In situation like we have now, the fighters are quite usless. Specialy the stealth one. The stealth bombers, can do they job (go undetected and bomb the town). The stealth fighters can't. They start fighting with everythinhg in the town (even animals) exept the real target -enemy planes.
The second problem is "baloon wunderwaffe". The baloons are cheep, easy to build, and they help to fight with bombers (angage them and lett the infantry shoot them down) and also, they are almoust indestructable (the fighters dont fight with them). Because of that two things (no fighters support and wonderfull baloons) the air fight is like freaky friday at this moment.If the fighters will atack air units first (another fighters, bombers and also ballons) it will repair that problem with hordes of inmortals ballons.
I will sugest that atack priority:
1st - bombers of the atacking site (no change here)
2nd - fighters of the atacking site (work like normal fighters cover, try to defend the bombers from defender fighters)
3rd - fighters of the defending site
4th - defender land units with ranged shooting skill.
The example of usless stealth fighters: