Made in Ukraine
Experimental French Translation Added. More Phone Version Fixes.

Experimental French Translation Added. More Phone Version Fixes.

Today we are adding experimental machine-translated version of the game in French language. We would like our French-speaking players to evaluate it and give is a score in terms on clarity from 1 to 10.

Don't pay attention to overlapping text, this is just a quick and dirty experiment, if it would be successful, we will fix it.

Aslo this translation was done with Google Translate, but if it's ok we will redo it with DeepL which is much better online tranlsator (but costs some money). Also let us know if it is better to have this kind of translation or it's better to play in English?

Additionally this update has a lot of fixed, mainly tutorial and phone-related since our effort to make this game as smooth as possible for new players on the phone:

  • Equipment hint fixed
  • Fix:on phone when hint says you can press on resource income counter to see more info, you had to actually press on progress bar.
  • Advisor click areas increased. This is especially influental with Gromus on phone
  • Some login issues fixed
  • Fix: druid hint did not disappear after you finish his quest
  • More hints on how to return to game tab in tutorial
  • More info on how to zoom in/out in tutorial hints
  • Better hints about dragging items in tutorial
  • Fertile Bushes and Forest Outskirts are not visually stand out against gardens and Gardens more so it is easier to distinguish which ones are upgraded and which ones are not in the tutorial
  • More porminent minimap icons for Hero and Flag
  • More experience given in tutorial quests
  • Collected resources and experience now fly to correct places
  • Various interface improvements on phone here and there
2 years ago

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I personally prefer to play in english even if the game was perfectly translated in french, but I know I'm really an exception, when I was at school all the other students were terrible in english. I'm a bit busy for some days/weeks so don't be mad if I take some time to give you feedback, you know that once I will start doing so, I will a lot.
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I personally prefer to play in english even if the game was perfectly translated in french, but I know I'm really an exception, when I was at school all the other students were terrible in english. I'm a bit busy for some days/weeks so don't be mad if I take some time to give you feedback, you know that once I will start doing so, I will a lot.

We don't need detailed feedback about French translation, since it will mostly be re-translated anyway with a different service. It's more of a general impression that we need.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Maybe you should change in the menu "Français" to "Français (auto-traduit)" or "Français (experimental)" so some people finding oddities won't be "offended" and leave by thinking this game isn't very professional ? I just gave a quick look into the game (will give a deeper one later) and it looked all great, until suddenly, wow, just, wow, "Calcul" for "Stone" lol, that should be either "Roche" or "Pierres" but "Calcul" is I think about "kidney stone"/"Calcul rénal".

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

After you will look for a longer time would you give us about how frequent those bad cases are? If they are limited in numbers, they can be fixed with reports for our players. If they are frequent then the translation is too bad and will have to be removed.

Edited 2 hours, 51 minutes later by .
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

would you give us about how frequent those bad cases are?

Sure, I already gave another quick look and didn't notice yet other big issues like that, overall the translation is very good you shouldn't consider removing it.

By the way, both on desktop chrome and iphone, the pwa has a little issue since today: when loading the game it doesn't show the nice background, instead the loading bar is on a black background and the words like "hiding treasures..." are in the top left corner.

Also I cannot select text in chat (like to copy paste it).

Also, I changed PWA language from french to english, but when I tried to change from english back to french the game was stuck and I had to refresh the page.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous
By the way, both on desktop chrome and iphone, the pwa has a little issue since today: when loading the game it doesn't show the nice background, instead the loading bar is on a black background and the words like "hiding treasures..." are in the top left corner.

Will be fixed after next update

Also I cannot select text in chat (like to copy paste it).

I don't think it was ever possible to do it on the phone.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

I don't think it was ever possible to do it on the phone.

No I meant on desktop chrome pwa, I'm pretty sure that was possible before.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

I don't think it was ever possible to do it on the phone.

No I meant on desktop chrome pwa, I'm pretty sure that was possible before.

Works fine for me. Is device a tablet of laptop with a touch screen?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

No it's a normal desktop computer, but I compared with firefox on another computer and there indeed I could select. On my computer with chrome, it behaves this way instead: if I hold the cursor somewhere in the chat, then move the cursor down, it will scroll up the chat, like if I "catched" the chat and move it, it's probably the intended behavior for a tablet or phone and (my ?) chrome think he is one for some reason I guess. I don't personally care but maybe you want to fix that if you are able to reproduce.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to Anonymous

No it's a normal desktop computer, but I compared with firefox on another computer and there indeed I could select. On my computer with chrome, it behaves this way instead: if I hold the cursor somewhere in the chat, then move the cursor down, it will scroll up the chat, like if I "catched" the chat and move it, it's probably the intended behavior for a tablet or phone and (my ?) chrome think he is one for some reason I guess. I don't personally care but maybe you want to fix that if you are able to reproduce.

Yes, that's exactly the behavior of the touch screen.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Alright, here is what I can say for now, I will look more deeply in a few days: Overall it's very good, I didn't expect such good results. "Calcul" for "Stone" sure is a big issue but I understand that even the best translators can't know what you want when there are multiple meanings and it's 1 word alone, out of context (though, maybe deepl knows that when we talk about "stone", we are usually more talking about rocks instead of kidney issues). Other than that, I saw "*FAIRE*" instead of "*À faire" for "*TODO*", "Jack of Swords" is untranslated while "Valet des épées" would be perfectly fine, I mean, I know that like for "World of Warcraft" the name of the game "Totem Tribe" won't be translated, but since "God emperors" are translated into "Dieux empereurs" I think translating "Jack of Swords" would be normal.

Monger (#...) is translated into "Marchand de (#...)", the "de" is useless. Now, since "Monger" is translated to "Marchand", "Merchant" cannot also be translated as "Marchand" like it's currently the case. That might be a little problematic to find different words, english tend to use many words from french and spanish in addition to their original words so it's easy for them (but French have way less words in consequence): they already have "snakes", yet they also use the french "serpent", they already have "threat", yet they also use french "menace", they already have "ghost", yet they also use the french "phantom" (actually written "fantome" in french) etc, I realized this when I saw the title "Star wars: the phantom menace".

If you /whois (by the way, should you then add an equivalent command that would be "/quiest" ? same for other commands) someone that is commander, it shows "Le commandant", I know american think we put "Le" in front of everything, but here no, "Commandant" would be more appropriate.

"Seven" (who killed people in new kyiv) could logically also be translated to "Sept".

Relations (cursor on friends icon) is translated into "Rapports", it should stay Relations, that's the same word in french and more appropriate.

In chat "4 days ago" is translated into "4 il y a quelques jours", that means "4 some days ago", so it should be "Il y'a 4 jours"

Some things don't have a first letter in capital, like "Flying carpet" is "tapis volant" or "Monarchy" is "la monarchie" (which would be better as "Monarchie" without the "la"). Even the "héros" tab, that's surprising.

I remember years ago in World of Warcraft that "Achievements" were translated by "Hauts-faits", here it's "Réalisations" and I find that quite better in fact.

For some reason, some achievements aren't completely translated, like "Become a member of the Tycoons Alliance" is "Soyez membre de la Tycoons Alliance", probably that when you pasted things into google translator, some were between " " " symbols so the translator though it was names that shall not be translated. Same for the first conversation something like "Nous sommes arrivés aux Precursor Ruins" instead of "ruines des précurseurs" and likely many other things thus.

In the option menu, "Francais" should be "Français"

I also notice a few other minor mistakes but I'm not gonna list them all, but to me they are worth changing in the option menu "Francais" to "Français (experimental)" or "Français (auto-traduit)" or even "Français (en cours de developpement)" to avoid any confusion.

Funnily enough, the famous typo that was never fixed "Excess costruction speed:" was fixed by google and have the proper "construction" word instead.

When some storage is 75% full, the message in chat finishes by "est plein à 75", no "%" symbol for some reason.

So if you omit "Calcul", to me the translation is worth a 10/10 and the few oddities could be fixed one by one, I don't think you should give up, it's surprisingly very good.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Hi. Always a good idea to translate something in french even if the translation can be improved later. I just fear a "special" common chat in french. I tested the russian common chat and it's sad to be "lonely" whereas so many people play with this game. I wish we could choose the "universal" common chat, even if we change the language of the GUI of this game. Best regards.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

I tested the russian common chat and it's sad to be "lonely" whereas so many people play with this game.

For the german chat I don't know, but for the russian chat yes it's almost always empty but I saw many russian players (usually it's people that struggle with latin characters so they have an automatic name and name their towns with number only), they just rarely talk, and in fact even the english chat is silent for many hours sometime, if it wasn't for people saying "congrats" when someone reach a victory it would be very silent too, the little we would see would almost only be some people complaining about being attacked.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Common chat is not an issue, since it's main objective is to ask for help about quest or something  else and receive advice there or in PM. All the social interaction should happen in alliance and private chats not to annoy everyone else if it is constantly bombing CC. Not all people like or want social interaction all that much.

Thanks for detailed feedback, if things are as good as you say this is definintely awesome and we can proceed not just only with French, but also with pletora of languages which will (together with browser/phone version) hopefully would allow to make the game more accessible and thus bring more players in here.

Can anyone else who knows French or can ask their French friends to evaluate the translation and post feedback here?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
Reply to

if things are as good as you say this is definintely awesome and we can proceed not just only with French, but also with pletora of languages

It just depends which language, german/english/spanish/italian/portuguese are similar enough so translation works well, when I try to translate russian into english it's a little bit more confusing, and arabian/chinese/japanese/korean are too different from english to be translated well, with google translate I mean, maybe deepl is good enough for that I don't know

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

We are mainly aiming for European languages with it. We don't have support for LTR in the game so we can't do Arabic or Hebrew and doing something asian with hyeroglyphs would be too complicated on our own.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

The translation is not so bad. I mean, even if could be better on some words, and so, the main objective is reached : letting a French newbie allergic to foreign languages play the game.

On that point the translation does the job.

What should be better and easier would be that the cc would be tranlsated the same way as in so many other games.

Indeed, it adds better experience of the game you can't have only reading two posts in English, including your.

So could be tried, too, to see if the autoamtic translator can do the job there, too.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Hi. Always a good idea to translate something in french even if the translation can be improved later. I just fear a "special" common chat in french. I tested the russian common chat and it's sad to be "lonely" whereas so many people play with this game. I wish we could choose the "universal" common chat, even if we change the language of the GUI of this game. Best regards.

Hi. Totally agreed. I did have the French version on phone to go ahead testing translator, but gave up because of the "special common chat". On that cc there were my last post and one of Betula, both in English.

I tried, too, the German and Russian ones. I do believe the problem is the same. No one there at all.

So, as the translator used for main game seems sufficient and good enough, let's apply it to the cc too. And if there were some issues with the game translation, players would use the cc to ask about more explanations.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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No it's a normal desktop computer, but I compared with firefox on another computer and there indeed I could select. On my computer with chrome, it behaves this way instead: if I hold the cursor somewhere in the chat, then move the cursor down, it will scroll up the chat, like if I "catched" the chat and move it, it's probably the intended behavior for a tablet or phone and (my ?) chrome think he is one for some reason I guess. I don't personally care but maybe you want to fix that if you are able to reproduce.

Yes, that's exactly the behavior of the touch screen.

It's very strange, but it seems like I found what caused this behavior: the "no caps" chrome extension, when disabled I can select text normally.

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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