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SPOILER: Keepers Village Puzzle

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I used the tool, got three answers, tried each in turn and none worked.

I had 7 white, 6 yellow and 2 red flowers.  Clues were 4=1, 3=9. 1=5.

This gave answers of 439, 328, 546.  None of them worked.

The last one is wrong I think, for 1=5 I get 106... try that and see what happens.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I used the tool, got three answers, tried each in turn and none worked.

I had 7 white, 6 yellow and 2 red flowers.  Clues were 4=1, 3=9. 1=5.

This gave answers of 439, 328, 546.  None of them worked.

not sure how you got those as your answers, when I use your clues I get codes of 095, 106 and 328

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I used the tool, got three answers, tried each in turn and none worked.

I had 7 white, 6 yellow and 2 red flowers.  Clues were 4=1, 3=9. 1=5.

This gave answers of 439, 328, 546.  None of them worked.

The last clue gives 106 as an answer - did you check carefully the data you filled in the table?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

There was a bug in the google docs sheet. The third column had an incorrect formula.

However, I didn't have the luck to solve the puzzel yet... 

No of flowers: 3 white, 2 yellow and 9 red (Image) . Hints: 8=1, 6=7. The other one states "look at the flowers", so I think that's a 1=1.

Possible solutions 652, 218 and 430, but no luck...

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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There was a bug in the google docs sheet. The third column had an incorrect formula.

However, I didn't have the luck to solve the puzzel yet... 

No of flowers: 3 white, 2 yellow and 9 red (Image) . Hints: 8=1, 6=7. The other one states "look at the flowers", so I think that's a 1=1.

Possible solutions 652, 218 and 430, but no luck...

if 1=1 then it would have been 329. Try that!

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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There was a bug in the google docs sheet. The third column had an incorrect formula.

However, I didn't have the luck to solve the puzzel yet... 

No of flowers: 3 white, 2 yellow and 9 red (Image) . Hints: 8=1, 6=7. The other one states "look at the flowers", so I think that's a 1=1.

Possible solutions 652, 218 and 430, but no luck...

Where exactly is the bug you found in the table - please be more specific.
There is a third hint - you just didn't find it. According to the first 2 hints your numbers are really 652 and 430.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Lucille's spreadsheet works... however apparently some who download it get some detritus saved by others, where they have overridden the formulas in the spreadsheet by typing numbers over them.  This will result in wrong answers. (I got that when I downloaded it - someone had typed over one cell which threw off the answer for one of my clues.)

IMHO and all respect to Lucille... you don't need a spreadsheet.  I've posted a low-tech way of solving but Berserker pointed out that it is all provided in-game. 


The inner circle of numbers is fixed.  Spin the outer circle to match your clue.  Note the numbers from your flowers, and the mapping given by the inner circle to outer circle of numbers.  Then dial them in one at a time and hit the button.

I will still say that the clues don't matter.There are a total of 10 ways to solve the puzzle, including the identity (which would have a clue of x=x like 1=1 or something like that).  You can do an exhaustive search without wasting very much time.  Here's how:

Get your flower numbers (count the clumps, not individual flowers.)  You will get three one-digit numbers x y z.  You can start anywhere, but the example I give says start from x y z + 1.  So dial in x+1 and hit the button, y+1 and hit the button, z+1 and hit the button.  If it goes "bump!" and nothing happens then move on to x+2, y+2, z+2.  The only trick is, if you get a two digit number like 11, just take the last digit and call it 1.  Carry on adding one more to all the numbers... Repeat up to 9 times until the puzzle unlocks.  Trust me, it will.

Edited 9 minutes later by . Reason: clarification.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

does the order of the flowers matter?  white yellow red or  red yellow white  Just wondering, can't solve it

also have large rock blockage, no way to break it,  ice blockage can't break it either,  watered every wilted tree, nothing happens,  frustrated on the Keepers,  I say let them keep their knowledge LOL

Edited 3 minutes later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Hi Carol,  start with the white flowers and take them in order around the puzzle.  Count clumps, not individual flowers.  (This threw me off the first time I tried - I had only one clump of white flowers so I counted the flowers and spent some time bashing my head against a brick wall...)

Regarding the trees, there is one last tree behind a chasm where you have to build a bridge, did you find that one?

Good luck!

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

Can anyone help please I have been stuck on this puzzle for days...

my clues are 2=5. 3=1. 6=5. possible solutions are 911, 688 and 544..  I have 9 red 8 yellow and 6 white flowers

BUT I have a gem in the middle that can glow 2 different colours, or be off, and a button with arrows on it. I have tried all ten combinations of the outer wheel. tried pressing both the gem and/or the button but nothing works.

Am I missing something? how do I apply a 3 figure combo?

Please help....


10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Can anyone help please I have been stuck on this puzzle for days...

my clues are 2=5. 3=1. 6=5. possible solutions are 911, 688 and 544..  I have 9 red 8 yellow and 6 white flowers

BUT I have a gem in the middle that can glow 2 different colours, or be off, and a button with arrows on it. I have tried all ten combinations of the outer wheel. tried pressing both the gem and/or the button but nothing works.

Am I missing something? how do I apply a 3 figure combo?

Please help....


off is what you use for the white flower number next is the yellow for that number and next is red for that number

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I am confused...

How am I supposed to put a 3 digit number in the puzzle??

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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I am confused...

How am I supposed to put a 3 digit number in the puzzle??

One digit at a time.  Hit the button after each one, then dial in the next one.  If you read through this thread it is all explained in earlier posts.  Good luck!

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

There is a new link to the sheet for calculating the Flower Puzzle possible answers:

I have tried to protect cells that must not be edited by anyone, but please, ENTER YOUR VALUES ONLY IN THE VIOLET CELLS. 

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I know that there was an ice block before the update. Now, it's no longer there. I've been all over the keeper map. 

The only thing that's there is a large stone block. There's no way to break it and it's preventing the removal of fog in the middle of the map.  

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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The only thing that's there is a large stone block. There's no way to break it and it's preventing the removal of fog in the middle of the map.  

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

If you click on an obstacle it will respond with a message about needing to break it or needing to use some item to pass it... such as building a bridge. If it does not do this, it is not an obstacle and cannot be broken. This rock blocking the clouds in the center of Keeper Village is ... at this time ... just a rock. You cannot pass it.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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The only thing that's there is a large stone block. There's no way to break it and it's preventing the removal of fog in the middle of the map.  

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

If you click on an obstacle it will respond with a message about needing to break it or needing to use some item to pass it... such as building a bridge. If it does not do this, it is not an obstacle and cannot be broken. This rock blocking the clouds in the center of Keeper Village is ... at this time ... just a rock. You cannot pass it.

Thanks, Simba.   But what happened to the ice blockage?

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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If you click on an obstacle it will respond with a message about needing to break it or needing to use some item to pass it... such as building a bridge. If it does not do this, it is not an obstacle and cannot be broken. This rock blocking the clouds in the center of Keeper Village is ... at this time ... just a rock. You cannot pass it.

Thanks, Simba.   But what happened to the ice blockage?

There was no ice in keepers.

Edited -1 second later by .
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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There was no ice in keepers.

And back on my meds I go ... HA!

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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There was no ice in keepers.

Looks like someone was too busy with war achievements that forgot there was ice there in fact :)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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