Made in Ukraine

A suggestion about the world map

I apologize in advance - if there was such a proposal I couldn't find it. Is it possible to introduce some marks we can put on the world map - different color flags or something of the sort, so a player can easily find again a friend, enemy or a trade partner that he/she had already located on the map. Maybe there can be a feature to go directly to certain map coordinates. As I understand the map will be much bigger than before and it will become more difficult and time consuming to find again someone far away from you on the map. Of course I mean this can be applied only over revealed map territory.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

This is more in line with general "bad usability" of the interface as a whole, which is an achnowledged issue. Unfortunately redesigning interface is a very large and complex task wer are not able to do with our current resources. We do some interface changes from time to time, but they are more like sympthomatic treatment, than fixing the problem in its core. Sure, one day we will start a deep redesign aimed at maximum usability, but for now you can only pitch interface ideas without expectations they will be implemented soon.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Well, I hope somewhere in the near future everything major about the game will be ready and you will have time for some small luxuries.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Lucille, I love your idea. I would also like to be able to mark things in the town map. I get so annoyed when I find everything for a chest and then I can't find the chest again. Someday.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Since we are putting in requests here ;) I would like to suggest a helium balloon for eliminating the fog! more scouts. Just kidding. On a serious note, I accidently sent wood to OH instead of KV, I know, dummy me but why are we not allowed to send it back with the traders? Don't laugh....

Edited 2 minutes later by .
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
Reply to

Since we are putting in requests here ;) I would like to suggest a helium balloon for eliminating the fog! more scouts. Just kidding. On a serious note, I accidently sent wood to OH instead of KV, I know, dummy me but why are we not allowed to send it back with the traders? Don't laugh....

Helium baloon like the one here? It has been created for quite some time already :)

Edited 34 seconds later by .
9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Well, sorry to bring forward this issue again. My alliance has revealed the whole map of Abenia and half of the map of Katoria, and I have friends all over both continents, but now it is almost impossible to find them easily on the big world map.  I know that there are far more important things to be done first and the team is working hard but I still hope there are some palliative means that could be implemented meanwhile. With such a big map putting an offer for 1 unit of any resource on the market and then following traders' route does not help as before. Coordinates are not of much use too (so is my memory lol).

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote