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[FAQ] Suffering from massive attacks, destruction, game without war, defenses...

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I speak with my money. And when a game is no longer fun to play, I go elsewhere. If you want to WAR all the time, go elsewhere, there are better games for that. How about separate lands for peaceful/War mongers and we leave it at that. Like WAR? Beat each others brains out and have a great time. Like to just play peacefully and follow the story, searching and helping others? Great, different land for you.Otherwise, i'll stop donating/playing. When it's no fun, it's time to quit. Games are escape from reality. I don't seek fighting in real life, and won't run from it. But in a game I want to relax and play. If I want to war/fight, I'll seek that game separately.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote
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I speak with my money. And when a game is no longer fun to play, I go elsewhere. If you want to WAR all the time, go elsewhere, there are better games for that. How about separate lands for peaceful/War mongers and we leave it at that. Like WAR? Beat each others brains out and have a great time. Like to just play peacefully and follow the story, searching and helping others? Great, different land for you.Otherwise, i'll stop donating/playing. When it's no fun, it's time to quit. Games are escape from reality. I don't seek fighting in real life, and won't run from it. But in a game I want to relax and play. If I want to war/fight, I'll seek that game separately.

Please actually read this thread. Your comments have been said and asked multiple times. Bers took a lot of time to make this FAQ just for this purpose.

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I know I've been one of "those" that have wanted a no-war part to the game, but as I talk more with other players, I'm beginning to understand the game better. I still don't know if I like it, but I want to try at least.. I just think a lot of people coming into this game were expecting at least an option for game-play similar to the original game we loved so much, which I suppose is where the dungeons and quest parts come in.. But I also got really confused by choosing Collectivism, as it is described as being for "people who prefer to play from time to time and are not interested in fighting with other players actively." which I am not, which is why I chose it, lol! Forgive my naivete, I thought it meant I could avoid the whole warring thing; perhaps a rewrite of the description of that particular politic?  I'll never stop wishing for a no-war option, (or another Totem Tribe game  like the original) but I think I understand your position on it now..

I've talked now with some Despots who've actually given me some really good advice, and other Collectivists too about Defence, so I'm going to take the advice and try it. I suppose I should have browsed through the Forums more before starting the game, and I would suggest that to any newbie, for realz, it'll save you (and the mods/devs) a LOT of headaches and misunderstandings.. 

7 years ago Quote
7 years ago Quote

I have very much enjoyed playing this game, but I was mostly interested in the puzzles, solving the mysteries, doing research... Unfortunately I have very little time to play, and every single alpha I played I ended up getting destroyed by someone who decided I was in their way.

Usually bigger players will offer 'resources' to get you to start a new hero elsewhere, but for me it was mostly my (slow) research progress that was important. Perhaps if there was a way to take some of your scientific progress with you when you start over, it would be easier for aggressive players to get peaceful players out of their way without destroying them?

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Perhaps if there was a way to take some of your scientific progress with you when you start over, it would be easier for aggressive players to get peaceful players out of their way without destroying them?

Something like that would make restarting less painful. :)

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Another suggestion would be, that this whole introductory tutorial could be skipped in a way. I've seen and played through it so many times now it really gets annoying.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Another suggestion would be, that this whole introductory tutorial could be skipped in a way. I've seen and played through it so many times now it really gets annoying.

I understand, but it is very complicated technically to do that, so for now you have to suffer through it some more.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I have been playing since Alpha 3. I have learned a lot played by myself and with an alliance. I have been wiped out many times. Attacks at times are good. Once you learn the game and research you learned that being attacked is not a bad thing. But after watching the last few days of the attacks from Black Flag has made this a game of massacre. I am sad that it has come to this point in the game. Black Flag has always attacked at random with no real purpose. Firefly and Dragons attacked for the purpose of gaining land. Some how there truly needs to be a limit of players attacking a town, depending on the level of the player. To have six level 30+ player hitting a player at level 20 or below  is very discouraging for players to keep playing the game. For all the developers hard work and it is awesome game, but with that being said it is also a dying game for this reason. Players that I have played with for the last 3 years are no longer playing or taking a break. I truly hate to see this game at this stage die it has come so far.

Edited 2 minutes later by Anonymous.
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I'm in love with this game and donated quite a lot (considering how much I can afford) but now it looks like me and our entire alliance (mainly peaceful collects) will be totally destroyed by warmongers. Most of them are about the same age as us but technically more advanced as they invested silly amount of money to get all speedups and powerups available. I absolutely understand that the developers of this game need to make some profit but they may be actually losing it by allowing long-time players being totally crushed and forced to leave the game. How about putting a cap on the amount of monthly donation? This is definitely not technically difficult, it can be calculated in a way that still gives the developers good profit but prevents some players from gaining victory just by donating. The existing system may and will backfire as more and more players will  drop off  only because they can't keep up with the super-donators who attack everyone in sight just for it's own sake and think they own the game.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

i've been constantly attacked by Black Flag as well i didn't  even have time to set up my defences 

they attacked me full force  5-6 members of Black Flag attacked me  at the same time more than once it was bloody massacre

i had to make a new hero because i got tired of their constant attacking 

the new one is safe for now but for how long  that i don't know 




6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I played back in alpha 1 when it all started. If was fun, I had a good time. Then for the next few alpha, every time I would start building, someone would tell me to move (they were part of big alliances) of destroy me. I gave up playing for a while.

I came back to play this time. I've had fun, joined an alliance and learned so much. Until the bullies of the game decided to attack. I'm not talking normal attacks, these are total annihilation. And on the smallest, meekest towns. 

I donate to this game and it was fun until this started happening. If they wipe me out, I'll probably leave again but this time for good

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

First, the name of the game is misleading. TTII is nothing like the original TT. I started playing TTII because I wanted to have fun solving puzzles, building towns, etc. Instead, I have been under almost constant attacks from despots. Unless there can be a separate area for collectivsm and despots, I'm going to stop playing. There is no way to enjoy this game as a collectivist. The war mongers have taken it over and I'm done throwing good money after bad trying to stay in the game. 

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

i  agree with Quiet Ghost and Luna.  The game isn't fun anymore.  I'm safe for now but that won't last.  You don't dare go on adventures because you have to constantly build, build, build to get your defenses up.  I have a full time job and family so I am one of those "slow" people that were mentioned.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

I guess I am one of those bullies that go around attacking without a purpose and making a massacre. I will try to address some of your comments in here.

Level 30 hitting level 20. The level players are at is their own issue. I have seen heroes at higher level than me  with less playing days, but mostly we do see heroes with same or more playing days that are lower levels. That only means you have not bothered to level up, so please, no one else to blame but your self. 

We spend silly amount of money NOT. Is not how much money you spend, but were you "spend" your skills and perks points, upgrade of your research building and resources to improve you research time.  You want the Devs to put a "cap" on donations, really? Would you do your same work and ask for a pay cut?

Attacked by 5-6's called alliance :). Advice for you if I may; If you are next to a fast growing player, specially if that player is despot  and you are a "casual" slow growing player, move, because you will be attacked.

Fact: By the time we hit on 2nd target most of your alliance had truce or ladas up, which means they couldn't reinforce the players that didn't place them and were getting attacked, which is what alliances should do. Yes, we go in a group, because we are an alliance. You guys should try it.

Fact: We attacked a town with pop/cult 785/514 , brought that town to 112/125, in less than 3 hrs that same town was back to ~550/ 350... There are speeds ups for rebuilding after attack, there are many advantages for Collective players not being used or not used properly, you even get noticed in most cases over 1 hr just to give you enough time to gather reinforcement from probably across the world , but I Wont go back to beating that dead horse!

Fact: WAR is one of the victories of the game, so YES that is our purpose! 

In closing I do donate, but not much. I have a full time job so I only play max 3 hrs on weekdays.  The difference is I learn from my mistakes , I read what is the purpose of buildings, perks, even artifacts and heroe's clothing and use it to my advantage. You need to read to improve in your game. You need to have better defense and you need to help your alliance members , that is also a FACT.

Edited 11 minutes later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Proud member of Black Flag and trying for war purpose.  Thanks Val, you said it all for me.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

BlackFlag is not attacking single random players, we attack alliances. 

Alliances, if working together, can EASILY wipe out attack attempts. Instead of hiding under truce flags, try helping each other with reinforcements. Make relationships with other alliances and help each other.

If an alliance attacks with 6 hero’s, defend with even more... You literally have the largest advantage in this game versus attackers, like super unfair advantage really. You’re just not using them.

This game is not a single player game and will never be one.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

What Barns says is true.  We got wiped attacking an alliance that reinforces its members!  And I mean, 12 players got completely destroyed while the defenders lost very little.  I'm not complaining.  I congratulated them on a good defense.  I'm saying that you CAN defend if you work together and this is a horse that has been beaten beyond death.

BTW thanks for what I think was meant as a compliment but we also go and help our allies attack.  And, sometimes they attack at random.  :-)

Edited 12 minutes later by .
6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote

Multiple Alliances are attacking at once.  

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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I'm in love with this game and donated quite a lot (considering how much I can afford) but now it looks like me and our entire alliance (mainly peaceful collects) will be totally destroyed by warmongers. Most of them are about the same age as us but technically more advanced as they invested silly amount of money to get all speedups and powerups available. I absolutely understand that the developers of this game need to make some profit but they may be actually losing it by allowing long-time players being totally crushed and forced to leave the game. How about putting a cap on the amount of monthly donation? This is definitely not technically difficult, it can be calculated in a way that still gives the developers good profit but prevents some players from gaining victory just by donating. The existing system may and will backfire as more and more players will  drop off  only because they can't keep up with the super-donators who attack everyone in sight just for it's own sake and think they own the game.

FYI if you are talking about Black Flag, many of their members do not donate or donate very little.  This is not a matter of donations.  It's a matter of how you play to peak performance.  Some of the strongest players in this game (attackers as an example) donate/donated zero money and yet still outplay/outplayed those of us who do.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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Multiple Alliances are attacking at once.  

And multiple Alliances can defend at once.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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