Made in Ukraine

Beating the Mysterious Stone Statue

Any hints on beating that large statue? Any way to stop the small blocks from coming all the time? My tribe doesn't even make it to the statue, they get killed before by the blocks. Help! ________ Honda RC71
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
First of all you need to protect your vilage - build some towers (i recommend arrow towers). Your vilage must have plenty of them so when you will move your warriors to attack statue your base will be protected enough. Also dont forget to repair buildings. Then build as big army as you can. Experiment with various combination of workers to see which ones work best for you. It will take quite a while to beat that statue and even after you beat it there is a surprise so prepare for a looong battle. :rolleyes:
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
it took me about an hour on the 2 runs i've made so far i've build al the battle barracks and archeries close to the entrance to the idol, so they get there quicker, built 4 barracks 3 archeies 3 with shacks and a few dozen arrow towers. didn't bother toupgrade to lightning cos that occupies space i could have another tower in. i have made 3 rings of towers strting around aruku and goro cos they seem to be so stupid they walk into the arms of the enemy all the time...maybe tired of the long journey? haha anyway all the spaces left i filled with shamans and didnt bother with cavemen as it only trains 3 and very slowly...built 4 towers close to the idol the 2nd run but managed with 1 on the 1st run too and the closest would get destroyed immediately, but that actually distracts the stone blocks so the warrioirs can get at the least that's my observation ;-) you nee quite a lot of patience though
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
I beat that level by building LOTS of arrow towers (thanks berserker, for that tip...I'd been using a variety of towers, with no luck). I put about ten of them in the two corners from which those little statue things pop up, and just kept repairing them as needed - while I continued to build my camp. Now here's the real trick to beating that level...I used FOUR temples! Yep, I had to tear down some of my buildings, but since I wasn't using any towers that needed the laboratory, I tore that down as soon as I'd done the research (just in case). Ditto the sky hall and the hall of mysteries, I built them, did the research, and demolished them to make room for other things. Ultimately, I ended up with four temples, three each barracks, archery ranges, and caves (just cuz I like those rough n rugged cavemen :D ). I had about 12 to 15 shaman tents, 2 - 3 witchdoctor shacks...and LOTS of towers. Anywhere I could squeeze in a tower, I did. Oh, I also put another group of towers by the "exit", hoping to catch those statue creatures when they tried to sneak into my camp while I was busy fighting the big statue - though I'm not sure it worked. However, with four temples, I was able to keep something charged all the time (mostly storm and meteor showers) so I always had an edge.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Just another trick for you - some of the buildings that provide you with upgrades like Herb Garden or Market can be safely destroyed after you will make all of the upgrades and you will have some extra space to put few more useful buildings like shaman tents.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
I loved the game. I agree with, plenty arrow towers, lots of Shamans tents and just keep on rebuilding. I tried the variety of towers also. This game was really nerve rattling until I read all these tips. Is there a place on here where we put our final scores? Mine wasn't that great but I finally made it to the end.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
You can start a new thread with scores if you want.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Thanks, I'll do that.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Reply to

I loved the game. I agree with, plenty arrow towers, lots of Shamans tents and just keep on rebuilding. I tried the variety of towers also. This game was really nerve rattling until I read all these tips. Is there a place on here where we put our final scores? Mine wasn't that great but I finally made it to the end.

hey buddy i also love the game and i think we can compete ;)
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote