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Beginners guides

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Please feel free to add your own early play guides.  Also, if you are a fairly new player, what do you need?  Requests taken.

An imgur album I made, most info is recent, some may be out of date.

For those who don't use imgur:-

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

2nd level tutorial guides

Recommend big storage and lots of food, wood and stone production.

Science points are a tax, on resources produced. You need market level 4 to buy, level 5 to sell.

Hut of the brave, 100 wood, 100 stone 20xp After Finale, talk to Bulat, for a new set of quests. One day, I'll remember to write down the reward, for research fortification.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

3rd level tutorial guides

Correction, Brave new world is about settling a new town, for both collects and despot.

Then you get level 4 tutorial quests. One for collective players, Last Homely town, which is Bulat mentoring you to a decent defence.  There is a seperate set, for despots, called first blood, which is not included, as despot is for experienced players.

Edited 4 minutes later by . Reason: More info..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Rule one, apparently is a popular joke amongst developers, but needs better underwear first. Do not throw away your original outfit, you will want it later. An even stronger defensive politics is now available, called Republic, has 400% town defences, rather than the 300% you get with collective, or the zero percent, you get with Despotism and Monarchy. Needs Classic research, Writing.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

How to find out stuff:- ask in Common Chat, search forum or ask a friend. To make friends:- you need to add them and they need to add you, works best if you ask them to be friends. How to join an alliance: - research alphabet, build mission, ask nicely for an invite. The most powerful and useful tool in this game is words, closely followed by good manners. There are a lot of older players in the game, who can be very reasonable, if you talk to them. This is our first Beta, we had 8 alpha servers. players will have 5 months to play and try for victories, then they will be wiped from the map, You can restart your hero, with a few bonus items. Developers are always changing things, most of the current veterans did very poorly their first year or so, don't be discouraged :) CHANGED market now 2 hour minimum travel.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Poi's (Places of Interest) are found when you clear fog, on world map. Only works for heroes personal clearing, not the fog cleared by alliance.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
How to takes screenshots ahd how to magnify screen. There are a lot of tiny things, to find. You can keep doing Win +++ until you reach the magnification, that works best, for you.
Game now has ingame magnification, but you may still want a bit more, than is offered.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
A reasonable idea of how much experience, another player has, is to look at their prestige level.

This was reset for everyone, at the start of the first Beta Server, which has been running since March 2018. Some players stopped playing during the alpha's and have since returned, so it won't work in every instance. There is also an Emerald and Ruby level.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Spending real money, to buy ingame currency.

Level 2 and above last a maximum of 20 days.

Edited 18 minutes later by . Reason: more info.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

What stats and perks are best for starting out? You will get 2 stat and 1 perk point, each time your hero levels up.

Level 2 hero recommend 1 strength 1 vitality and 1 treasure hunting perk (you will need to have to right stat points, to enable perk points).

Level 3 Either 2 strength or 1 strength/1vitality, plus 1 crafting perk.

The treasure hunter perk, will let you excavate level 2 and higher digspots, once you get tools from Keepers village. This is a good way to level up hero early, as excavating gives lots of xp, while your hero and army are too small, for fighting.

The crafting perk is good for 2 things, it will increase your chance of crafting gear, at crafting idol and increase your chance of finding consumables, such as the most useful ones, figures of enlightenment (needed from hero level 10 and above) and blueprints (needed for level 10 buildings).

What's the difference between a 'bonus feature' and a chocolate teapot?

If your hero has BOTH healing rate and Healing points, he will be kissing boo boo's instead of fighting. This also does very little healing.

How to change stats and perks (potions needed).

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Crafting, with level 6 perk, for maximum test results.  

Some hero gear is age based, stone age, classic age, etc, some is hero level based and most will need you to both have hero at a certain age and level.  An artefact is gear with bonuses, which need extra hero levels, 1 for each 2 power.  Everything from the crafting idol, is for hero levels 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and the maximum, 50.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Great guide, but is it possible to convert those images that contain only text to be actual text? I am currently adapting website to be viewed from phones and those images would scale badly.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Prequisites, what you need to research or build, before you can upgrade science research buildings.

Any info you see crossed out, was either wrong, or the Dev's changed it. Archive in bottom picture, is Ren age.

Other buildings also have prequisites, but science is the most prolific.

MAJOR UPDATE   all prequisites now needed a level earlier, for all ages.

Stone age level 2 needs stone to build, research stone cutting, 

level 3 & 4 need hut 5, level 5 & 6 needs Observation hut 5, 

level 7 & 8 needs level 5 market and level 5 stash (research pottery, for stash)

Levels 9 & 10 need level 5 altar (you probably already research mysticism).

Edited 2 years later by . Reason: Major adjustment, to prequisites, see update log, for when and why..
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote
Reply to

Great guide, but is it possible to convert those images that contain only text to be actual text? I am currently adapting website to be viewed from phones and those images would scale badly.

I write the text in wordpad, then copy it into paint, to copy into imgur, then I don't save the text.  Plus some of these are years old and need a re-write.

I would have to write a text only version, but I can't just write out the above posts again, I would have to write a new version, edit it, proof read it, edit some more...........dither over format.........dally over word count, shilly shally over what to include and not to include.............

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Silly me, forgot to add the poem.

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

First Location, Heralds Home.  Some info and hints.  Secrets are very hard to find, for those wanting a challenge.  Can be found in most locations, but not dens or anomolies. 

Imgur link  Or right click on image, open in new tab.

Edited 1 minute later by . Reason: Bigger picture options.
3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Please could camps hold a little more, or bridges cost a little less?

3 years ago Quote
3 years ago Quote

Tools :)

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote

Could you, please, post an enlarged map of Grenjaheim ( snow region)?

2 years ago Quote
2 years ago Quote
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