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[SPOILER] Survey for those who beat Preddo Mountain

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  1. How long did it take to beat the location in general? >>> 4 days, in intervals - 3-4h on day 1 to climb the mountain and note everything down, checked out the mountain top with the smaller stuff (meditation practise etc) on day 2, read forum threads on cutting down the meditation time and did the meditations on days 3 and 4.
  2. What is the most frustrating part of Preddo forest maze and what is most fun for you? >>> The time it takes. Of course I can spend hours doing stuff in the game, but more enjoyable when it feels worthwhile (which is subjective of course), and the maze (just like Thornsville) isn't really worthwhile. But I understand it being about overcoming an obstacle and being patient and precise, so in that sense it sets the tone for what is at the mountain top.
  3. What clue did you use to find the right exit? How many NPC get lucky to have your help in the forest? Do you remember exactly who they were? >>> I fed 2 animals (dear and boar, didn't have meat for a 3rd), and helped the Monk, the Undertaker, the Snowman, the Ghost and the Yeti, I think.
  4. Do you think you managed to explore all Preddo forest before entering the monastery territory? If not would you be happy to turn back and explore after? >>> I think I explored quite a bit, there are probably a couple more NPCs and of course secrets. I won't go back to explore more.
  5. How hard it was for you to find a way to the Preddo Monastery in general? >>> 6/10, I found it more tedious (10/10) than hard.
  6. What was your general impression of the monastery location? >>> I enjoyed it but thought there could be a bit more to it. Maybe I am missing something, but more of the buildings could be interactive etc?
  7. What was your general impression of Preddo Monastery inhabitants? >>> I liked them and what they had to say. We all need a bit of ZEN in our lives from time to time, and also remember to question our views and how we do things.
  8. What was your general impression of Athamaguru the main monk? Are there any of his points of view that were close to you personally? >>> Yes, see previous response also. There was also one part, I think it was in his text, where he mentioned the meteor and that people started to fight each other after its impact, which made me wonder if they might have started fighting anyways even if the meteor had never happened. As in the anger/frustration/hate is always already there, and the "official catalyst" is merely a final spark or just an excuse. I might be overinterpreting, but writing this to show I enjoyed the dialogue and found it thoughtprovoking.
  9. What was your general impression on tests that Athamaguru gave you? Which one you like or dislike the most? >>> I liked them all although peaking through the forum a bit made things quite easy. So I actually think this could be harder.
  10. Have you had any serious difficulties understanding how to pass the greed test? >>> I knew right away I had to give something valuable, but wasn't sure how. Then sort of accidentally threw something down the cliff while I was still perusing my inventory, that was a bit funny.
  11. What about the strength test? What was your personal experience in the cave with monsters? >>> I knew the gist beforehand, so also felt this could be more difficult/complex.
  12. Have you managed to speed up oak tree growth a little? >>> Yes, I speeded it up quite a bit (at least felt so to me). Not the first round, but every meditation was around 1h, 1.5h and 2h max for the last one.
  13. What kind of items did you find in Preddo Mountain and it's surrounding? >>> Nothing out of the ordinary, the usual goodies.
  14. How many secrets did you find in Preddo Mountain? >>> None so far, but I wasn't looking at all.
  15. Did you find all gems in Preddo Mountain? >>> Most certainly not.
  16. How did you like conversations in Preddo Mountain? Did they catch your attention or standing in your way? Are they too long/descriptive or good enough? Have you noticed the interactivity of them and various options that are unlocked in conversations depending on certain conditions? >>> I enjoyed them and will pay attention to options the next time I go again. The "small" characters always seem a bit too simple tbh.
  17. How do you compare Preddo Mountain with a) previous main quest locations like Opposition Hideout/Keepers Village/Ruins of New Kyiv b) Karfafree c)Thornsville d)Gypsy Tabor e) original Totem Tribe locations if you played it. >>> Each of the larger on (Karf, Thornsville, Tabor, Preddo) is good when I am in right the mood for it. 
  18. How do you like the size of Preddo Mountain in terms of content? Too big / could be split into multiple locations? Too small? Good enough? >>> Just right, possibly with even more interaction/depth at the mountain top.
  19. State any other things you have found interesting in Preddo Mountain, not mentioned specifically above. >>> Years ago I had already mentioned in other surveys that I would like locations to go "into the air" somehow as opposed to all the dark and gloomy dungeons, caves, mines etc. So visually for me this was a step in the right direction, but I'd still like a set of locations that take this further.
  20. What do you think about this storyline? >>> Tbh I always think storyline is a big word for what could be told (in theory) with a few sentences. It is one step closer to the end of the Act, possibly to the Bronze Spere, and possibly to Jack of Swords, but could also be just one step towards knowing a little bit more but not a whole lot. But that's ok and maybe intended to be that way?
7 months ago Quote
7 months ago Quote
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  1. There was also one part, I think it was in his text, where he mentioned the meteor and that people started to fight each other after its impact, which made me wonder if they might have started fighting anyways even if the meteor had never happened. As in the anger/frustration/hate is always already there, and the "official catalyst" is merely a final spark or just an excuse. I might be overinterpreting, but writing this to show I enjoyed the dialogue and found it thoughtprovoking.

This is a reference to the Totem Tribe 1 :)

7 months ago Quote
7 months ago Quote
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