole map and other world resources were very scarce). I wanted them so badly I started more heros and searched very hard. We were allowed 10 heros then. :) through much searching and deleting heros I finally found some horses I thought I would be able to reach but alas without Blueprints I could not expand to get them. Luckily for me Berserker took pity ( he also wanted to see nomads in action) and he gave me 10 blueprints. My love of nomads was born and has carried on. Stage two horses and everything else were much more plentiful and with the addition of quests, blueprints were also. No longer were 10 heros needed to find them :) War was possible in stage 2 but we only had army and primitive rams so destruction was limited to walls and towers of our enemy's. Alliances were brought to the game in stage two and while they were still rough watching them evolve has been a pleasure. My favorite stage two moment was when the Devs fixed alliances so you could see the land that your alliance mates had cleared under the fog. We really got a look at the world then. I do not know about others but I joined and left many alliances to get a look at the world cleared by others. As many of you here now may know it is still not big enough for my kingdoms. Stage 3 added classical age right from the beginning of the stage. So much more to do that even though I started with the 5 heros we are now allowed I quickly have discovered there is no time to properly manage that many :) With the addition of monsters to our towns (which I hate) there is now so much to research, build and with the addition of quest locations, so much to do that managing that many heros is almost impossible. I now have only 3 and it takes all I have to manage them :). Also with the addition of the shop you can purchase items needed to advance in the game if you don't win them from the wheel or get them from killing monsters or from the quests. The world is still to small for me and I am looking forward to stage 4 when they have promised it will be much, much bigger, :) I really also want to add that I was a big voice against this game being MPO. I find that I have made some friends here that I would not have been able to make without that, ( also some enemies, war being one of my favorite things to do I have discovered versus staying home and killing monsters) I have spent the last year totally taken over by this game. I was a regular on a couple of other game sites I will not mention here but since the alpha one release have only been to those sites when the server has crashed which happens less and less now. there are many more great memories for me and not enough space here to mention them all. I do want to say Happy birthday to you TT2. A big THANK YOU to the team for your time and generosity. Looking forward to stage 4 and the promise of many more gaming hours to come.
Edited -1 second later by Tuey.
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Nice recap, Tuey! :)
Thank you Berserker :)
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