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Final Score

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My last score is : Population: 1421 Buildings: 614 World explored: 93% Gems: 440/440 Quests completed: 125/125 Time taken: 14H 34M Game rank: 81% I guess like @Cyberomega said, we could not get 100% World Explored point. I tried to clear all the black area using the swimming scouts but still there are at least several places that I cannot make it, like: - Mist Island - Lonely Iceberg - Ruins of Dreamshore - Comet Crash Site - Guardian Moon - Inside Comet. I wonder that someone can do 102%? Is it true? How & what to do?
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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My last score is : Population: 1421 Buildings: 614 World explored: 93% Gems: 440/440 Quests completed: 125/125 Time taken: 14H 34M Game rank: 81% I guess like @Cyberomega said, we could not get 100% World Explored point. I tried to clear all the black area using the swimming scouts but still there are at least several places that I cannot make it, like: - Mist Island - Lonely Iceberg - Ruins of Dreamshore - Comet Crash Site - Guardian Moon - Inside Comet. I wonder that someone can do 102%? Is it true? How & what to do?

You have to modify the stats of the people. This involves hacking the code which if you mess up, you will not get support.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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You have to modify the stats of the people. This involves hacking the code which if you mess up, you will not get support.

I assume that I have to hack 'Aruku stats' to do that. But on second thought, I'd rather not to and in the meantime I would settle for what I have achieved so far. Thanks Cyberomega. :):)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
I've been through all the islands, Guardian Moon and beat the octopus but my final score says I missed something. I have version 103 and have gotten all the shaman masks, all the gems, all the relics - yet not all worlds explored. What have I missed?
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Finally finished: Population 1021 Bldgs 557 World 86% Gems 431/441 Quests 120/123 Time 22 hours Rank 71 % I cannot believe how obsessed I was to this game. I am going to take a break. This site was my life saver.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
I think everyone has been obsessed with this game. Now you need to get more people obsessed with Totem Tribe.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
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I think everyone has been obsessed with this game. Now you need to get more people obsessed with Totem Tribe.

I could not agree more ... lets spread out the news to all the people in the World... to play Totem Tribe.:D:D:D
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Pop 1065 Bldg 571 world 94% gems 440/440 (even tho gem tracking said needed 1 more) quests 125/125 time 23hr 24min rank 74% I guess am a C student. Love this game. See if you can get POGO to put on their download list. Then thousands will see it. Sandy
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Keeping score and comparing it with others? Like Wall Street but on a micro-level. Gotta tell ya, I'm on my third time through the game and never even noticed there was a scoring feature. Gotta be a guy thing. :D :D :D
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Speak for yourself. I am a guy and I noticed the scoring feature. :p
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Proved my point. :D
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Total Population: 1269 Buildings Constructed: 630 World Explored: 86% Gems Collected: 440/440 Quests Completed: 125/125 Time Spent: 37Hr 57Min Game Rank: 73% I Love this game!
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Total population: 5289 Buildings constructed: 1281 World explored: 93% Gems collected: 440/440 Quests completed: 125/125 Completion time: 15h 14m Game rank: 125% After being frustrated at not being able to get past 82%, I built a bunch of buildings that house people. Also, I revisited all of the islands before after you get the relic on Guardian Moon which lets one more person inhabit each dwelling.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
I finally finished again. This is my fourth time through. Second time to finish the entire game. First time I didn't have the updated version, second time my percentage was only 69%. Third time I didn't find all the gems. This game has certainly been worth the money. Pop 2108 Buildings 739 World explored 95% Gems 440/440 Quests 125/125 Time 23 hours Game Rank 86% I think this is my last time through. I was actually starting to remember where the gems were. Karon
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Population 1341 Buildings 653 World explored 79% Gems 440/440 Quests 122/125 Time 22 hours 27 minutes Game Rank 75%
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
I'm almost ashamed to record my stats, but here goes: Total Population: 1132 Buildings constructed: 621 World explored: 63% Gems collected: 383/440 Quests completed: 120/123 Time spent: 46H 41M Game rank: 64%. Now I'm going to start all over again.:)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Somebody's Baby - How did you get 102% of the world explored? I thought the most you could get was 95%, and besides there are some worlds, like Mist, where you can't fly over to the edges like you can swim. Also how do you get a game rank of 102%? There are people with way less hours and pretty average with you on the other stats? This is my first time through so my stats were really bad, and yours look the best I have seen, so when I play again I want to see if I can improve. Here are my stats: Population: 1060 Buildings: 545 World Explored: 93% Gems: 440/440 Quests: 125/125 Time: 73H 15M Rank: 69% Now to Everybody - I have much room for improvement! I'm a perfectionist and this is definitely not good enough! I should have looked at this Thread so I would have know that population, buildings, and time were important to your rank. I thought it was based on world explored, gems found, and quests completed only. Oh, well. I can be the most improved next time. I think there should also be a stat that says like this is the 4th time played in 2 months. I think by the time you've been through this 2 or 3 times you have pieces of the game memorized or you understand where and what to look for so you are much faster. I also didn't worry about the total number of buildings I had at the end. I was just building, tearing down, moving around my buildings on each island as I figured out what I needed to do, for instance more arrow towers than fire towers, less of this and more of that, this building will get nailed less over here than over there, that type of strategizing. Of course we also don't know who got hints or cheats so it is all relative. I got several hints on which way to go, and then I cheated on finding the last of my gems. It was still fun if VERY FRUSTRATING! I would like to see penalties used for not finding all the gems, or doing all the quests. It could be the player's choice if they would rather take a penalty or spend hours and hours looking for 1 gem, and thereby lowering their score considerably. Oh, and also how experienced you are at gaming makes a HUGE differernce. So does the computer you are on. I have a new really loaded laptop, and but by the last couple of islands with so much stuff on screen and moving around, my RAM was nailed big time! I thought I would need an upgrade for at least 3 years. I had so much lag that I was shaking my mouse at the monitor screaming at to "come on"! I think I'm turning into a computer gaming addict now that I am medically retired. Games fill the empty hours when you are not motivated to try something that might expand your neurons. To the 91 year old Grandma - YOU GO GIRL! I couldn't get my mother past solitaire if I set it up and all she had to do was drag cards. She never figured out clicking. Grandma, I bet you were quite the challenge in your younger years and gave your Mom gray hair really early:D Take care everyone. I wish more people would use this forum and chat more. Beth
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
The only way you can get higher than 95% of the world explored is to cheat.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I plaied Totem tribe many times... the last one I got: Population 2222 Buildings 863 World explored 91% Gems 440/440 Quests 125/125 Time 18 hours 13 minutes Game Rank 90% I`m happy! Melasso
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
It would be great if there was a Print Button to print the last screen showing the final score. Control+P does not print the screen. Any ideas???
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
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