Made in Ukraine

New Idea - NPC towns for attack

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I thought of an idea for a new addition to the game.  Have randomly generated towns of varying size and difficulty that are NPC towns.  Same as a heroes town, we can send our armies to group attack these towns to destroy them.  We can send scouts to get an idea of the size of the town or what is inside.  Perhaps build it into a quest for added fun, or create a acheivement for defeating a certain number of towns.  We can then go on group attacks to defeat these towns, earning exp and rss from plunder and maybe distracting despots from finding other targets to amuse us ;)

I am sure we can all come up with ways to make this idea better, thought I would plant the seed.

Edited 8 minutes later by .
4 years ago
4 years ago

This would be great if you do it really.

4 years ago
4 years ago

These towns wouldn't be visible for collectivism players since they are meant for attack practice?

4 years ago
4 years ago

This will water down PvP greatly. Not gonna happen.

Edited 17 seconds later by .
4 years ago
4 years ago

Bers, I disagree.  We run out of targets to attack.  I am a despot, and this idea comes from me, a PVP.  I would not suggest something that makes my experience worse lol.  This also gives collects something to do as a team.  If you like, we can prove the point by removing all players within our age range who are not aligned ;)  Not sure this would be good for your game overall as mostly this means destroying grey and small alliances, the players who are more valuable to keep perhaps.

Edited 11 minutes later by .
4 years ago
4 years ago
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This will water down PvP greatly. Not gonna happen.

I agree.
4 years ago
4 years ago
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Bers, I disagree.  We run out of targets to attack.

There are hundreds of kingdoms there you run out of targets? I would say you run out of will to attack.

4 years ago
4 years ago
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If you like, we can prove the point by removing all players within our age range who are not aligned ;)  Not sure this would be good for your game overall as mostly this means destroying grey and small alliances, the players who are more valuable to keep perhaps.

You can do whatever you want to do as long as you do not break the rules. That's the point of this game.

4 years ago
4 years ago
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