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Jewel of Atlantis

Is anyone out there playing Jewel of Atlantis. Would love to hear from you cos there are a few things that are driving me nuts!!! Cheers
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Just let us know which things and we will try to help you. This forum is pretty new so not many people are posting here yet, so for now we, developers, will try to answer all questions possible :)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Hi Beserker Thanks for replying. I have comleted all levels on Quest mode but cant understand why some of the icons on the map are fully coloured, some are half coloured and some are still grey. Is it to do with the time taken to complete each level in the same way as achieving all the emperor hats in Arcade mode? I also re-did one of the quest games at random and the screen took me automatically to a new game which held a piece of treasure. It has never happened again. Was this also to do with the time taken? I keep searching the quest map for more treasure but to no avail. What am I doing wrong please? Cheers for your help and good luck with the new forum site - Its a great idea.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Those icons in Quest mode represent level type. Grey parts of colums - you have to break blocks on this level, wooden tiles - you have to break times, several jewels - you have to keep matching jewels until you reach goal. It has nothing to do with Arcade Mode.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Thanks for that beserker. I will persevere!
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
hiya, ive been on the last level of this game for weeks and its driving me bonkers!! lol .... any way to turn off the timer? or any tips please?
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
While you can't turn off the timer, you can press "space" to pause the game and this about your next move. This will help you to save some time on later levels. Also if everything is doom and gloom, you might want to try the game on easier difficulty setting - it will give you more time per level.
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
hiya, thanx so much for your reply. ill use the spacebar tip and persevere... great game by the way :)
16 years ago Quote
16 years ago Quote
Below is the e-mail I sen to Enkord support twice. I also sent one to Oberon. I purchased J of A. There are only 4 levels in in Quest mode. I finally completed all the games in each of the 4 levels. I also completed all of the games in Arcade mode. There are no more levels. There were only 7 of treasures to collect. When I finished 2 of the games in the Cell Arcade mode, it showed I had "unlocked" 13 gates. When I go back into Quest mode there are no more levels unlocked. The Treasures page shows 12 more treasures grayed out. Are there more Quest levels?? The version is 1.4. Finally got an answer from Enkord Support today Thank you for contacting Enkord. To find extra treasures you need to complete all arcade mode levels at best rank (Emperror) I tried re-playing one of the easier Arcade games to see if there was an Emperor score level. So far I keep getting "Duke". Is there a time element for each Arcade game to achieve Emperor?? Why isn't this requirement made known? Thanks
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
For the best rank you must complete the level in 25 or 30% of given time (can't remember exact percentage for sure)
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
arrrggghhh that means I'll have to play almost all Arcade games over.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Hi twinklemouse Yes, you must obtain an Emperor rank in all of the arcade games. Between us my husband and I have completed about three quarters of all the arcade games but it is really hard going and time consuming. Which difficulty level are you on? We are on the middle one. We have completed all the games in Quest mode but we have been re-trying them for ages but still cannot find any more treasure or any new games to play. Perhaps Beserker can help me with that one. I keep exploring the map but to no avail and I am just beginning to get a bit bored with it which is a shame cos I have really enjoyed playing. So come on Beserker, give me some tips PLEASE lol Anyway good luck twinklemouse
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to

We have completed all the games in Quest mode but we have been re-trying them for ages but still cannot find any more treasure or any new games to play.

Well, maybe you've completed all quest levels so there is nothing new, rest of the treasures are in arcade. And BTW, you dont obligated to find all treasures, those treasure were meant for hardcore players who wants super challenge. We never thought most of our casual players are such perfectionists and will strive to find everything :)
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Now you tell us you never intended for players to complte the game!!!! I had completed all of the arcade games and got more of the jewels...but couldn't open any of the "gates" to continue the main game. After your e-mail advising that I wold have to complete ALL of the arcade games as Emperor I went back and starting playing them again. I've played some of them a few hundred times over the last few months when I can. Very frustrating as no matter how fast I play I can't get Emperor in all of them. I agree with Ladywoman this game is a rip. And as for your comment Well, maybe you've completed all quest levels so there is nothing new, rest of the treasures are in arcade. And BTW, you dont obligated to find all treasures, those treasure were meant for hardcore players who wants super challenge. We never thought most of our casual players are such perfectionists and will strive to find everything YES WE DO EXPECT TO PLAY TO GET THE LAST TREASURE
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
Reply to

Is anyone out there playing Jewel of Atlantis. Would love to hear from you cos there are a few things that are driving me nuts!!! Cheers

See my new qoute
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I can see your disappointment, but it is not impossible. It is very hard but some people managed to do that. And Jewel of Atlantis was one of our first games, we learned our lessons and made secret stuff less frustrating in our further games.
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I'm new to gaming, so there are probably some things that are common to games that I'm not picking up on. I'm enjoying jewel of Atlantis a lot, but... What do the fish mean and how are they used? There doesn't seem to be any consistent result when the fish 'eats' one of the little symbols. Is there a way to move the cannon so that it fires in a direction that does me some good? What do the different sound effects mean, other than telling me I made a big score? I have gotten through everything on the first level, I think, including all of the arcade games. But the last quest game -- the one at the top of the mountain with the glowing blue rod -- seems unwinnable. The little jewels seem to come totally at random with no way to influence setting up the sequence to try to get the matching symbol to the locked jewel. I also notice that when I do get one of the jewels unlocked or when there are no moves left and a new screen rolls down, a jewel drops down to the bottom of the screen. Does this mean anything special, or is it just random? I've only come close to winning this challenge once, although I've placed it at least a dozen times. The frustration/annoyance level is pretty high. If there's no way to win it, there's no point in playing it. Thanks, Cheegrrr
15 years ago Quote
15 years ago Quote
I've been playing Jewel of Atlantis for two weeks. I can never find the last relic! From the Arcade mode I get 8 relics: Was uncovered by earning Emperor rank for all arcade mode Ring of the Future: "Jewels" levels Silver Cross: "Blocks" levels Ring of the Past: "Cells" levels Purple Heart: "Mixed" Levels :D Hint: you need to use the space bar to get the time! Was uncovered by completing all levels in arcade mode : Golden Oyster: "Jewels" Silver Necklace:"Blocks" Lunar Eclipse Ear-rings: "Jewels" Enchased Egg: "Mixed" In Quest Mode I get 10 relics: "Meteor Brooch": Was found to the West of an Old Keep in Southern Planes. "Ring of Lava": Was found to the North of Great Wall ruins in Volcanic Area. "Amulet of the Sun":Was found near creater of the Sunken Volcano. "Brooch of Fortune": Was found to the West of mystic Ruins in Southern Planes. "Amulet of Stars": Was hidden benearth montain ridge in Southern Planes. "Amulet of the Moon": Was found in South-East quarter of the City of Lost Souls. "Aquatic Flower" : Was found South -West of the Sacred Temple in Southern Planes. " Ankh Ear-rings": Was found under Ship Graveryard in the City of Lost Souls. "Grail of Atlantis": Was uncovered by completing all levels in quest mode. "Jewel of Atlantis": Ultimate treasure of Atlantis. They say it has ability to fulfill wishes of it's possessor. Was found at the top of the City of Lost Souls. I complete the Quest mode in Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty mode. But I can't get the "Crown of Atlantis" Where is hidden? Please help me to obtain it!
14 years ago Quote
14 years ago Quote