I am trying to build up my army by demolishing old buildings and rebuilding them. I find that sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't.
Is the rule that you have to build an additional building to get it to create new warriors-- by which I mean you can't demolish a building and rebuild it to get more warriors-- you have to build above the maximum number you have already built.
So if I already have four shaman tents and this is all I have room for-- I will have to demolish OTHER buildings and build more than four tents to get more shamans. I can't just rebuild the same tents.
Is that right?
Yes that is correct. Each building has a certain number of occupants. Did you know that your Marketplace will give you one additional occupant in every building you have built? Plus make your workers much, much faster? Same for the Wiseman's House, last upgrade of the three will make your workers speedier.
Have FUN!!!!