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Okay, I'm feeling pretty stupid about now. I never defeated the comet in TT (but still love this game!!), and I now have no idea how to get to those small purple obelisks - there are large groups of the purple comet blocking the paths. I've tried attacking with attack flag, I've tried the meteor shower, snow tempest, and thunderstorm on these areas and the obelisks - but it doesn't even dent them! I've gotten my scouts back to the idol to defeat, but I'd like to "clear" the rest of the comet first. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
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You have to attack the 'stone' idol first, and once you defeat that, it will turn into something else and the pathways will be cleared.
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Thanks - I was hoping I didn't have to do that first! But I will go for it now!!
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Okay, I'm feeling pretty stupid about now. I never defeated the comet in TT (but still love this game!!), and I now have no idea how to get to those small purple obelisks - there are large groups of the purple comet blocking the paths. I've tried attacking with attack flag, I've tried the meteor shower, snow tempest, and thunderstorm on these areas and the obelisks - but it doesn't even dent them! I've gotten my scouts back to the idol to defeat, but I'd like to "clear" the rest of the comet first. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
What idol? Where can I find it? :( I cannot find any way out, and no such "stone idol"... I do see a small thing on SE, but I cannot attack it, because it's over a wall of meteors, and with meteor shower etc nothing happens.
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Nevermind, I just put my scouts where I imagined it may be a path, somewhere NE, and to my surprise they went through what seemed to be a wall of solid meteor... Well, it does seem somehow transparent, but still... really, the game is great, but this is the first thing that I really found a bit... over the top. :rolleyes:
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after you defeat the stone idol, any advice on defeating the next guy? Those purple pilars really deliver a punch to my warriors. I know shamans were the key to the stone, is there another "hint" for the next guy? guro?
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I lost some time by trying to just hit the octopus with meteor showers (I had 3 temples built). But only after a while that I discovered that, after destroying the stone idol, passages were open all over the map. Send your scouts and find the small obelisks places all over the map and destroy them with a click. :) After that, killing the octopus is kind of a joyride :P