OVERLAP, or why you want to grow dwelling extra big and settle further out.
Green line is the border of your domain, settling new towns is all about cell ownership. You need 40 cells to settle a new town, 90 for a 3rd and I think it might be 140 for a 4th.
GREY line is cells claimed by dwelling, BLUE line is cells claimed by 2nd town, if it wasn't for the overlap, PURPLE town 3 is still small and has yet to add any new cells, to domain.
I will be going for Monarchy politics, when I have it researched, so towns actually need to be close together. For all other politics, have towns far apart, to grab more cells and global resources.
BEWARE of settling too close to other players, talk to them first and negotiate :) It will save a lot of bother.
Nov 2024 Further advice on MONARCHY, you will want towns with only a 1 cell gap, eventually, but you can settle a lot of towns, so start with 2nd and 3rd towns with a 3 cell gap, or as close to it as you can, to widen your circle. It will make it easier, later, to settle new towns, in the gaps, when you switch to Monarchy and need a lot less cells owned, to settle towns 4, 5, 6, if your are reallly keen, 7, 8, 9.......... Recommended 2 or more harbour towns.