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A lot of waiting

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Might I suggest, and not for the first time and not just from me, that anyone new read the forum all the way through before starting the game and while you are "bored waiting"?  You don't need something to do in the game necessarily.  Reading what has been previously discussed here is a great way to learn while you are waiting for something to be finished.  It is also a way to find answers to any burning questions you might have, rather than asking for instant gratification on CC.

This game is not something that can be played and finished in a day or even a week.  Nor is it designed to be.  Believe me, if you think wait times are bad in Stone Age, wait until your towns increase in population over the ensuing ages and get back to us then. 

In the meantime, please try to take a breath before getting frustrated and take the time to explore this site.  There is a lot of good, useful information that will help you not only progress in the game, but to recognize true bugs and issues that may need addressing.  :-)

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

About all the waiting i think that the idea of small minigames is really good,for me, even a simple match 3 game would do it.The truth is that when i played (i stopped playing around december due to exams and i haven't entered since then) i was almost always playing something else and only entering when i needed to build.

While this is not bad, i think that having players actually playing the game,by some kind of match-3,swapping or any kind of small things like that could make us more interested.This is something that does not have to give you anything, no resources, no speedups in building... it could be only a timewaster with a small alarm when something happens and the chat window.

I dont have any idea on coding but i suppose that what you are doing with quests and all is way harder.So, instead of rushing to finish a quest to have people interested, 2 simple games would give you more time to work and would keep some of us happy for a little longer.

I sugest an entrance in the druid's hut, a simple dialog like "To mantain the balance of nature you can play here blah blah blah.." and a small screenshot of the game that bring you to the actual minigame. I don't know what people think but now i don't see any downsides to it: you have people "hooked", they are busy inside the game,you get more time and hopefully donations, everyone happy!

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

there should be a way of 'earning' enkord cash within the game play itself

There are a few ways, players won't share such information with everyone :)

Many players want to be competitive in online games and won't tell everyone their secrets.

In any competitive game in order to succeed you have to either spend time or money.

The pay-to-win is not the game
where you can get advantage by paying, it is where paying is THE ONLY
way to get advantage and it is clearly not the case here.

+1        +1

The 4-8 players that can afford to spend a few thousands on an online game will always be stronger (example: Ranger01 in Gunrox)

Personally, i started in a bad location, blocked by 3 directions with neighbors stronger than me, they had 2-3 towns when i started. I had to expand to one direction and fight for that. Now i have 4 towns, on my way to 5th, stronger than my neighbors that now have 3-4 towns. Without spending a single cent, even though my neighbors spend a few money, i spent a medium amount of time.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

If you ask for feedback on an alpha test, and the feedback you get tells you that many people are unsatisfied, then simply defending the things people complain about instead of addressing how the issues can be made better kind of defeats the purpose of asking for feedback. Maybe your vision of the game was different than what you found out people want, but if people are not engaged, they will leave. Nobody wants that, and we're all posting because we care and want the game to succeed.

Also, deleting a post just because it agrees with something you disagree with is extremely unfriendly and unwarranted, especially when the post was polite and supportive. I like and want to continue playing this game, and I have gotten friends into it, too, but if the devs are so disrespectful of their players, I am going to have to reconsider.

10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote

I have deleted your post because it added absolutely nothing new to this thread and what you have been asking (again) has been answered already. Read the thread again from the beginning if you think you are bringing something new.

Edited 4 hours, 7 minutes later by . Reason: removed something that someone considered "hateful" which was not, but oh well.
10 years ago Quote
10 years ago Quote
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Thinking about this problem - maybe this is a daft suggestion but why not give some mini-games so that there is something to have fun with while the grindy builds are happening?  It's easy to make work for the dev team :) but could you not reuse some code from your other successful games to make side games?

It is easy to slap some random stuff in form of the minigame, but not easy to come up with something that will integrate smoothly into the existing gameplay, but I have one idea that I think will blend pretty well with the rest of the game. It is codenamed "The Wonderful Garden" currently in development and will be added in Alpha 5.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Oh, lots of new stuff for Alpha 5, I just can't wait and hope this will make waiting time for building and research more bearable. If only time for moving hero from one location to the other could be reduced somehow, or Hero presence in some quest locations made not mandatory - for example when solving puzzles, with all the new quests and the minigame I think we will digest waiting time :-))

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
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If only time for moving hero from one location to the other could be reduced somehow

It can be reduced. Since one of the recent updates the flying carpet can speedup hero.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote
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If only time for moving hero from one location to the other could be reduced somehow

It can be reduced. Since one of the recent updates the flying carpet can speedup hero.

Thanks, I've missed this one, going to try now :-))

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Wow that is wonderful Bers....great idea the carpet working on Hero :)

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

As for the waiting part, I get the point where this sequel is a multiplayer game and therefor different than TT1. I also find it reasonable that construction takes time. Especially when you build/upgrade more advanced building, it makes sense that it takes more time than to construct a simple hut.

The only thing that really frustrates me is the time it takes for my hero/army to move from location to location. And the fact that I cant move directly from one location to another, but have to go to my hometown first. For me this doesn't connect to the point where also players with minimum time can play te game. I think if I only would be able to play for 10 minutes a few time a day and 6 or 9 minutes out of that 10 minutes my hero is traveling each time I wouldn't make a lot of progress, cause I can't do anything on location without my hero there.
For example, I start to play and my hero is at the oppositions hideout. I finish my business there and want to go to Keepers Village. Now first I have to send my hero home and this take 6 minutes or so. Since I have 10 minutes I can wait for this and in the mean time I can construct some new buildings or upgrades in my home town. But when my hero is home after 6 minutes and I sent it to Keepers Village and that costs me 6 minutes again, I can't even perform actions in Keepers Village because my playing time is up before my hero arrives.

Luckily this is not the point for me, cause I can play for longer times at once, but I saw the 5 min. players as an example for the reasons why there's neccesary waiting in the game. I dont get this one.

Last, the travelling time for me would be less frustrating if I was able to enter a location without my hero there. Sometimes I like to look over a location again to see if I missed items that were hidden. Without my hero I can only see the items that are in the place were my hero has allready been, so no unfair progress without my hero there.

That being said, I had to get used to the different setting of this sequel but apart from that I absolutely love it. Graphics are good; puzzles are good; strategic, explore and adventure have a good balance (for me). There's a lot to do in the game and I understand that this is Alpha so maybe there will be more to do at the home location in the future.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

you can use flying carpet on your hero (and explorers)  when he/she leaves a quest location. that helps a lot in reducing waiting time.

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

In next update we will add button to army panel to easy speed up movement

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

Oke thanks!

9 years ago Quote
9 years ago Quote

have question about meat for cave men I did fight all dogs and got 2 pieces of meat but stuck on last 2 pieces of meat is there other way to enter cave or move on at status am having small issue to get all light up spend like 3 days already in there

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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have question about meat for cave men I did fight all dogs and got 2 pieces of meat but stuck on last 2 pieces of meat is there other way to enter cave or move on at status am having small issue to get all light up spend like 3 days already in there

did you talk to the fisher and did you give him a fish? if so, he will have told you to make the cavemen promise to  let you in when you give meat. after you have done that, talk to caveman and make him promise. this way you dont need all the meat. try putting your flag a bit in the cave and see if she goes in.

6 years ago Quote
6 years ago Quote
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