Made in Ukraine


I have been playing totem tribe since it first came out and loved almost every inch of it! LOL! After numerous disastrous attempts inside the comet I gave up on that level and even though I played several times I never went back there until this past week I got brave. Well what do you know, I must have learned something! Yes, even us moldy oldies can learn! I used a lot of towers both mud and arrow all over, spread my fighting buildings all around instead of in one spot like before, used 3 temples kept safe by being surrounded with towers. I had a couple cavemen areas, & 2 or 3 archers and fighters, the rest was made up with hunters and shaman and I mean a lot of them since they take less room. I also spread my builders huts around and all of that made it much easier to keep things from being destroyed while my wee people fought. I even added an arrow tower near the boss monsters mostly to distract fighting from my people. It ended up only taking a couple hours and i didn't even have to sacrifice my tribe to win! Makes me happy! LOl! Doesn't take much i guess!
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Congratulations! You are great!!! :)
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Congrats :-)
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote