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A lot of waiting

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I started this game yesterday (thank you Enkord for the invitation). I am at the stage where I have to upgrade all production buildings to level 3. This takes 8 to 9 minutes per building. It takes a lot of time to upgrade all 14 buildings. Also, travelling to Herald's Home and Opposition Hideout takes time. In the mean time, I search for food, wood and stone but there is not much else to do. For now, I think this game is a little boring.

As I am not good at waiting, does this get any better?

Edited 54 seconds later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

The game is designed to be slow, because unlike TT1, this time it is a multiplayer online game and you are playing with all other players in single big world at the same time. Long times required to make it balanced. With short times the one who has the most time to spend will be at significant advantance.

No, it will not get any better in that regard.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

also build up the houses so that your build time is 50% green, that means it cuts the construction time in half. You need to build a lot of houses to get to this point, but is worth it. Took me only a year of playing this game to figure that one out, thanks Berserker and Tuey for pointing it out to me. 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

It also helps if you try and makes friends with people, they can help reduce the build time of stuff (the ability is on a cooldown though) and send you a bit of extra resources if you ask nicely.

Which can help speed things up at times.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I started this game yesterday (thank you Enkord for the invitation). I am at the stage where I have to upgrade all production buildings to level 3. This takes 8 to 9 minutes per building. It takes a lot of time to upgrade all 14 buildings. Also, travelling to Herald's Home and Opposition Hideout takes time. In the mean time, I search for food, wood and stone but there is not much else to do. For now, I think this game is a little boring.

As I am not good at waiting, does this get any better?

i'm glad you asked this question.  i too started playing yesterday and wondered if i was missing something cause i am running out of things to do...  i explore the world but am at a standstill with quests.  for example, i can't even find the pieces for the fishing pole... still trying to fill up the wade... makes me think that i'm not a very smart player? 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Yes in the very beginning it can drag a bit, but gosh now I have 2 Hero's and combined 8 towns, it takes me all day long just to build stuff, fight monsters, train guys that died, and everything else. Love this game. The fishing pole you need to go to Herolds 2 times, and get across the wade at the Opposition hide out. Plus you find one item in your main town. 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Yes in the very beginning it can drag a bit, but gosh now I have 2 Hero's and combined 8 towns, it takes me all day long just to build stuff, fight monsters, train guys that died, and everything else. Love this game. The fishing pole you need to go to Herolds 2 times, and get across the wade at the Opposition hide out. Plus you find one item in your main town. 

i've been to Herolds about 10 times and across the wade at OH and still have only 3 pieces.  so i've been trying to find the pole for days.  also have been reading on the forum about other players' major difficulties (at OH with the cavemen and meat and that stuff about power-ups being used to break things?  come on.... who could've known?) i'm almost afraid to read these threads as they almost scare me. is this game just too tough for me?  as a new player, it's hard to stay motivated if these quests are this difficult in the very beginning. i personally need to be able to accomplish quests more easily and then "learn" more as i go along.  just let me build my town, play puzzles, fight critters (that i can actually kill) and find items to solve quests.  THEN throw in the more difficult stuff once i get comfortable and learn the lingo.  Please?   i'm still playing the game and am slowly getting hooked cause i'm stubborn that way.  can't wait until i start having some actual fun. :)    PS  don't kick me out cause i shared my brutal thoughts.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I think you are pressing too hard. The majority of tasks are optional and if you are stuck it is a good idea to switch to something else. A lot of thigs cannot be solved right ahead, some require special items which will be obtained later in the game, some resources, tech, units, and so on.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I must say, I agree with BABSKSIB a bit. I don't mind that building your city, researching and exploring are going slow. It does give everybody a fair chance and not only the die-hard players. But some puzzles and quests are very frustrating. Sometimes you just don't know what to look for, not even a clue in what direction to look, or that you just have to wait several levels. I am looking for 10 days now, for a larger chisel or stone scythe... almost starting to believe I will never find it.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I must say, I agree with BABSKSIB a bit. I don't mind that building your city, researching and exploring are going slow. It does give everybody a fair chance and not only the die-hard players. But some puzzles and quests are very frustrating. Sometimes you just don't know what to look for, not even a clue in what direction to look, or that you just have to wait several levels. I am looking for 10 days now, for a larger chisel or stone scythe... almost starting to believe I will never find it.

If you have played original Totem Tribe, have you been looking for 10 days on the Witch Island to break the ice? Maybe if something looks too hard, it is not meant to be open right now? I do agree some stuff could be more clear, but we must separate things that are hard to "crack" and things not meant to be cracked right now.

Speaking about fishing pole - I've heard numerous reports people failing to locate it, but that fishing pole quest is completely optional and cannot be solved until you access Opposition Hideout.

If I add text to that fishing pole quest journal:

"I should not press on searching for it too much because I don't know where exactly pieces might be."

Will it be more clear you should not push on this quest too much?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Maybe it will be nice if you sometimes get the remark from the game; " that a certain entrance of unit is not going to be available for you for quit sometime". Then you know you better put your time and energy in just growing, researching etc. The point is that you just don't know if you are supposed to find something, or not. That causes frustration. Not too much for me, to stop playing, by the way!

Edited -1 second later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I also found things a bit grindy after finishing the tutorial, at the stage where there was a lot of lengthy upgrading to do.  I think it has balanced out now, or I am getting more used to the style, or some of each.  After I found out how to get into opposition hideout it seemed more engaging. 

As a suggestion, maybe a couple more easy puzzles early on to give something to do while doing all that building would make it a bit easier to get through that part... 

Also I thought that it might make resource foraging more fun if you had a chance of finding little magical things, like say a scroll that gives a minute off building time for the current build or 500 science points.  Not enough to mess up the balance, but enough to be motivating.

I think this game is growing on me...

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

The game is still in Alpha stage. I am sure some of these things will be implemented later on in development. At this stage the team is working on other priorities. :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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The game is still in Alpha stage. I am sure some of these things will be implemented later on in development. At this stage the team is working on other priorities. :)

Just suggestions, sorry if they are over the top!

Edited 7 minutes later by . Reason: soften language.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Also I thought that it might make resource foraging more fun if you had a chance of finding little magical things, like say a scroll that gives a minute off building time for the current build or 500 science points.  Not enough to mess up the balance, but enough to be motivating.

There are blue vials, but I think they spawn only in chests. In order for them to spawn out in the wild you need a perk, although I am not sure it is implemented right now. Speaking about 1 minute off - will think about it.

On the other hand you can find regular items and not just resources from time to time - like equipment and regular shop items, although they are pretty rare.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Well that  is incentive to keep looking!  Thanks

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I'm also feeling I've hit a wall at the stage when you're upgrading resource areas from 2 to 3, where I'm not occupied all the time but have to visit every 10 minutes to keep things progressing.  What usually happens is that i start a building going, go off and do something else, and by the time I remember to come back it's half an hour or an hour later.

Or maybe I'm spending some time with my wife or going out and don't do anything to the game for a few hours, and all that time is wasted in terms of game progress.

othe similar games have allowed several build tasks to be queued up.  In this game I can only do that by buying items with real money.  I thought the game wasn't supposed to be play to win?  That's the early impression I get.

If nothing changes a lot of players will be lost to the game at this stage, before they've met any other players.

Edited -1 second later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

This game does not seem to be about 'balance' or about ensuring that advanced players do not have advantage, it just seems to be totally about 'pay to win'. Everyone who has complained about the frustration and time-wasting aspects of the game is quite right to do so - the game does seem to be very prolonged for no reason that I can see except to 'encourage' people to spend (sorry - donate) actual money in order to obtain enkord cash so that they can buy items to speed up the game! That does not create balance or even give advanced players advantage - it just means that those who have more money to waste than time to waste can make faster progress. I cannot see any technical reason for the length of time it takes to upgrade buildings/transport items/carryout research (1million + research points needed and weeks to 'learn' something??? I'm trying to progress in a game - not study for a doctorate!!!!).

I know you say that progress can be made by forming alliances etc but there are players (I'm one of them) who play games because they want to enjoy beating the game/escaping from the real world/being on their own and doing their own thing and it should not be essential for them to actively interact with other players in order to succeed - or just to survive.

This game has stunning graphics, good storyline and really good puzzles and the makers have done a brilliant job - but all of that is seriously diminished by the endless time it takes to build/research/move around.

Maybe a way forward for the future is for the completed game to be expensive to buy and for progress in the game to be made by earning points (through clearing fog/completing puzzles etc) and then using those points to purchase power-ups/speed-ups etc.

Something has to be done to reduce this endless/pointless/boring/time-wasting/mind-numbing waiting for buildings/research etc etc etc etc!

Otherwise people will abandon the stunning graphics/great storyline/interesting puzzles in favour of a game where there is actually something to do and where progress can be made by playing and not just by paying.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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 I cannot see any technical reason for the length of time it takes to upgrade buildings/transport items/carryout research

That's because you are looking at it from your own point. On the other hand we are catering all kinds of players, not only those who can sit and spend a lot of time in the game in one go. The length of the time is not because we want to "milk" donations - there are other ways to do so too, if we were about to follow that road. Like I said above the reason for the long actions is because the game is multiplayer and hundreds of players are playing it at the same time, thus the game needs to make it possible for all kinds of players to enjoy it, even those who can only enter it couple of times per day for a brief moments.

Your "Pay 2 Win" accusation also lacks facts, because there are plenty of people who are doing pretty well without spending anything. From what I see, the impatient players spend way more than those who have advantage in the game (stronger army, bigger coutry, etc.)

It's easy to bash a developer and label the game "Pay 2 Win" milking house without any evidence, but the truth is nowadays you don't have a choice if you want to make games at all (run business). You have to make it free with dontations or you are cutting your potential player base by tenfold at least. We walked that way with Totem Tribe Gold, we had this kind of discussions and decisions 4 years ago when we made a choice to make TT2 online multiplayer and free to play.

If the point of your message is constructive, you better look at the situation at broader scale before jumping to the conclusions. If all you want is to express your frustration just for the same of letting steam off, I am afraid this isn't the right place. I don't want to have the forums turn into toxic place and will be deleting such messages, even although I am appriciating any kinds of feedback.

Edited 1 minute later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

wow! What a response! I thought I was being constructive and supporting the other players comments and I did make some suggestions as to how the game could be developed to reduce the waiting times etc. Perhaps you missed those bits. As for the lack of evidence in my post - you actually rank players according to how much they have 'donated' and those high donors are some of the most prolific and advanced players in the game. In your reply you do imply that the 'pay to win' business model is the one you are using because you have found it to work well for you as a developer. I was not just 'letting off steam', I was trying to support the other players whilst complementing you on the sheer brilliance of the work done thus far and offering ideas as to how the game could be altered/improved so as to keep players interested and playing. Perhaps you didn't read the other players comments. Sorry if you feel offended - that wasn't my intention. I guess I just touched a nerve.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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